“Mother’s love knows no boundaries” is something Rainy would definitely say if she could speak.
When this brave momma dog was found in the heavy rain, she did everything in her power to protect her baby. The two were stuck under a car after being cruelly abandoned by their owners, as they had no other place to hide.
All they could do was wait for someone kind enough to extend them a friendly hand. And that someone was Hiridas!
They Had Nowhere To Go

Hiridas, the long-time rescuer at The Pets Masters, just headed to his car on a rainy day when he heard loud whimpering sounds underneath. When he took a closer look, his heart broke.
It was an adult female dog and her week-old puppy hiding there. For things to be worse, both dogs had wet coats from the rain.

Someone cruelly abandoned these sweet pups in the storm, and all they could do was hide somewhere to protect themselves. When they finally saw another hooman trying to reach them, the momma panicked.
She was evidently still in shock from her previous traumatic experience. Unlike her baby, she stood beyond reach and begged the rescuer not to harm her puppy.
But, when Hiridas scooped her pup, she immediately ran out from under the car and followed him. She didn’t want to lose her baby out of sight, even for one bit. Despite the fear, she proved her mother’s love and stuck close enough to see it.

Eventually, the giant-hearted man took both the mom and her baby and placed them in the back of his car. When the mom, later named Rainy, finally relaxed, he covered them with a soft blankie to make them warm.
Finally, A Shelter

It didn’t take long for Hiridas to decide to keep both Rainy and her pup, Rainbow, in his home. He knew that the two would not make it on their own, so he took care of them for the entire week.
After some TLC in a new home, the pups were taken to the vet for their first checkup and vaccine. Unfortunately, Rainbow still wasn’t healthy enough to receive her first shot and she needed to wait a few more days.
During that time, she received meds and followed a strict meal plan, which ultimately led to complete recovery.

It took Rainy and Rainbow only a couple of weeks to transform into brand-new dogs. Rainy rarely missed the opportunity to shower Hiridas with so many kisses, as if she was trying to thank him for saving her and her baby.
Rainbow, on the other hand, blossomed into one cheerful pup. She followed her momma everywhere and became the entertainer of the house.
The original plan for these two lovely furballs was to have them adopted by a kind family. But, as there were no potential adopters for months, Hiridas decided to keep them for good.

The sweet canines now reside next to their hooman savior, and they couldn’t be happier about it.
Rainbow is a big girl now, but she’s still a puppy at heart. She and her mom don’t know life without each other, and they make every day an adventure.
After all the hardship they had been through, both Rainy and Rainbow are finally at the place where they deserved to be a long time ago. But they have no regrets, as now they have the best home ever!