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Woman From North Carolina Was Running With Her Dogs When She Suddenly Saw Something Surprising

Woman From North Carolina Was Running With Her Dogs When She Suddenly Saw Something Surprising

Ali Tisdall lives on a farm in Spring Creek, a small community located in Madison County, North Carolina, and cares for many animals. 

Although she is an animal lover in general, dogs have a special place in her heart. That is the main reason why she started a rescue organization for dogs who needed help in this specific area. 

That organization soon emerged into something bigger as she opened an online shop for farmers and farm enthusiasts, under the name Pretty Sweet Acres

However, the most interesting part of this project was born soon after she brought goats to her farm. 

“What Is Happening!?”

Many of the dogs this big-hearted woman saved in Spring Creek became her foster fails, so now she has many furry friends with whom she can spend her free time. 

Just one day, she went running with her dogs on the country road, and it seemed that nothing could surprise them. 

woman with two dogs and a goat
Source: Ali Tisdall

However, then something happened that completely shocked this woman — when she turned around, she saw her three goats running after her and her dogs

Ali couldn’t resist recording this incredible scene and posted the video on her Instagram profile, @prettysweetacres. 

“I guess I run with goats now 🐐,” she wrote in the caption of the video. 

In the video itself, we can hear Ali saying, “My goats won’t stop following me, you gotta be kidding,” but still she continues to run with them and somewhat even enjoy this completely new experience. 

On their route, numerous animals come out to the fence and greet them, while on the other side, astonished drivers pass them in a wide arc, asking themselves, “What is happening here!?”

In the end, when they all reach the finish line together, Ali realizes that this was actually one of the best experiences of her life. 

Goat Run Club

woman surrounded with dogs and goats
Source: Ali Tisdall

Many drivers who were passing by in their cars in Madison County, North Carolina that day, could see with their own eyes this unbelievable scene. 

However, since Ali shared the video with her followers, many other people from all around the world had the honor to witness it. The video itself attracted a lot of attention and there were many comments. 

“This is hilarious 😂,” one user wrote, while the other added: “The dogs are wondering why the goats get to be off leash 😂.”

“This is the only run club I want to be a part of,” another user wrote. 

Actually, just because of her incredible goats, Ali founded the Goat Run Club — the most interesting part of Pretty Sweet Acres. Although there may not have been many interested people until now, we are sure that after watching this video everyone will want to run with goats.