How often can you see a stuffed animal randomly moving in a basket?
Don’t worry, it’s not magic or any of the creepy horror stuff – just what turned out to be the most hilarious thing ever!
A Kentucky animal expert, Brigette Brouillard, witnessed this absurd scene, and for a while – she was in shock until she realized what was really happening!
Yeti’s Favorite Go-To Spot

Brigette, the founder of Second Chances Wildlife Center, from Louisville, Kentucky, has always been fond of wild animals. This giant-hearted animal expert has saved countless animal lives over the years.
Her facility was established in 2009 as a trusted rehabilitation and education center. Since then, the SCWC team has been on the mission to help injured, displaced, or orphaned animals like bats, skunks, raccoons, or squirrels.
One of their permanent guests is a little leucistic opossum called Yeti.

Yeti was saved after she was struck by a car. She arrived at the facility as a special-needs animal, with road rash, one eye, jaw fractures, and neurological issues. Since then, Yeti has been in constant care – and she seemed to really like her new place!
One day, Brigette was unable to find her, as Yeti did a really good job hiding!
She saw one of the stuffed animals moving in a basket! When she looked a little closer, she saw Yeti right there, moving among other stuffies and trying to make herself comfortable.
“Yeti has a favorite “go-to” spot when it’s her turn out to excercise. She manages to climb in the Egyptian fruit bat stuffed animal baskets. We are pretty glad she is able to do this,” the SCWC team wrote.

At first, Brigette was quite shocked, as she was pretty much convinced that Yeti wasn’t able to reach the basket in the first place. But, Yeti proved her wrong!
It seems that this little opossum did such a good job adapting to her new environment that she even learned how to impress everyone. And, sure, she got a little cozy nap – just as a bonus!
Enjoying Her Cozy Home

Over time, Yeti’s condition improved significantly. She gained some weight, got rid of fleas and infection, and started acclimating to her new home. Due to her disability, Yeti was admitted to the facility as a permanent resident, as she’s not able to get back to nature.
“Obviously, with these impairments, she is not releasable. She will live her best life with specific care for her special needs. She does enjoy her time out and about exploring,” the team wrote.
With every new day, Yeti’s doing so much better. She enjoys the Center and her new friends very much, and you can just tell from the look on her face that even though she’s not in her original habitat, she’s quite happy!

Yeti absolutely loves fruits, and in the Center, she gets plenty! On top of all that, she always finds cozy places to nap, like her caregivers’ shoes, soft blankies, and recently, a basket of toys!
What she doesn’t like is to be held by anyone, but she sure is one of the gentlest residents in the Louisville rehab center.
“She is very gentle but does not love to be held. Yeti definitely knows who her caregiver has been,” they wrote.
Safe and loved, Yeti’s definitely living the luxurious, comfortable life she always needed!