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California Woman Convinced Her Puppy Would Grow Into A ‘Cute Dog,’ But The Reality Was Shocking

California Woman Convinced Her Puppy Would Grow Into A ‘Cute Dog,’ But The Reality Was Shocking

One thing that is really reliable when adopting a puppy is that we can usually picture how they will look when they grow up.

In fact, that is about the only thing that really changes about them. Their playful and outgoing attitude is something that will always be there.

However, when it comes to this woman from California, things didn’t quite turn out the way she had expected. 

She adopted a sweet puppy, but then noticed something odd about her as she was growing up.

Is It The Same Dog?!

When the owner first adopted her dog from a shelter in California, she was a beautiful puppy and she had very dark fur. One could even mistake it for a bigger dog breed.

However, the owner didn’t specify which breed her dog was, so the best guess was a Whippet and Terrier mix.

There was no way to be sure, but it didn’t really matter in the end. As the puppy grew up, her owner started to notice changes in her.

However, they were not small changes. Her fur was starting to change color completely, and by the time she was a full-grown pup, she didn’t even look like herself.

This surprised her owner because she was confused as to how this could even happen. It was not a small change in her appearance. In fact, she transformed into a completely different dog.

She also thought that it was a bit comical. She thought her pup would grow up to be ‘cute’, but then this happened, so she decided to take before and after photos.

Even The Internet Is Confused

After taking the photos of her dog, the woman decided to post them on her TikTok account. And, just as expected, a lot of people wrote in the comments with interesting remarks.

One person commented: “Are you sure no one switched out your dog?

I’m not gonna lie… I would be asking the same questions if I didn’t spend every day with this dog. Such a big change doesn’t just happen every day.

Another person said: “Get her haircut 100% different look. I used to have a Terrier mix to. He looked like a whole different dog when his hair was cut.

Well, I guess that is just one solution, but I don’t think the owner really thinks her dog is ‘ugly’. She is just joking around about her appearance. 

Lastly, somebody commented: “Lmfao… not me buying a toy poodle/ terrier mix bc she looked sad but 100% I have a feeling this will be her bc her hair is already wild.

Well, I guess this person will just have to wait and find out. Nevertheless, I’m sure they will end up loving their furry companion.

Either way, I think that this unusual pup is living her best life and I have no doubt that her owner loves her. Even though she is different from what the owner expected, she is still a very sweet dog and that is all that matters.


She’s still cute she’s just ugly cute😭🫶she looks like a teddy bear when she’s brushed @Madi and I recommend going to my page and doing some research before u comment bc it will just get deleted oh and go add her TikTok if u wanna see more of her daily content @Moomies

♬ original sound – Anjali