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Woman From California Bought A ‘Boyfriend Pillow’ For Herself But Her Dog Had Other Plans

Woman From California Bought A ‘Boyfriend Pillow’ For Herself But Her Dog Had Other Plans

If there is one thing I will never get tired of, it’s seeing dogs react to the most unusual things in life. I swear, it’s what makes life with them just that entertaining.

I always loved the expression of my dog when we did or showed him something he didn’t understand. He would either love it or hate it.

In case he hated it, we would take it away from him so he wouldn’t get upset. Nevertheless, it’s moments like these that we found really special.

And, it was no different for this owner. Rebecca Adam bought herself a ‘boyfriend pillow’, and noticed that her dog had an interesting reaction to it.

It’s Not Yours Anymore

dog with pillow
Source: @rebecky_adam

When Rebecca first took the boyfriend pillow to her house in California, she bought it for herself and didn’t expect that her dog, Nugget, would have any reaction to it.

However, the surprise came later when she found out that her pup did indeed love the pillow very much and took it for himself.

Rebecca took note of that and soon realized that she was never going to get her pillow back from Nugget. In fact, the pillow rarely ever left the dog’s side.

woman and sweet dog
Source: @rebecky_adam

At one point, she thought about taking it away from him, but she didn’t have the heart to. She saw just how happy he was cuddling with the pillow.

Rebecca also noted that Nugget was not a cuddly dog. He doesn’t like cuddling with other people, which is why it’s unusual that he likes this pillow so much.

She also said that this would not be a one-time thing. Nugget has pretty much taken control over the pillow and he’s not giving it back. 

What Did The Internet Say

black dog on a pillow
Source: @rebecky_adam

After posting the entire clip of Nugget hugging the pillow, it’s safe to say that there were many engaging and interesting reactions to it from other people.

One person commented: “Not him looking at you like you’re interrupting! This is adorable.

Well, it does seem like Nugget was having the time of his life when he was interrupted by his owner. This pup really likes his new pillow… there’s no arguing that.

Another person said: “I was sooooo weirded out by the way the person was laying, then as it got closer, I was like ohhhhhh a puppy.

black dog sleeping
Source: @rebecky_adam

Well, I have to admit, no matter how you look at it, it does look a little strange, but the dog seems to be enjoying his new pillow and that is all that matters.

Lastly, somebody commented: “I have a curved body pillow and my chihuahua did the same thing.

So, there is something to the idea that the shape of the pillow matters and is the reason why the dogs love them so much. It’s good to know.

I think it’s safe to say that these reactions provide good insight into our furry companions, and it might be a good idea for all of us to consider getting our dogs a pillow for cuddles.