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Witness This Blind Dog’s Reaction When She Visits Her Grandma From Texas

Witness This Blind Dog’s Reaction When She Visits Her Grandma From Texas

Dogs are just so special. Everything they do makes people want to love them. They are our perfect little companions and I don’t even want to imagine a world without them.

They can always make us feel good, even when all of the problems and the stress of daily life just seem too much.

And, we love them back for being so amazing. They always rely on us to make their lives whole, and that is incredibly important.

This senior Chihuahua from Texas has been dealing with a lot of issues in her life, but despite all of this, she is still surrounded by so many amazing people who love her, and that is what we will be talking about today.

Grace’s Best Friend

Ever since she was a puppy, it was inevitable that Grace would be afflicted with blindness, but that has barely changed her.

She was born with inherited glaucoma, so it was almost certain that she would end up blind at some point in her life.

Despite her blindness, Grace is a very cheerful dog who just adores spending time with the people she loves most.

One of her favorite activities is visiting her grandma, Gigi, who is her best friend. The two of them have a lot of fun together.

Even though she can’t see her best friend, the sound of her voice is more than enough to get Grace always excited because she knows her grandma is there with her.

Whenever Gigi comes to visit, she tries to slowly help Grace realize she is there. At first, she calls for her, and the pup is a bit confused.

Grace Overcame All The Odds

However, the moment she realizes, she immediately runs to the sound of her voice. Grace’s mom, Shelby, told The Dodo: “It’s pretty incredible how well Grace has adjusted to being blind.

Her mom couldn’t believe how she stayed so happy throughout the years despite the fact that she can’t see. It’s honestly a miracle.

Despite her blindness, she still likes to walk around and hang out with other people, but her favorite activity is napping with her family.

Shelby continues by saying: “She would prefer to be held like a baby, cuddled up.

Grace’s mom understands what it means when she comes to her. She always wants to spend time with the people closest to her.

Grandma is her best friend, but she is pretty much friendly to everyone she meets. Her family is so happy to have her.

In the end, even though Grace has a lot of problems, it has never changed her. She is still a high-spirited pup and it goes to show just how much her family loves her. 

I wish for all puppies with disabilities to be treated as well as Grace. They are all our lovable furballs and it’s up to us to give them the life that they deserve.