The Cavapoochon is a real up and comer in the dog world, becoming more and more popular in the US and the world in general, but what is unique about the white Cavapoochon and its other color variants?
Well, firstly, the white Cavapoochon and all its other variants are a form of tri hybrid dog, where not two, but three different dog breeds were mixed together and have created this absolute beauty of a dog.
It’s done through mixing the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel together with a Poodle first to form the ever-loved Cavapoo which was sought after for its hypoallergenic coat and overall good health and behavioral practices.
Then, said Cavapoo was crossbred with the Bichon Frise and you get the lovely Cavapoochon, an even fluffier version of the Cavapoo that still retains all of its parent breeds good qualities.
Alternatively, you can use a Cavachon which is a mix between a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and a Bichon Frise and crossbred him with a Poodle to get the same results.
The only problem that you may face is trying to get the right traits considering you’re getting a mixed bag from three different sources and that’s even more chaotic than just trying to cross two different dog breeds for obvious reasons.
The colors themselves are especially tough to get right as some color combinations may be exceedingly rare.
But the question then remains, is it worth going through all this trouble of going through two to three generations of dogs to get this cuddly little teddy bear doggo or is it better to just stick with the simpler two-breed cross breeds?
Well, it’s time to find out what characteristics this unique little mix possesses and whether or not it may be worth your time to look into them and potential breeders in your area.
Be sure to read on to find out and see what other people have been asking about the breed to see whether or not this dog breed is right for you.
A Little Bit Of History On The Cavapoochon

As mentioned before, this breed is relatively young, only coming to light in 2001, developed by two breeders, Linda and Steven Rogers.
Their initial breed of choice was the Cavachon, previously stated to be the mix of a Bichon Frise and a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel since their initial foray into breeding back in 1996 as it was rising up in popularity and they wanted to make the safe bet.
One where they could raise dogs to give to loving families and could still make a living off doing what they love.
However, they decided to add onto the Cavachon’s already wonderful traits by wanting to make him hypoallergenic as they were losing quite a few customers who didn’t like how often the Cavachon would shed.
So, they introduced the poodle into the mix and crossbred the two to try and eliminate that one detrimental trait, and ended up with the Cavapoochon, a pretty successful experiment at the end of things, I might add.
He had every desirable trait that an average family might want who doesn’t exactly have a lot of space to keep a larger dog around.
First, the pooch was small, meaning he didn’t need a lot of space.
Second, he didn’t shed so there wasn’t much clean-up needed and costs were lower for grooming supplies as well, albeit not eliminated.
Third, the breed is incredibly playful and friendly with both children and other dogs, so behavior problems were almost non-existent.
Fourth, it has an incredibly adorable appearance thanks to its naturally fluffy coat, making it a good comfort animal and a great cuddler.
The aforementioned couple is one of the very few breeders out there who actually breed them as many others find the whole process of getting to them troublesome, not to mention the wild variance of going with a tri hybrid dog breed in the first place.
Thankfully, the official breeders that do exist often breed ones that have very little health issues, if any, aside from ones that may be contracted down the line.
This makes the cost of a Cavapoochon puppy to be a bit too steep for some families, reaching ranges that hit anywhere between $2000 to $3000 which is a big investment and a sizable detriment considering the target audience.
There’s also the added shipping fees in case you aren’t near one of these breeders which could be likely given their scarcity.
The other downside for dog owners who may want to participate in dog shows is the fact that the breed still isn’t certified by the AKC (American Kennel Club) as an official one, meaning it won’t be accepted into conformation shows and the like.
This is even more reason as to why people tend to think twice when they see the price of a Cavapoochon.
That said, it’s not all bad.
What Does The Cavapoochon Look Like?

Cavapoochons carry the appearance of a toy, with their appearance never really shifting once they reach adulthood.
Some say they’re stuck in perpetual youth given their resemblance to a stuffed teddy-bear and that if you put a toy version of it next to the real deal, you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference if the real one didn’t move.
Their overall appearance doesn’t resemble any of the three parent breeds and ultimately ends up being a mix of the various traits of the tree melding with one another to get something totally new.
Though it often gets confused for the Cockapoo, the Cocker Spaniel and Poodle mix.
Regardless, their appearance is what gave them their initial popularity and what keeps driving it up to this very day.
Sure, the other benefits help in that regard too, but the visuals are what everyone first gets introduced to with anything new, and the Cavapoochon is no exception.
What About Their Coat?

The Cavapoochon’s curly coat is soft and fluffy, but still relatively thick so you can sink your hand into it and get a proper handful.
To a degree, it feels like wool texture wise and some Cavapoochons can even resemble small sheep if you squint your eyes hard enough.
Though, despite all of that hair, the Cavapoochon doesn’t really shed all that much. This is due to the genes inherited from the Poodle parent which was the main intent of creating this cross breed in the first place.
This makes it a lot easier to clean up after them and baths won’t end up clogging your drain.
They’re hypoallergenic too which make them ideal options for people who are more allergy prone.
As far as their color goes, you’ve seen me mention the white Cavapoochon early on, but there are plenty of other options too.
I’ve simply put some emphasis on it as it’s definitely one of the breed’s most captivating coat color options, and it’s the white that makes him look like the cutest little sheep ever.
The full list of options is as follows:
- Black – The black coated Cavapoochons look like they came straight out of a cartoon as their eyes often end up getting concealed by the fur due to the color similarity, making them appear like they’re overgrown a bit. The color is referred to as blue by some.
- White – A color that makes the Cavapoochon look similar to that of a young sheep who just got its fleece come in fully and who can easily camouflage themselves in the snow.
- Cream – A slightly off-color version of the white coat option, but still lovely in its own right
- Red – While not exactly fully red, this is the shade that makes them look the most like a bear, given the more striking brownish orange
- Sable – A coat color which gives a certain visual of an aged dog, as if the fur had begun to fade in color, leaving only black tips on some spots of the doggo’s otherwise gray coat.
- Apricot – A warmer color option resembling that of the skin of a fresh apricot, a very light, whitish orange that gives the dog a creamy appearance, in a sense, only further adding on to his sweetness
- Blenheim – An interesting color pattern that’s mostly white with splotches of brown around the ears and eyes and parts of his body. This one can manifest if the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel’s genes are the dominant ones.
It makes him resemble a St. Bernard to a degree
Aside from these, there are various mixes that utilize the main colors appearing in these ones while making completely new patterns.
Some of the better known ones are:
- Apricot and white
- Black, tan and white
- Black and white
- Black and tan
How Big Does The Cavapoochon Get?

These mini munchkins don’t get too big.
The average Cavapoochon size will be around 14-ish inches, give or take a few, with the minimum size usually being a mere 9 inches at the shoulder.
Weight-wise, they’ll max out at around 19 to 20 pounds of weight and should be kept around that area once they reach it to not risk obesity or malnourishment.
This compact size, however, does have the benefit of being able to carry your dog in a handbag in case he gets tired from walking, though they do enjoy their walks too.
If you insist on carrying him around in your bag, do make sure to potty train him beforehand to avoid any unwanted accidents.
Their size, however, plays well with living space as they won’t require a lot of it, so even owners of smaller apartments can get one of these cute dogs to fill the space out with love and affection.
What Kind Of Dog Is The Cavapoochon Like?

Considering the breed itself is a mixed bag, it should come as no surprise to find out that their personality is the exact same, a combination of the three parent breeds to a T which can manifest in different ways, albeit most of them positive.
To get a better hang of what you should expect, let’s take a quick look at the personality of the parent breeds first so we can better understand why the Cavapoochon is the way that he is.
The Personality Of The Bichon Frise
The Bichon Frise is a wonderful and friendly pupper, always ready to play with kids and other dogs, as well as other humans in general.
He shows a great deal of affection to anyone who interacts positively with him and is kind toward strangers.
Known to be an overall calm breed who won’t snap at strangers, these pups make for ideal pets.
They’re extremely playful too and they have plenty of energy to facilitate that.
Though, as with most dogs who are that loyal to their owners and love being around others, they do tend to suffer from separation anxiety quite heavily, often falling to stints of depression if you’re not around your home for a while.
This is arguably the only thing which can make the Bichon Frise show his more aggressive side which will often make your furniture or your shoes the victim of it.
Any of these can end up translating over to your dear Cavapoochon, so do be wary of that.
The Personality Of The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
The second parent is the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, arguably the longest name for a pure breed out there, but that doesn’t take away from its many positive traits.
Similar to that of the Bichon Frise, they’re incredibly loyal and love being around people and other dogs.
They’re tempered in their approach from the get go and don’t require a lot of early socialization to get them to behave properly around kids or other dogs like plenty of other breeds may need.
That said, they do have their social batteries that need to recharge from time to time.
They may love to jump around a lot, but they do love their sleep just as much if not more, enjoying their naps before getting back out there to expend the energy they just recovered.
This is due to their breed history of being hunting dogs with a high prey drive, enjoying any games and activities that involve chasing either a thrown ball or stick, or chasing after others.
And again, while not as severe as the Bichon Frise’s separation anxiety issues, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel too suffers from a degree of it if left alone for too long and may end up developing some destructive behavior.
The Personality Of The Toy Poodle
The final parent’s personality traits are arguably the ones that translate the most often given how usually, the Poodle makes up half of a Cavapoochon.
The Doodle is a very intelligent animal, always adoring some sort of mental challenge alongside the physical which is why toys like treat dispensers or other puzzle toys are popular with this small dog.
You’d be surprised to know that they’re considered to be the second most intelligent dog breed, right after the Border Collie.
On top of that, the Poodle is loyal to a fault.
It’s these two traits that combine well together to give way to a dog that’s relatively easy to train with little to no misunderstandings or subordination if treated well.
They consider it a game and will eagerly play along.
The Poodles are pretty great empaths too, capable of sussing out your emotional state and coming to the rescue the best way they know how, by being there and cuddling up next to you.
However, Poodles aren’t all sunshine and rainbows, they certainly have their own flaws too, which have a higher likelihood of translating over to the Cavapoochon which could be a problem.
Namely, Poodles, while loyal to their master, are extremely wary of strangers, being either too shy to interact with them or way too aggressive if said stranger makes the wrong move and ends up being way too forward.
They can get relatively testy during training though as they have their own sense of pride to a degree which is why it’s always important to stand your ground with them to help them better understand what’s right and what isn’t.
This sort of behavior, however, can be quelled through early socialization as dogs are often most impressionable when they’re still in their puppy stages, which can help set a good foundation for further training and the dog’s overall behavior.
The Personality Of A Cavapoochon
Finally, it’s the Cavapoochon’s turn.
As you’ve seen, there are a few similarities between the three breeds in terms of behavior, but also a number of contradicting personality traits, namely the level of friendliness toward strangers.
However, the negative ones are trumped by the positive ones in most cases and you’re sure to have a well adjusted doggo on your hands.
One that’s both loyal, intelligent both intellectually and emotionally as well as someone who absolutely adores going out and playing with others, even kids and other dogs.
It also adores its rest much like the Cavalier King Charles, so you may see your cute little teddy bear sound asleep throughout the day at one of his known charge locations.
However, they also inherit that separation anxiety, often growing sad if you or any other member of the family is around to help entertain it, but he won’t hold any grudge against you over it.
Other than that, the breed tends to cover everything else well in terms of personality, grabbing the best traits that it could to make itself one of the best ones around presently.
How Much Of A Physical Workout Does A Cavapoochon Need Daily?

Following up on these personality traits, it’s good to mention just how often you will need to take this doggo out for a walk and what form of physical exertion actually satisfies him.
The Cavapoochon is inherently a more mentally active dog than he is physically, despite his eagerness to play.
He doesn’t have a lot of room to store energy for, so he tuckers himself out relatively quickly and heads off to take a nap.
Anywhere around 20 to 30 minutes of light exercise, be it walks to the dog park or some more paced playtime should be more than enough for him.
He can always do more, but make sure he doesn’t overexert himself.
Try focusing more on getting him some of the more stationary toys that he can focus his attention onto, be it treat dispensers or various other puzzle toys that he’d need to figure out, he’ll have a blast with them while he rests a little.
Of course, another great form of exercise that doesn’t require much movement on his part are chew toys.
It’ll be a great way to not only help him occupy his time during resting periods from walking and running, but they can also be a solid distraction in case you have to go out for a bit.
And What About Food?

Given their small stature, Cavapoochons don’t need to pack in too much food on a daily basis. About a 1 and 1/4 of a cup for an adult should be fine, split into three to four meals.
The measurement used would be high quality dry dog food as it’s always meant to be the most nutritious of the options.
While wet dog food can be used as a treat every now and then, it’s not good for the dog’s teeth if used more often as it often stains them, despite being the more preferred option for many dogs.
Human food is a somewhat acceptable substitute, but be careful about how much you’re feeding them as it can quickly get out of hand for a small breed like the Cavapoochon.
If you’re wondering on which exact product to use, I suggest orientating yourself based on what Cavachon or Cavapoo puppies prefer and going from there, as it’ll be mostly similar to the Cavapoochon.
As always, you’ll want something that has a bit more calories when your Cavapoochon is but a pup, something protein rich to help build mass and lean muscle fiber until he reaches his full size and hits adulthood.
You’ll want something with calcium and phosphorus too to help reinforce bone structure and joints so that there aren’t any problems regarding them when he grows older.
Various prebiotic fiber and probiotics are a welcome addition too as they help maintain health of the stomach’s gut flora and the healthy bacteria that make it up to keep his immune system functioning properly.
A few other things come to mind, but these are the most important things to remember.
One more thing I’d like to add is that you should portion your dog’s meals properly in order to teach them how to pace themselves and properly chew their food instead of just gulping it up which can lead to a variety of problems later down the line.
What Are Some Of The More Common Cavapoochon Health Problems?

Despite its many pluses, the breed does have a number of detriments, mostly tied to its health as none can escape health issues, no matter how perfect they may be.
Some of the most common problems revolve around the dog’s eyes, whether it’s them drying out or swelling up, or similar, infections can happen.
While the standard problems of entropion and progressive retinal atrophy that its parent breeds tend to suffer from have been weeded out in most cases, they can pop up from time to time in some rarer ones, so do be wary of that.
Aside from eye problems, Cavapoochons are quite prone to ear infections due to the way their fur grows into their ears which leaves them vulnerable to it.
It’s a trait they got from their Poodle parents as not everything managed to get eliminated in the breeding process.
The odds of this happening can be mitigated with regular ear cleaning though, just make sure to do regular ear maintenance by using a cotton pad and he should be fine for the most part.
Another detrimental trait they’ve inherited from their Poodle side is being prone to epilepsy and seizures in general, making the poor doggos extremely sensitive to flashing lights.
While some manage to avoid it, most don’t and it’s worth knowing this ahead of time as it may save your dog’s life.
The condition can be treated with medication, but what’s important is that you’re always near your pup just in case an episode hits so you can make sure he’s not near any object that may pose a hazard to him.
Also make sure to get him in a position where he won’t move around as much while he’s having an epileptic attack so anything else can be avoided until he recovers.
Finally, one detrimental thing that has carried over from the Bichon Frise is the breed’s predisposition toward heart issues, namely PTA (Patent Ductus Arteriosus).
The condition is caused when the ductus arteriosus fails to contract at birth which can cause fluid build up in the left side of the heart, making it work harder due to an improperly closed system.
This has several levels of severity, from mild which poses only a little bit of hardship, to medium and greater which can lead to an enlarged left side of the heart and a number of progressively worsening issues.
Things like difficulty breathing, a heart murmur and even congenital heart failure somewhere down the line if left untreated.
Thankfully, treatment options do exist, normally revolving around surgery so the Ductus Arteriosus can properly be tied off and closed so the heart can maintain normal function, as well as utilizing medication post surgery to help the dog recover.
What Are The Cavapoochon’s Grooming Requirements?

Grooming is something that you definitely won’t have a hard time with when it comes to the white Cavapoochon or any other particular coat variant of the breed thanks to their non-shedding nature.
You’ll only need to do weekly maintenance on his wavy coat through the use of a slicker brush, a gentler variant that easily combs through soft hair that’ll help deal with mats and tangles with ease.
You can even give him a haircut, though I’d let a professional groomer do that.
It helps scoop up any small, stray hairs that can be found within the fur, as well as any of the dirt, debris, and especially dandruff which appears commonly on a Cavapoochon’s coat.
And sure, the Cavapoochon is hypoallergenic, but miniscule amounts of fur will always be around, just not in an amount that would cause an allergic reaction.
Do make sure to give him a bath too every now and then, somewhere around once every 6 to 8 weeks should be ideal, but I’d advise consulting with your vet on the suggested period.
Many of you may think that this may feel a bit too long of a waiting time between baths, but most dogs don’t really need to be cleaned any more often than that unless they’re suffering from a skin infection or similar.
That’s because their skin is a lot thinner than ours is and scrubbing away too many layers may lead to further skin irritation and infection if one’s not careful.
Oh, and make sure the shampoo is pH balanced for dogs, as they can’t use most of our shampoos due to the difference in pH levels between our skin and theirs.
In Conclusion
The White Cavapoochon and all of its other variants are a great mixed breed dog option and shouldn’t be overlooked.
Sure, the breeder options are quite scarce and the breed can get quite expensive, but they’re small, healthy, have hypoallergenic fur and are extremely loyal and playful dogs which make for good family pets.
They’re easy to train and they look absolutely adorable.
You won’t have many hardships in raising one if you can manage to deal with the issues regarding separation anxiety.
Just make sure these mini munchkins have something to occupy their minds with where they can flex their mental prowess while you’re not around.
That said, if that part can’t be accomplished, then you may want to rethink about getting a dog in the first place considering how much of a time investment it can be.
Though, I assure you that it’s well worth the trouble with how much love and affection they’ll shower you with.
I do hope that this article has helped you understand the nuances of this exceptional dog breed that’s still relatively young in comparison to some of the more prominent ones.
I also hope that it has helped you make a decision on whether or not it’s the right one for you.
Whatever the case may be, I’m sure you’ll end up making the right choice. Until next time.