We’ve all been there, wondering if our doggo is the right size for its age. And it is entirely normal to think about it. We want what is best for our dogs! That means thinking about their size and whether they are growing at a proper rate.
And, when we have such unique-looking dogs like Whippets, it can be even more difficult to know how they should look. Size matters when it comes to our dog’s health. We have to know if they gain enough weight as puppies or too much.
The same question stays when they reach adulthood. Is my Whippet too big or too small? What is normal?
There is a Whippet growth chart to ease your mind and help you with all of your questions. From birth to adulthood, this chart covers all the necessary information about the growth of this sleek and beautiful dog breed.
Let’s get into it.
Whippet Growth Chart

Before we see the Whippet growth chart, we have to emphasize that each dog is unique. We will talk about the influencing factors that can change the average size of a Whippet later. But, in general, there are results gathered over years from male and female dogs that combined represent the average Whippet size.
We will talk about the size that is accepted by the AKC (American Kennel Club), and we will mention the height and weight of both sexes.
Whippet Growth Chart For A Male
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Whippet Growth Chart For A Female
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Whippet Growth Through Different Life Stages

As you can see from the Whippet growth chart above, there are slight differences between a male and a female Whippet. In general, a male Whippet is slightly taller and has slightly more weight than a female Whippet.
Bear in mind that there are sometimes male Whippet dogs that are smaller than females and vice versa. This doesn’t necessarily mean that your dog is not normal. There are many factors that can influence the dog’s size and we will mention them and explain them all later.
For now, let’s focus on each life stage of a Whippet and what it means in terms of the Whippet’s height and weight. What should we expect, or in other words — is my Whippet a normal size?
From Birth to 3 Months
When the Whippet puppies are born, they are blind and deaf, and they use their sense of smell to find the much-needed warmth and milk from their mom. The average weight of newly born Whippet puppies is from 8 to 13 ounces.
Usually, the female puppies will be a bit smaller than males, but when they are newborns this rule doesn’t have to apply. You can ask any dog owner or dog breeder about the size of the pups when they are born, and the answer will be the same — no, the males don’t have to be bigger than all females in the same litter.
But, as the days go by, the puppies will get bigger and by the end of the first week of their lives — they should have doubled in size. You can use this to check if your puppies are developing appropriately and if they are receiving the proper nutrition in these crucial few days after the birth.
First Hours
The mother’s milk is more than enough for the pups to properly develop in the early stages of their lives. Milk is full of proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. Especially important for the proper growth rate and health of all puppies, is the first milk the female dog produces, and it’s called the colostrum.
The colostrum is high in antibodies, and it lasts for the first 24h after giving birth. But, even if it lasts longer, the puppies’ digestive system — intestines, can only absorb antibodies in the first 18h after the birth.
So, the most crucial part for the puppies’ health and consequently proper growth is the first 24h after the birth.
The Weaning Process
Weaning in dogs is a process of transition from a diet consisting solely of mother’s milk to a diet containing solid food. It usually starts when the puppies are around 3 weeks old.
This is the time when we introduce the puppies to kibble (dry) dog food intending to teach them to eat only solid types of food. One way to do it is to free-feed the puppies. That means leaving the bowl with kibble in for several hours, available for puppies to eat whenever they want during those several hours.
The weaning period can be easier if we make a puppy mush or soften the kibble. That way we are ensuring the puppies will keep on eating and gain healthy weight over time.
The period from 3 weeks to 3 months of age is also the period when Whippet puppies should weigh from 8 to 12 pounds, and their average height should be from 10 to 11 inches.
3 to 4 Months

This period of a dog’s life is the most important when it comes to their proper socialization. This is also a good time to introduce them to different types of food. When it comes to their weight, when you take a look at the Whippet growth chart, you can see that the average weight should be from 8 to 15 pounds.
The average whippet height in this period should be 10 to 15 inches.
As you can see, this is a period when Whippet female dogs show that they are smaller in size than Whippet male dogs. This is nothing drastic, just a few pounds less than a male dog.
During this period, their brains will grow bigger too — metaphorically speaking, of course. What I want to say is that they will soak up everything, and learn new smells and noises, faces, and animals — their brain will work 24h a day.
So, this is the time they will need a lot of healthy fats in their diet for their weight curve to be proper and according to the Whippet growth chart. You can consult your vet about what the best source of healthy fats you can give to your puppies is.
Teething Problems
This is the period when their teeth start to grow. This can affect their food intake for a while. Because of the uncomfortable feeling teething might cause, your Whippet puppies might start eating more slowly than usual.
Sometimes, they can exhibit other signs of discomfort, like crying while playing or they can stop eating in general. These changes do not last long.
And these changes in behavior shouldn’t influence the dog’s weight. There is also no need to adjust the Whippet weight chart or worry that the weight of your whippet won’t fall under the average numbers of the Whippet growth chart.
Changes in their eating habits will pass as soon as the teething process passes. You can help your dog by adding chilled carrots for puppies to bite. The low temperature will help soothe the aching gums (gingiva) that are inflamed due to the teething process.
5 to 6 Months

As the fifth month goes by, the female Whippet puppy should weigh up to 14.5 pounds and be around 17 inches in height. The male Whippet puppies are slightly bigger — weighing up to 17 pounds and they should be around 17.5 inches in height.
According to the Whippet growth chart, both males and females should finish their sixth month weighing from 18.5 to 20 pounds and they should be up to 17 inches in height. This is the average ideal weight, but any slight differences are normal too.
The important step to do during this period is spaying or neutering. Different dog breeds have different ages that are considered to be perfect for spaying/neutering. Your veterinarian will tell you when the best time for your dog is.
But, medium-sized dogs or small dogs, like Whippets, can become sexually mature during their 6th month of age. This can be an obvious problem if you don’t plan on breeding them. There are some signs that can tell you your dog needs to be neutered.
There are signs for a female too, but we will talk in more detail about the signs and the effects spaying or neutering can have on a dog’s weight.
7 to 8 Months
Your puppy is entering a proper adolescent phase when it turns 7 months. The puppies are becoming very active, which is especially true with high-energy dog breeds like Whippets! But don’t worry, the puppies will get easier over time, and you will make it through the teenage phase.
They are also getting bigger. The average height of a male puppy in this period is from 20 to 20.8 inches. The females have similar heights as well. But they are different when it comes to weight.
According to the Whippet growth chart, the typical growth of a male dog is more rapid than that of a female dog. This is not as obvious as it is in some other bigger dog breeds but is still noticeable in Whippets too.
Females should weigh up to 24 pounds during their 8th month of age, and the boys are slightly bigger — up to 26 pounds.
Your doggies are looking more and more like adult Whippets with each day. If you are a first-time pet owner, it is important to understand that “puppy blues” is something that happens to the best of us.
The overwhelming feeling, close to depression, coming from a “teenager dog” that starts to rebel and grow rapidly, demanding to eat anything you eat, quite often not listening to commands, will pass!
No, we are not talking about children, we’re talking about dogs — Whippet puppies in this case. This is a normal phase for a healthy dog, and with the 9th month approaching, it will get easier.
9 to 10 Months

At nine months of age, the Whippet puppies look like adult Whippets. The average weight of a Whippet male dog according to the Whippet growth chart should be up to 29 pounds, and their height is up to 21 inches.
As you can see, they are almost the same height as an adult Whippet dog. The same goes for the female Whippet dogs. With their average height of up to 20 inches, they too are almost the same height as the adult Whippet.
The weight of a female dog during this period is less than that of a male dog. It is up to 29.5 pounds. These differences are average, and they do not mean that there is something wrong with your female dog if she is bigger than your male dog.
What is important is that your dog is healthy and happy. It is not underweight or overweight. How big do Whippet female or male dogs get during this period can vary. But, if you have any doubts regarding your dog’s health, no matter if it’s a male or a female dog — take it to your vet.
They can do an exam that will show if anything is wrong with the dog, and if there is a diagnosis they will recommend the proper treatment, too.
Another important thing is that you completely established the puppy’s schedule before they turn 9 months of age. The schedule can change, of course, but some dogs have problems adapting to change. The Whippet lies in the middle — not too adaptable but not too bad either.
Of course, the best option would be that you established and kept the feeding schedule way before the ninth month. That way you can monitor the food intake and adjust it if needed. But once again, always consult your vet before making any changes to the puppy’s diet.
11 to 12 Months
When they are 11 months old, you should have a good picture of how big your dog will be when they turn one year — become an adult dog.
But they can still grow slightly. For small and medium-sized dogs, the growing process has stopped. This means your Whippet will stop growing too. They are a full 21 to 22 inches in height, and they should weigh up to 35 pounds.
But sometimes some Whippets can get bigger — they can weigh 40 pounds! We will talk about the different sizes of a Whippet later. The most usual weight for an eleven- and twelve-monthold Whippet is from 33 to 35 pounds.
Once again, females are slightly smaller in weight, but they are usually the same height as males. Even though your dog is almost an adult, and it looks like an adult dog, they still need a puppy food diet!
So, their growth might have stopped, and they do fall under the name Tall and Skinny dog breeds, but they still need food that has high-energy ingredients that can follow their very active nature.
Adult Years

Dogs are adults when they reach one year of age. They are already fully grown even before they are one year old, but some slight weight changes can happen. But they are definitely not going to grow taller after one year of age.
Unfortunately, any dog can gain weight. Even, Whippets can get obese if we don’t pay attention to how much we feed our dogs or if we don’t give them enough daily exercise.
An adult Whippet male dog is up to 22 inches tall and weighs around 35 pounds.
An adult female Whippet dog is up to 21 inches tall and weighs around 33 pounds.
We’ve already mentioned that these numbers are according to the Whippet growth chart, but they can vary! Your male dog can be as big as a female or vice versa. If it’s not a drastic change in weight or height, but most importantly weight — there is nothing to be worried about.
You do have to know that there are some expectations regarding the height and weight of a dog depending on the breed. That means you can’t expect your Whippet to be as big as a Dogo Argentino.
I know most of you already know the average height of a fully grown Whippet male and female dog, but once again they are not that big. If you are looking for a much taller dog, then you should reconsider getting a Whippet puppy.
At What Age Are Whippets Fully Grown?

We’ve talked about the Whippet growth chart, and we’ve mentioned the changes this dog breed goes through from birth to adulthood.
Whippets are not large dogs, and like many small to medium-sized dogs, they reach the average size that they’ll have as adults in the 9th month.
Usually, they still have a little bit to grow. That is nothing too much, just an inch or a pound or two. But it means they still need proper nutrition specially designed for puppies in the developmental stages of life.
So, you can expect your Whippet male and female dog to be fully grown when they turn 11 months old.
Sometimes, some Whippet dogs, especially if they come from larger dog parents, can add a few pounds during this 11th month, so they technically finish growing up when they turn one year.
But this also means that these dogs are usually larger than the average 35 pounds or higher than the average 22 inches. How big or how heavy your dog should be, depends on many factors. The biggest one is the dog breed.
But, as we already mentioned, these slight changes are nothing to worry about. Your dog can be healthy even if it’s under 21 inches or above 21 inches, and it can be happy and healthy even if it weighs more than 35 pounds or less than 33 pounds.
Do Whippets Come In Different Sizes?

Whippets fall under a small to medium-sized dog group. They are hound dogs, meaning they were bred to help catch prey. They come in various coat colors and there is, generally speaking, only one size — the standard size of the Whippet dog breed.
But the American Kennel Club also stated that this dog breed can weigh from 25 to 40 pounds! That is a big difference for just one size.
So, what’s the deal? Do Whippets come in different sizes?
The shortest answer is — yes.
But these sizes are not officially accepted by the AKC. They are simply for distinguishing purposes between breeders and buyers.
Whippets come in three different sizes:
- Large
- Medium
- Small
The large Whippet weighs from 35 to 40 pounds and is 22 inches in height. The medium-sized Whippet is from 30 to 35 pounds, and it is the same height as the large version.
And the smallest of them all is the so-called miniature Whippet or small Whippet that can weigh up to 25 pounds and is up to 20 inches in height.
It is very important to understand that the miniature Whippet is often mixed with other small breeds, like Chihuahuas to make them smaller. So, technically speaking it’s a Whippet mix, not a purebred Whippet. The other case that a Whippet can be miniature is because of the dwarfism gene.
This gene is not common in Whippets, but aberrations and mutations can happen in any dog breed, so a miniature Whippet can come out of normal-sized parents.
What Can Influence The Whippet Growth Chart?

During the one-year puppies grow and turn into adults, many factors can influence their growth. The Whippet growth chart we saw was made for Whippet dogs of average size, males and females. The chart is also for healthy dogs without any serious health problems.
We are mentioning health problems first because they are often factors that change the weight or height of a Whippet dog. In most cases, weight is the one being changed. But some genetic or endocrine problems can cause height changes as well.
Some factors that influence the growth process of a Whippet are treatable and some are not. Others have a bigger influence, and others are quite small, barely noticeable, especially if a dog is active and overall well-treated.
From small problems that do not make a lot of changes to the bigger ones, here are the common factors that can influence the Whippet growth chart.
Health Problems
The Whippet is a generally healthy dog breed. But they are gentle and they can often hurt themselves if they run on uneven ground or paths with a lot of pointy rocks, roots, etc.
But these health issues are not going to affect the growth process. The health problems that can affect Whippet puppies during their growing phase, and can affect the dog in adulthood too are:
- Problems with the digestive system
- Kidney problems
- Cancer
- Parasites
When I say problems with the digestive system, I mean the whole digestive system — from the mouth and teeth to the intestines. There are so many problems that can influence the growth process that it would take a long time to mention them all.
In general, puppies that have digestive system problems will show malnutrition symptoms, especially if the problem is located in the lower parts of the digestive system, for example, the duodenum or small intestines.
Roundworms and hookworms are the most common parasites in dogs that can influence the dog’s growth process.
These parasites are two of the most common parasites in puppies’ intestines all around the USA. They can get infected through their mom, or they can pick up the parasite from the environment. The most usual places where they pick up the parasite from the environment are the park or the yard.
These worms can wait burrowed in the ground for months. Once the puppy licks the infected ground, the worm will latch onto the inner layer of the small intestines of a puppy.
Both hookworms and roundworms eat partially digested food from the small intestine. They can get overpopulated and seriously damage the puppy by “eating away” the food a puppy has already eaten.
So, a puppy infected with hookworm or a roundworm will:
- Lose weight
- Have a rough and thin coat
- Full-looking belly (pot belly)
- Stay small and thin despite the food they eat
Once the parasites are removed from the body, a puppy starts to gain weight and goes back to normal. That’s why regular deworming is a necessary procedure for your puppy’s health!

Genes play a vital role in your dog’s size. Genes are responsible for similarities between dogs within the same breed, and differences between different dog breeds.
Scientists found twenty-five different genes responsible for size in dogs. So, it’s not just one gene that can determine what size your dog is going to be.
When it comes to the influence on the Whippet growth chart, the genes can turn the whole chart upside down. If a mutation happens on some of the “growth genes” then your Whippet might be much bigger or much smaller than the rest of the puppies in the same litter.
You cannot know when or why these mutations happen. You’ll just have to accept your puppy might be the Gulliver among the Lilliputians or the other way around.
So, if you want to know how big your puppy will be — check the parents. This is much easier with purebred dogs. The usual formula is that the females look like the mom and the males look like the dad.
With mixed dogs, the size is much harder to predict. But, in general, a puppy should be in between the parent sizes. So, if one dog parent is 35 pounds and the other one is 20 pounds — their puppy should weigh around 25-30 pounds.
Endocrine Processes
The endocrine process refers to hormonal glands in the dog’s body that secrete the hormones directly into the blood. The hormone responsible for the growth of dogs (and other mammals) is called Somatrotropin or simply — the growth hormone.
This hormone triggers other factors, similar to the domino effect, that consequently lead to cell proliferation and enlargement of the whole body.
So, what happens if there is not enough growth hormone or too much of it? A dog can become too little — dwarfism or too big — gigantism (acromegaly). This is something that can happen in humans, as well.
Problems with the endocrine system are rare in dogs. But they can still happen and the reason behind the problem with the growth hormone can be congenital or because of a tumor that develops after the birth of the puppy.
In some cases, the lack of somatotropin can be treated with injections of the same hormone. It is very important to understand that this can only be done in dogs that have low levels of the growth hormone.
If you inject growth hormone into dogs that have normal levels of it — the effect is the opposite! It will inhibit growth!
There is an ongoing debate about whether neutering and spaying change the growth of dogs. For small dogs or medium-sized dogs like Whippets, this is not a problem because they reach sexual maturity around the 6th month of age.
So, Whippets already have sex hormones in their bloodstream “telling” the bones to stop growing. Simply put, they already have sex hormones that signal to the body “we are mature, you can stop growing.”
But, spaying and neutering large dog breeds can be a problem, because they reach their maturity later — when they are 1 year old. The problem is that vets recommend doing the spaying/neutering procedure earlier than this. So, as a consequence, a dog might grow taller than normal.
The other debatable topic is whether neutering and spaying causes obesity in dogs. The procedure itself is not directly linked with obesity, but indirectly.
With no sex hormones present in the bloodstream, dogs can be more prone to gaining weight. But if we give them high-quality food and take care of their food intake as well as the number of meals they have per day — there is no problem.
High-quality food means a type of dog food that is rich in proteins and low in carbohydrates. Also, we should keep the dogs active. If we cannot take our dogs for long walks or we have to work a lot, then there are some interactive toys we can leave for dogs to play with.
This is good for both the mental and physical health of a dog.
See Also: The Truth: How Will My Female Dog’s Behavior Change After Spaying?
First, we have to say that you cannot inhibit your dog’s growth if you introduce them to solid food earlier than recommended.
Now, we can talk about the influence of diet on the Whippet growth chart. It refers to the proper nutrition needed for the puppy’s proper growth process. Puppies need a lot of proteins, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals to grow.
That is why it’s so important to feed your puppies food intended for puppies. There are many types of puppy dog food in pet food stores. The best solution is to ask your vet what puppy food you should give to your dogs. Or you can look for yourself.
The important thing is to look for food brands that have high protein percentages and a low carbohydrate percentage. Check the ingredients on the back of the package and see for yourself.
Also, if you are making homemade food for your puppies, don’t forget to add a bit of a supplement to the diet. This goes for the raw food for puppies as well. There are many veggies and fruits dogs can eat.
For example, veggies and fruits dogs can eat:
- Brussels Sprouts
- Cucumbers
- Plantains
- Pears
- Apples
- Pumpkin
- Watermelon
So, the important thing is for puppies to have a balanced diet with all the necessary ingredients. You don’t have to overfeed your dog, on the contrary — keeping your dog lean will increase its lifespan and lower the risk of many diseases.
This is, once again, a bigger problem for large dog breeds. For Whippets — not so much.
This is because, as you can see in the Whippet growth chart, Whippets are not large and heavy dogs. So, if they do overexert themselves while playing, it won’t be that big of a problem for their joints because they do not have too much body weight to strain the joints.
But, of course, you shouldn’t force the dog to be active if it’s tired. Don’t worry, Whippets are a very active dog breed with high energy levels. So, the chances are you will be the one who is exhausted and not your Whippie!
How Can I Check If My Whippet Is Normal Size?

The best way to check if your Whippet is a normal size is to see the Whippet growth chart and compare your dog with it.
But, if you still need more proof that your Whippet is growing and looking normal, then you can use the Body Condition Score for dogs.
This Body Score only applies to your dog’s weight. If you want to check the height — simply use the measurement tape and see if your dog fits with the Whippet growth chart.
To do this scoring, use both your hands and:
- Run them down your dog on both sides of his body
- Run them down the spine and the back of his body
- Check the base of the dog’s tail with your hands
- Check the belly
- Look at the dog from the sides and from above
According to the Body Condition Score, the ideal body score is 5.
That means:
- The ribs are easily palpable
- The waist is easily noticed (viewed from above)
- The abdominal tuck is evident
- Minimal fat around the rib cage
The Conclusion
So, is your Whippet normal? I am sure it is, but just in case, you can check the Whippet growth chart one more time and use the Body Condition Score afterwards. Just remember when you use the score, five is ideal, but your dog can be 4 or 6, too.
To summarize, Whippets are small to medium-sized dogs that do not have a lot of muscles and fat. They are not some large guard dogs that weigh over 60 pounds. They are meant to look lean and almost fragile-looking on their thin and long legs.
They are built for running and speed. So, it is OK that your Whippet looks thinner than your neighbor’s dog. If your dog falls under the guidelines of the Whippet growth chart we saw at the beginning, everything is alright.
Even if it’s a bit smaller or bigger, as long as your dog is healthy and happy, and you give him lots of love and affection — every little thing is going to be alright.
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• Meet The Whippet Chihuahua Mix – Chi Whip In Detail
• Long Haired Whippet: The Dog With Silky Blow-Dried Hair
• Whippet Pitbull Mix: Mr. Worldwide, But A Bit More Elegant