The Irish Wolfhound Feeding Chart: Perfect Diet For The Tallest Dog

Feeding The Irish Wolfhound Newborn Puppies

The only source of nutrients for puppies for the first 3 to 4 weeks after birth is their mother’s milk.

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Feeding The Irish Wolfhound Puppies

After 2 months of age, the weaning process can start. The weaning process means starting to add solid food to their diet.

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Feeding The Irish Wolfhound Adolescent Puppies

The period between 6 and 8 months of age is the adolescence period of your dog, which means adding more food to the table.

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Feeding The Irish Wolfhoudn Adult Dog

Upon reaching 12 months of age, Irish Wolfhounds are adult dogs. This is the perfect time to fully introduce them to raw meat and raw diets.

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What Is The Best Food To Feed An Irish Wolfhound?

Dry food – kibble   Raw food – raw meaty bones  Cooked food – homemade cooked meat and veggies

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