13 Shih Tzu Food To Avoid At All Costs


1. Chocolate

Chocolate is especially dangerous for small dogs like the Shih Tzu because it can cause seizures and heart problems when it is ingested in small amounts.

2. Citrus Fruits

Citruses don’t have much nutritional value for this small dog. Shih Tzus are not used to eating citrus fruit and they don’t like the sour taste.

3. Cooked Bones

Cooked bones break easily and cause blockage of the digestive tract. Their pointy ends can easily pierce through delicate gastrointestinal tissue.

4. Fried Food

Fried food is high in fat percentage and it has minimal nutritional value for our Shih Tzu dogs and they may develop diarrhea and start vomiting immediately after a fried meal.

5. Grapes And Raisins

Both grapes and raisins have seeds that are linked to causing severe liver and kidney failure in Shih Tzu dogs. Even one grape can cause major health issues.

6. Macadamia Nuts

Macadamia nut intoxication is very dangerous because it causes weakness in the Shih Tzu’s hind limbs, as well as vomiting and diarrhea.

7. Poppy Seeds

If ingested in large quantities, poppy seeds can get your Shih Tzu dog into a coma. Poppy seed intoxication leads to serious health problems.

8. Processed Meat Products

Ingredients found in processed meat are harmful to Shih Tzu’s digestive tract and may cause many health problems, one of them being pancreatitis.

9. Soy Beans

Soybeans are most commonly linked to food allergies in Shih Tzu dogs. Itchy skin rashes are a common sign of soy bean allergies.

10. Table Scraps

Table scraps are like a cocktail of disaster for Shih Tzu dogs. They’re full of spices, fatty foods, and cooked bones that can make the Shih Tzu ill.

11. Xylitol (Artificial Sweetener)

Ingesting a small amount of xylitol can cause your Shih Tzu dog’s blood sugar levels to drop, and it can also lead to seizures or even death.

12. Yeast Dough

Because this is a small dog, yeast dough can make its stomach expand. Moreover, the release of ethanol alcohol from yeast dough can cause alcohol toxicosis.

13. Avocado

Avocado pits and skin contain a very toxic substance that is called persin. While persin is safe for humans to consume, it is not safe for our furry friends.