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Vizsla Growth Chart: The Process Of Your Vizsla’s Growth

Vizsla Growth Chart: The Process Of Your Vizsla’s Growth

Don’t worry! We got your back! We prepared this Vizsla growth chart for you, so you can keep track of your new Vizsla puppy’s growth. We will guide you through the stages of its growth, along with the average dog weight that is common for the breed standard.

The Vizsla was bred to be a hunting dog of the Magyar barbarian tribes in Hungary. Soon enough, Hungarian nobility adopted the breed and gave it a second name – the Hungarian pointer, and the American Kennel Club declared Vizslas as a breed in 1960.

If you haven’t gotten yourself a Vizsla yet, make sure that you choose from a reputable breeder who can provide you with a healthy puppy that will reach its lifespan, which is eleven to fifteen years.

Not only do they make excellent watchdogs, but they are also great family dogs that love to be around their owner. Given their history of hunting, they require daily physical activities as they are highly intelligent.

This dog breed is great for future dog owners who don’t want a quite large dog or a small dog, but desires a medium-sized dog that they can do fun outdoor activities with such as running, hiking, hunting, and so on.

But, let’s take a look at the Vizsla growth chart, so you can have better insight into your puppy’s health, what is considered the average adult weight, what is considered underweight, and what should be your Vizslas healthy weight!

Vizsla Puppy Growth Chart

So, how big will your Vizsla get?

Here’s the puppy weight chart for the average Vizsla puppy up until twelve months of age, and you can use this as a weight calculator.

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Vizsla Puppy Growth Stages

Vizsla Puppy lies on a tree and rests

Now, let’s take a quick look at the growth stages of puppies from birth to adulthood, so that you can better understand what to expect from your Vizsla puppy.

Birth To Two Weeks

As we all already know, in the neonatal period, all puppies, including Vizslas, are born toothless, deaf, and with no sense of vision. The only senses they have is the sense of touch and taste.

In this period, their weight is from 0.5 to 0.85 pounds. Because they can’t walk, they usually sleep, and require nursing and care just like little babies do.

When they reach two weeks of age, things slowly start to change. Their eyes are finally open, and they are taking their first steps. Now, with their eyes and ears opened, they are more aware of their environment and others around them.

Three Weeks To Twelve Weeks

In this development stage, the puppies’ growth is quickly increasing. They become well aware of their surroundings, their biting instinct starts showing, and when they reach around the sixth and seventh week, they begin to enjoy playing with their mother and their littermates.

It is not recommended that you take puppies away from their mother before eight weeks of age as they, in this stage, need to learn crucial instructions from her. Sometime in this period, the puppies should be vaccinated and dewormed.

Around eight and nine weeks of age, the puppies require socialization. This is the time when they are eager to bond with you. You can use this opportunity to teach them some primary commands and manners.

Just like kids at five to six years old start to be scared of being alone in a room, or scared of the dark, your puppies in this stage may be afraid of situations, people, or things that you didn’t see them scared of before. That’s why it is important that you show your puppy that there is nothing to be afraid of.

Four Months To Nine Months

This is the time period when your puppy will rapidly begin to grow taller and put on weight and muscles. It is recommended that at this stage, your puppy goes to training school. That way, you’ll have your puppy know how to behave.

When he reaches six months of age, he should know what you mean by your various commands. It is important that your puppy is exposed to a variety of situations. If you socialize your dog with other dogs and people, and take it to new places, especially in the public, you’ll know that you’ll have a very adaptable dog that knows how to behave under any circumstance.

Ten Months To Eighteen Months

Nine-month-old Vizslas will become sexually mature. When they turn one year, you can expect that they will reach their adult size; however, most Vizslas keep growing until they turn 18 months of age. At this period, the dog should be neutered or spayed.

Keep in mind that your dog needs socializing and training, so treat him like a true companion and bring him everywhere you go in order to increase his adaptability.

Be aware of the fact that a dog’s bones and joints are still in the process of growth and development, so don’t exaggerate the exercises.


This is the time when their joints and bones stop growing because they’ve reached their full development. At around 18 months, you can properly say that your puppy is now an adult dog.

You can take him off of his puppy food, and start giving him high-quality dog food specially prepared for them. Make sure that you watch out for weight gain, and feed him twice a day with three or four cups.

Now that he has reached adulthood, you can go jogging with him, and you can enjoy everyday activities with a dog that is hopefully well-behaved.

When Do Vizslas Stop Growing?

Vizsla stands and looks in front of him

Normally, they stop growing when they reach one year of age. This is probably the period where their increase in height stops.

A Vizslas growth is a slow process, and you’ll probably see your dog filling out over another six months, so don’t be scared if you see your dog still filling out – that is sometimes the case until they turn two years of age.

When a male Vizsla stops growing, his height will be from 22 to 24 inches, and his average weight range will be around 55 to 66 pounds. A female’s height will be from 21 to 23 inches, and her average weight will be around 44 to 55 pounds.

What Affects A Vizla’s Growth?

Vizsla runs along the beach

It’s worth noting that there are several different variables that influence a puppy’s growth, and Vizslas are no exception to this rule.

The following are the factors that impact a puppy’s growth:


In order for your puppy to grow properly, according to its age, you need to make sure that your puppy’s intake is full of high-quality kibble that has been prepared specially for puppies. This will surely have an effect on your puppy’s growth.

You may wonder, Why kibble for puppies? Well, kibble for puppies is full of minerals, vitamins, and proteins, and it surely helps puppies grow. Keep in mind that you have to feed them according to their age, so they don’t develop obesity conditions.

Health And Activity

As we already mentioned, Vizslas were bred to be hunting dogs, which means they, as a breed, used to be very active and have high energy levels.

But, that isn’t the case with Vizsla puppies as their joints and bones are not completely developed. If you force them to train at a young age, it can cause them problems, so the best advice for their activity is to train them for five minutes a day, and that amount of time should increase with every month of age.


Well, the biggest part in a Vizsla’s growth is definitely genetics. Their prospective parents play a big role in determining their adult size.

If your Vizsla’s bloodline is full of large, tall dogs – odds are that your dog will be of a similar proportion. However, if your Vizsla’s parents have small genes, you can’t expect that your dog will be different from them – you’ll probably have a smaller hunting Vizsla.


You also probably know that gender is no exception to this rule. Male and female Vizslas sure have different growth processes. Female dogs reach full size before male dogs, meaning they grow much faster than males.

So, we prepared a Vizsla growth chart according to gender in order to see the differences!

Hungarian Vizsla Weight Based On Gender

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Vizsla Health Problems That May Affect Their Growth

As a very vigorous and healthy dog breed, Vizslas usually don’t have health problems. However, some health issues may occur such as thyroid problems, eye conditions, or hip issues.

If you train your puppy too much while their bones and joints aren’t fully developed, your pup could develop hip dysplasia when it grows up. So, you shouldn’t force your dog until he is fully grown.

Other, more serious health conditions may appear in this dog breed such as cancer, generative eye disorder, PRA, and hypothyroidism. This dog breed also can develop epilepsy just as any other.

Bear in mind that these health issues are not very common with Vizslas, but know that there is a possibility of them.


Vizsla stands in the woods and looks around

How Many Inches Will A Vizsla Get?

How many inches a Vizsla will get surely depends on various factors; however, a male Vizsla will gain its full height around six to eight months, and that is 22 to 24 inches at the withers. On the other hand, although female Vizslas grow faster than males, they reach full size at 21 to 23 inches.

Why Is My Vizsla So Small?

Your Vizsla may be small if it wasn’t properly fed during its young age. That means your dog didn’t eat high-quality food that is full of proteins, vitamins, and minerals, and that their intake of calories wasn’t as high as it should have been.

The only thing you can do is feed your dog with a bunch of healthy, nutritious food during the day in order to try to help improve your Vizsla’s size.

Find more information in our Vizsla feeding chart.

Final Words

The Vizsla growth chart is an important source for raising Vizsla puppies, especially if you’ve never owned a Vizsla. I’m sure that you want only the best of the best for your new friend.

So, in order to give your new puppy the life it deserves, it is better to follow this Vizsla growth chart than to raise and take care of it without any knowledge of anything.

Take care of your new puppy by maintaining its health, and make it happy and proud that you are its owner! Their playful, lovable nature will surely help you in doing that!

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