When disaster strikes, people from all over the world unite as one to help… and just like that, nothing else matters. Natural disasters are often unpredictable and unfortunately have a devastating impact on the whole community.
On an already chilly Monday morning, the news about a catastrophic earthquake in Türkiye And Syria sent further chills down everyone’s spine. There’s only one thing that can be done – send help to people in need.
Little paws are our beacon of hope. The dog’s courage, keen sense of smell, determination, and agility are often used to assist in rescue efforts. When humans lose hope, our canine paws step up and show that they are truly man’s best friends.
Mexico And Its Beloved Orly

Orly with his friends Ecko, Timba, Rex, Balam, and July from the Mexican Red Cross were among one of the first canine rescue teams sent to the affected areas of Türkiye And Syria.
Not only do they look extremely adorable, but also very eager to help. Remember their names, ladies and gentlemen, because these famed heroes deserve all the glory.
Brave Dogs From The USA

Six specially trained dogs along with almost a 100 US firefighters and structural engineers teamed up promptly to support search and rescue efforts in the earthquake-stricken regions.
These brave dogs and real life heroes help search for survivors trapped in rubble and debris.
The Labradors Of India

Julie, Romio, Honey, and Rambo – four Labrador Retrievers that are part of the Indian dog squad assisting local authorities in search and rescue operations.
Trained in sniffing and rescue work, these noble pups are on their mission to save as many lives as possible.
German Four-Legged Heroes
Their noses and ears are like magic, and they’re specially trained to save lives. True example of “not all heroes wear capes”.
Seven brave dogs from the International Search and Rescue Germany group alongside their handlers set out immediately to help affected areas in both Türkiye And Syria.
South Korean Rescue Team

Only the goodest boys and girls… patiently waiting to go on their brave mission.
South Korea did not think twice about sending their brave dogs to assist with the tragedy. Our furry friends are the essential part of every rescue team because with their special powers they are able to achieve what humans simply cannot.
A Brave Boy Named Gizmo From Croatia

A 9-year-old Gizmo on his final rescue mission before retiring. Such a brave boy that dedicated his life to saving others. He became a national hero after assisting in rescue missions in Croatia and Albania when they were struck by powerful earthquakes.
You will be missed. We hope the rest of your beautiful life is filled with lots of love, barks, bones, and belly rubs.
A Belgian Malinois Named Zigi From Serbia

A 9-year-old Belgian Malinois with a symbolic nickname “firefighter Zigi” alongside his handler sets on the lifetime mission to find the survivors of the deadly earthquake.
This brave boy has already been awarded with multiple plaques that honor extraordinary heroism. The true hero with the heart of gold.
Source: MUP Srbije
REDOG Rescue Dog Team

A large contingent of 14 dogs and 12 team members from the Swiss Association of Search and Rescue dogs joined the whole world in helping the people in the disaster area on the Turkish-Syrian border.
These dogs and their powerful sense of smell helped save multiple lives, which only proves how truly beneficial canines are in this kind of mission. We need to cherish them forever.
What can we possibly say more about these brave dogs that haven’t already been said. Our true legends, heroes, and gifts that we could only wish for.
To all dogs that we have mentioned and those that stay unnamed, we love you and thank you from the bottom of our heart!