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Tiny Puppy Cruelly Dumped In Trash Learns How To Be A Dog For The First Time

Tiny Puppy Cruelly Dumped In Trash Learns How To Be A Dog For The First Time

To this day, animal cruelty represents one of the biggest problems affecting dogs worldwide. At the moment, there are around 200 million stray canines in the world, according to WAF statistics

Many of them are being abandoned at terrible places, such as dumpsters, woods, or on the side of busy roads, and they are left to fend for themselves.

Samu is a puppy who shares the same destiny as his fellow stray buddies. He was found on a pile of trash with a collar on his neck, looking for his humans to come back. Unfortunately, they never did…

From Trash To Love – Samu’s Heartbreaking Backstory

Takis, a giant-hearted animal lover and a non-profit volunteer of Takis Shelter, found Samu right next to a huge pile of trash. He was all alone and scared when he was first found, but Takis had a plan all along!

“He’s very weak… look at his beautiful face,” says Takis.

Even though he finds abandoned dogs at various places almost on a daily basis, this kind man was devastated to see Samu roaming around without any agenda. 

On top of all that, he had a collar on his neck, which indicated that this tiny pooch once had a family.

Takis gave him some time to realize that he was trying to help him, and soon enough – this sweet, white boi relaxed a bit. 

He came out of his shell next to his rescuer and his other dog, as if he was trying to say: “Thank you” for being saved from this horrible situation.

When he was absolutely sure that Samu had calmed down enough to be taken to the facility, Takis slowly approached him, took him in his arms, and put the abandoned doggo in the front of his car.

Then, the most amazing thing happened! 

Samu immediately made himself comfortable in the front seat, right behind the wheel. It literally only took seconds for this abandoned boi to get used to the new circumstances and the fact that he was finally safe. 

It was as if he knew that from that moment on, everything would be okay!

Transforming Into The Biggest Lovebug

After learning about his heartbreaking story, a loving woman decided to foster Samu and bring him to her loving home.

The good news was that she had already fostered two other dogs from Takis’ shelter Mumia and Lola – who were also in recovery from animal cruelty.

“Mumia was in a chain for more than 10 years, Samu was abandoned in the trash, and Lola was abandoned, too,” Takis wrote on his Facebook.

It didn’t take long for Samu to transform into the sweetest lovebug ever, as he quickly learned how to “dog” alongside his foster siblings. He enjoyed every second in his new pack, and soon enough – he became the sassiest member!

After his temporary journey in a foster home, Samu got the chance to go exclusive with a wonderful family! He got adopted into a loving home where he could finally feel the true meaning of companionship and love next to his family members.

After all the hardship he’d been through, Samu was finally fully transformed into a happy dog, and he now enjoys being his family’s sweetheart – the one he was always supposed to be!