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Texas Volunteer Saw Blind Puppy Spinning In Circles, Only To Learn What Was Wrong With Her

Texas Volunteer Saw Blind Puppy Spinning In Circles, Only To Learn What Was Wrong With Her

Out of all the jobs in the world, I think I can safely say that being a dog rescuer is up there with some of the most psychologically demanding jobs.

The amount of problems you have to deal with on a daily basis can sometimes be overwhelming, especially for people who work in overcrowded shelters.

Dogs are sometimes sent to shelters in horrible conditions, and they need extra treatment in order to recover. I can’t even imagine the amount of stress they deal with.

And yet, it’s one of the most noble jobs of all time. Even though it’s hard, there are many people who do it because it’s a job that is worth doing.

There is nothing better than giving a lost pup the chance it deserves to live a normal life. And, this is what we will be talking about today.

She Was Blind

blind puppy
Source: @welovecuddly

Even though she was only 10 weeks old, Jolie was already living on her own on the streets of Texas. She was blind and suffered from many serious issues.

Because she couldn’t see, she spent most of her time walking in circles and ending up crashing into objects on numerous occasions.

A kind volunteer from East Texas Hoof and Paw Animal Rescue witnessed this shocking sight and immediately came to Jolie’s aid. She examined her quickly and then realized that she needed emergency help.

Shortly after, she was taken to a veterinarian who took her in and started an examination. The tests pointed to distemper, which is a neurological issue.

blind black puppy
Source: @welovecuddly

However, the veterinarians suspected that there was also something else. They suspected that she suffered head trauma or some kind of drug exposure.

There was no way to confirm it at that moment, so they thought that it was best to treat her and monitor her situation as she began to heal.

The veterinarians are determined to figure out what is going on with her, but in the meantime, she needs a place to stay.

Jolie Regained Her Sight

owner and blind puppy
Source: welovecuddly

The volunteer who saved her was able to secure her care for a few days and Jolie finally got a small chance to relax. This meant so much to her.

She has likely never received kindness like this and it’s really important to show her that she is not alone in her life.

Even after extensive research, the veterinarians were still unable to figure out what was wrong with her, but there was no reason to get disheartened.

After she spent some time healing, the veterinarians and the rescuers were shocked to learn that Jolie had made an incredible recovery.

She no longer walked in circles and she had regained her sight. That was the most amazing thing of all. It meant that she could live a somewhat normal life.

They suspected that her loss of sight was due to head trauma and that it went back to normal after she healed.

The veterinarians were able to confirm that she did not have distemper so that was good news. This meant that she could now go into a foster home before she found a new family.

Jolie got to meet her new foster siblings and it’s just an amazing journey for her from now on. Her rescuers and the veterinarians are so happy for her. She deserves to find a forever home.


Potential Head Trauma & Exposure To Dr*gs Leaves 10-Week-Old Puppy Desperately Running In Circles… At less than three months old, tiny puppy Jolie was found blind, disoriented, and endlessly walking in circles. In a quiet neighborhood near Houston, TX, a kind-hearted rescue volunteer stumbled upon this little girl. She was alone, running into things and falling repeatedly. The volunteer quickly rushed Jolie to the emergency vet, knowing something was terribly wrong. Initial investigations suggested Distemper, a common cause of neurological symptoms in puppies. However, the vet also believes that she may have been exposed to dr*gs. Given that she is also blind, head trauma has not been ruled out as a possible cause. At this time, we don’t know enough to draw a definitive conclusion. Almost 24 hours and $1,500 in life-saving care later, this little girl’s case is still a mystery. We transferred Jolie to Vergi 24/7 in Katy, TX, our trusted vet partner. She is being kept warm and fed, and vet staff are monitoring her closely while we determine next steps. Extensive diagnostic testing is being conducted, but we have run into several delays due to the recent holiday weekend. Hopefully, we will know more soon. Until then, we are doing our best keep Jolie comfortable and prepare for every possible outcome. You can join Jolie’s journey to recovery by contributing to her medical fund or donating any items from her wish list of essential supplies. We will be sure to provide an update when we learn more. Thank you for your compassion and generosity. LINK IN BIO – Donate 📍Livingston, TX – East Texas Hoof and Paw Animal Rescue #rescuedog #rescuepuppy #animalrescue #puppyoftheday #fyp #foryou #stopanimalcruelty #animallovers #animalwelfare #rescuedogsoftiktok

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