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Dog Terrified Of People After Being Surrendered To New York Shelter Learns To Trust Again

Dog Terrified Of People After Being Surrendered To New York Shelter Learns To Trust Again

Although some may question their dogs’ long-term memory, it is fascinating how our four-legged friends always remember what’s near and dear to their hearts. Yes, even after years apart, they can still recognize the scent of their beloved owners!

Sadly, this comes with a downside. While dogs can remember and cherish all the positive experiences, they also remember those who let them down. 

In fact, abandonment affects them so deeply that some dogs take months to recover. Roxy, a sweet dog surrendered to a New York shelter is one such example.

After being let down by her people, Roxy was unable to trust anyone for weeks…

It Took A Whole Month

Rachel Oldenburger, a volunteer and foster caregiver, met Roxy at Four Legs Good in Pomona, New York. With experience in dealing with dogs who have past trauma, Rachel knew she had to take things slow.

Initially, Roxy was reactive. She refused to make any contact with people and constantly shook when approached.

“She had many unpleasant experiences with people leading up to her surrender and she was terrified when she was dropped off,” Rachel wrote in an Instagram post.

Rachel and Roxy’s relationship began with slow, silent walks around the shelter. The two would spend hours simply being with each other until Roxy finally felt relaxed for the first time.

After a couple of weeks, she started accepting treats from Rachel. This was certainly a huge step, but the biggest improvement came on day 19. 

While Rachel and Roxy were out on a walk, this sweet Terrier mix approached her and requested attention for the first time. Rachel knew this was a turning point. From that moment on, Roxy continued to improve.

By day 35, Roxy was practically a brand-new dog. She allowed Rachel to shower her with the sweetest belly rubs and pets, and she loved it! 

Little by little, Roxy started to embrace her environment. Even though she was still timid and shy, she had come a long way from where she was the first day. 

Still Looking For A Suitable Home

Roxy was finally ready to give a chance to a new human, and that’s when Christina, the shelter volunteer, came into the picture. 

“Shelter volunteer, Christina, began working with Roxy many days a week and their relationship FLOURISHED! Roxy completely came out of her shell with Christina, as well as with her children and resident dogs,” Rachel added.

After weeks of consistent work and a lot of patience, Roxy has finally learned to trust again – and now she’s showcasing her true colors. Beneath her fear is a sweet, loving dog who would make an ideal family companion.

Christina definitely could not be prouder of Roxy’s progress, but she knows that she needs someone to take care of her permanently.

“Roxy was a scared shy dog and her humans failed her – with me she’s happy, confident and affectionate – now she needs a home where she stays that way forever,” Christina wrote on Facebook.

Hopefully, her adopters are just around the corner, and this time, Roxy will find her perfect family.

Good luck, sweet girl!