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Starving Stray Dog That Could Barely Walk When Found Is Now The Happiest Princess

Starving Stray Dog That Could Barely Walk When Found Is Now The Happiest Princess

Stray dogs fight to survive while they roam the streets and deserted areas looking for scraps of food. Some pups are born into this world as strays. It saddens me to think that they have been deprived of love and care their whole life.

Mikita is one of the stray dogs who craved human help and love while she lived on a reservation in South Dakota. She was very hungry and she could barely walk.

Saving Mikita’s Life

Fortunately, a rescuer from Lightshine Canine: A Rez Dog Rescue, found the pup and brought her to the rescue. 

The rescue staff felt brokenhearted to see Mikita in such terrible condition. She was underweight and her skin was inflamed. Since she was missing a lot of fur, it was hard to tell what kind of dog she was. 

The little pup was diagnosed with chronic mange and skin infections, and she was given the proper treatment.

Pam Jawish fostered her through Happy Tails Rescue, an animal shelter located in Minnesota. Jawish welcomed Mikita to her home and gave her the love and care she needed in order to start her recovery. 

As days went by, strands of white and gray fur began covering Mikita’s body, and her foster mom realized that she was a Husky.

Her Forever Mom Falls In Love With Her

At the time, Jessi Sova wanted to find a friend for her pup, Kane. While she was scrolling on her Facebook, she saw Mikita’s photo. After reading her story, she knew that she had to see her. She filled out the necessary application, and scheduled a meeting with the doggo.  

Sova’s son came with her to meet Mikita and they both fell in love with the sweet little pooch.

Sova gave Mikita a forever home, and the pup felt overjoyed to have such a great family who loved her.

However, the dog still had one obstacle to overcome on her way to a happy and carefree life. Shortly after moving in with her family, Mikita started waking up in the middle of the night, unable to sleep because she was in pain.

She couldn’t stand on her back legs, so Sova took her to the emergency vet.

Enjoying Life In Her Forever Home

The vet ran some tests, and in two days, Mikita had her diagnosis. The pooch had discospondylitis, an infection of the vertebrae that could be treated with antibiotics. As soon as Mikita started taking the prescribed medication, she felt better.

Her fur became fluffier every day, and she began healing and enjoying her life in her forever home.

Sova adores Mikita and she feels lucky to have her. The delightful canine thrives in her home, soaking up her family’s infinite love.

one dog leaning on the other sleeping on the floor
Source: Jessi Sova

“I can’t imagine life right now without her. She’s so silly and interesting … Watching her heal and grow, I’m not sure I have the words for how it feels. It’s bittersweet at times because I think about her condition when she [was rescued], but I also think about how lucky I am to have such a sweet baby,” Sova said.

She enjoys cuddling with her family and her doggy brother, Kane. They have become best friends. 

I’m glad that the pawdorable and resilient pooch succeeded in overcoming all of the obstacles in her way. Mikita turned into the happiest and fluffiest princess and we couldn’t be happier for her.