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Shelter Staff Refused To Give Up On This Extremely Sick Dog After Her Owners Left Her To Be Euthanized

Shelter Staff Refused To Give Up On This Extremely Sick Dog After Her Owners Left Her To Be Euthanized

I firmly believe that dogs were put on this earth to fill our hearts with love and put smiles on our faces.

That is why I get extremely angry and sad when I see somebody mistreating these sweet, furry angels. They dedicate their entire lives to making their hoomans happy, and some just don’t appreciate that.

Unfortunately, the pup of today’s story, Mishka, was failed by his owner in the most heartbreaking way possible.

Poor Mishka

old shelter dog
Source: Lauren Dawson

When Sunshine Animal Rescue, a nonprofit animal rescue located in Miami, met Mishka, she wasn’t in a very good condition.

They immediately did a medical evaluation on her, which showed that she needed to be put on treatment as soon as possible. Unfortunately, that treatment wasn’t cheap, which ended up being a problem for her owners.  

“Mishka was taken into the ER by her previous owners. When they heard her care would be $2,500 they opted to euthanize her. The owners left,” Lauren Dawson told Newsweek.

Now, the issue wasn’t that the owners weren’t able to cover the medical bill, it was the fact that they left Mishka all alone when she needed them the most.

adorable old dog
Source: Lauren Dawson

But the hoomans at this Miami rescue weren’t going to give up on her that easily. They took to their social media and asked their trusted followers for help.

“…She was going to be euthanized. She has required extensive, ongoing medical care to pull her back from the brink of death, with expenses already surpassing $7,000 and continuing to climb. We are financially and emotionally drained. Please, if you can, make a donation to help us continue our vital work,” they wrote in a Facebook post.

A lot of loving hoomans immediately extended their hand and donated to Mishka’s cause. This was an enormous push to the staff, inspiring them to never give up on this sweet girl.

old sick dog
Source: Lauren Dawson

Second Chance At Life

Even though the staff members were completely unaware of the entirety of Mishka’s life, that didn’t stop them from doing everything they could to make her feel as comfortable and welcome as possible.

“She is very underweight and was severely sick. For days, we were unsure if she would survive. A doctor and other rescuers mentioned she may have been living outside,” added Dawson.

However, Dawson believes that it was negligence that brought this sweet girl to where she is now.

sweet old dog
Source: Lauren Dawson

The doctors suspected that she first suffered from an upper respiratory infection that further progressed to something much more severe.

But at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter what happened in the past.

What matters is that Mishka is finally receiving the help that she desperately needs, surrounded by the most loving hoomans ever. And trust me… they make sure that she has everything she needs and more.

beautiful old dog
Source: Lauren Dawson

This is most obvious by the improvement in her condition.

“Mishka is doing wonderfully and has been moved to a medical foster home. Here, she is being closely monitored and kept on oxygen. Mishka is finally responding well to her treatment and showing her playful side,” they wrote in an update.

They made sure to thank every single hooman who showed love and donated to Mishka’s cause.

“None of this would have been possible without our amazing donors and your outpouring of love and support. Thank you all for helping Mishka on her road to recovery!” they concluded.

I wish all the best to this sweet girl, and I am positive that by being in such a loving environment, she will regain her full strength in no time.