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This Socially Awkward Pup Has The Perfect Strategy To Make New Friends At The Park

This Socially Awkward Pup Has The Perfect Strategy To Make New Friends At The Park

Making new friends isn’t that easy for some of us.

Sometimes, it feels as if you are trying to dance but you have two left feet – you know all the steps but when you try to move, you start stepping on your own foot.

Luckily, there are always those friends who are able to look beyond the awkwardness and see the beauty that we hold within ourselves.

On that note, I would like you to meet Oatmeal, an adorable, slightly awkward pup, and his hooman, Adria.

Everyday Is Poolday

When it comes to water, Oatmeal sure knows how to make the best of it!

As a water-loving pup, a pool sure is Oatmeal’s favorite place to hang out. Whether it is swimming, floating in his Oat Boat, or trying to see how long he can stand on two paws impersonating a hooman, this sweet boy enjoys it all.

“Swimming is Oatmeal’s favorite thing in the entire world. So I spent the last year and a half traveling with him to pet-friendly pools. We even threw our very own dog pool party. It was such a blast!” said Adria in a video.

However, as much as he is an expert in water-works, Oatmeal isn’t really a pro in everything.

One thing he isn’t as skilled at when compared to his talent for splashing around in any body of water he can find is making friends.

Just A Little Awkward Pup

Taking to her TikTok account, Adria shared a pretty funny, yet adorable interaction that Oatmeal had with some pups at the dog park. Well… at least tired to have.

In the video, you can really see how hard Oatmeal is trying to play with his furry friends. However, his social awkwardness really does make things a bit difficult for him.     

“He will just stand awkwardly next to dogs, hoping they invite him to play because he doesn’t want to intrude. But then when a dog approaches him asking to play, he suddenly gets even weirder,” she stated in the video.

But don’t worry—this clever dog devised a foolproof plan that will get him into any playdate he desires.

The steps are simple: investigate something on the ground or even scratch himself so that he doesn’t look overly interested, hoping that the other pups are going to look at him and think that he is so cool that they want to play with him themselves.

And, if that doesn’t work out, he will start running circles around the pups, trying to make them notice him and, ultimately, start to chase after him. And even if they don’t the first time, he will make sure to run around them a couple more times, waiting for them to notice just how cool and fun he is.

But even when his strategies don’t work, Oatmeal has no problem spending some quality time with himself.

“He usually just ends up rolling in the grass alone like a little goofball,” she added.

Luckily, in the end, it doesn’t even matter if Oatmeal is a little bit awkward.

What is important is that he has a loving hooman who adores spending time with him both on the ground and in the water. What more could a pup want?

“The instability of being in your twenties is so exhausting and I really struggled with it. That is why I am so grateful that I had Oatmeal by my side not only as my self-trained service dog for anxiety but just as a reason to get out of bed some mornings,” Adria concluded.