Shiba Inu dogs are medium-sized canines that are well known all around the internet. From memes to bitcoin, the Shiba Inu is an internet sensation. Perhaps this is the leading cause that got these Japanese dogs high on the popularity scale in the United States.
If you have just gotten your Shiba Inu puppy and you are wondering how big it will grow, we are here to help you out by providing you with some basic information on the Shiba Inu growth chart.
The Shiba Inu dog is known for its interesting looks — a round and fluffy head, tall legs, and fox-like tails. Despite its mesmerizing looks, the Shiba Inu dog hides a rather quirky and independent personality. These friendly dogs are packed with high-energy drives, as well as extremely outgoing personalities.
Until they reach their adult size, Shiba Inu puppies go through a lot of physical and mental changes.
This Shiba Inu growth chart will show you how Shiba Inu puppies behave during different growth stages, as well as how much they weigh and grow. Moreover, a lot of information about the most common factors affecting their growth and Shiba Inu health problems are described in this article.
Let’s get going!
Shiba Inu Growth Chart
Despite being Japan’s smallest dog breed, Shiba Inus are medium-sized dogs. Their lovely appearance grabs attention whenever these small dogs appear. If you are wondering how tall Shiba Inus puppies get, we’re here to tell you!
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The Shiba Inu growth chart table shows estimated measurements of its height during the first two years of its life. Shiba Inus are usually fully grown when they reach their first year of age.
Just like other dog breeds, no matter big or small, male Shiba inus tend to grow a tad taller than female Shiba Inus.
Check out the Shiba Inu weight chart for information about its weight. Do male Shiba Inus gain more weight than their female counterparts?
Shiba Inu Weight Chart
Although these dogs are not as heavy as other medium-sized dog breeds, Shiba Inus gain most of their weight during the first nine months of life.
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Of course it is expected for the male Shiba Inu to be at least a few pounds heavier than the female. Gender differences in terms of size and weight are natural and normal in the canine world. And, not only in the canine world, but this is the case in the majority of animals.
How Long Does A Shiba Inu Take To Grow?
We can’t be 100% sure about how long it takes for a Shiba Inu to stop growing. An estimated decline in growth is when the Shiba Inu dog turns one year old.
Naturally, Shiba Inu dogs stop growing when they reach 12 months of age. But that’s not always the case. Some Shiba Inu puppies develop later. So they reach adulthood when they turn 18 months of age.
To check if your Shiba Inu Dog has grown properly to its full size, you can consult your veterinarian. Another way for you to find out by yourself is to keep track of your Shiba Inu dog growth chart.
For a veterinarian to check if your dog has grown to its adult size, he will have to proceed with X-ray check ups to see if growth plates in bones have grown together. This is an indicator of the puppy’s development into an adult dog.
How Big Will My Shiba Inu Get?
Well, not so big. I mean, Shiba Inus are medium dogs but they most likely resemble small dogs. In terms of height, an adult male Shiba Inu grows between 14.5” and 16.5″, whereas the female would grow between 13.5″ and 15.5”.
The biggest puppy growth spurt in Shiba Inu development happens between the four and eight months of age.
During the first 12 months of age, most Shiba Inu puppies reach their full adult size. Full grown male Shiba Inu dog weighs 23 pounds, according to the American Kennel Club breed standards. On the other hand, the female Shiba Inu usually weighs around 17 pounds.
Male Shiba Inu Vs. Female Shiba Inu
When they are small puppies, it is difficult to distinguish the differences between male and female Shiba Inus.
However, once they grow up into adult dogs, we can see some differences in appearance that clearly show males from females. Most female Shiba Inus tend to grow smaller than males. This is, of course, completely normal for dogs.
Female Shiba Inus are more petite-looking and inherit the stereotypical female characteristics. A smaller head, a sleeker body, and more feminine features.
Male Shiba Inus, on the other hand, are pretty handsome. They do seem to be a bit taller and skinnier. However, all physical traits in this dog breed depend on the breeding program and genetics, as well as the overall maintenance of both male and female Shiba Inus.
Alongside health problems that may occur during the Shiba Inus lifespan, an exception between a male and female dog weight is only when a female Shiba gets into heat period and becomes pregnant.
But, you may be surprised to find out that a female Shiba Inu only carries three to four puppies. So, her weight doesn’t drastically change when pregnant.
Even though we are talking about differences in size and weight, there are other growth differences between male and female Shiba Inus.
Female Shibas grow faster in a mental way. This means that female Shiba Inu dogs mature faster than males. By that I mean that females are more focused and obedient than male Shiba Inus. But that really isn’t always the case. Sometimes, female Shibas are quite a handful.
Shiba Inu Puppy Developmental Stages
Shiba Inu puppy developmental stages are important to understand because they feature some of the key moments in the puppy’s life.
The Shiba Inu puppy development stages describe what goes on in the life of a Shiba Inu puppy — from birth to its adult size. I think this is a great way for new Shiba Inu puppy owners to find out what happens each week during the first year of the puppy’s life.
Let’s get to know the secret life of the Shiba Inu puppy!
Birth To Two Weeks
Right after birth, Shiba Inu puppies weigh no more than 2.5 ounces. With male puppies already being a tad bigger, it’s easier to distinguish Shiba Inu puppies by looking at their genitals.
I have personally realized that male newborn Shiba Inus are often feistier than females. They fight their way to the mother’s milk! That said, it is of utmost importance for each puppy to get its fair share of the mother’s first milk – colostrum.
During the first two weeks of age, nothing changes too much. Shiba Inu puppies are going to depend on their mother all up to four weeks of age.
During this period, Shiba Inu puppies are busy napping and nursing — that’s their main focus (for now).
Two Weeks To Ten Weeks
By the end of two weeks of age, there might be a small noticeable weight gain in newborn Shiba Inu puppies. This period is going to be a fun one. I call this the “learning period” and it is also the most important one.
This development period in the Shiba Inu puppy life is a transition from the passive to the active state. As days go by, the Shiba Inu puppy’s senses start developing. By the end of five weeks of age, most of their senses are already fully developed.
Between three and five weeks of age, Shiba Inu puppies have become more independent. Ever since they have learned about new smells, tastes, and sounds, there is no stopping them from going out on adventures.
They do not rely on their mother as much as they did before, but they still come to nourish themselves with her milk. That will also soon change as their teeth start to emerge.
This period marks the emergence of Shiba Inu puppy’s baby teeth. And it’s soon time to introduce these puppies to new puppy food.
Ten Weeks to Four Months
Shiba Inu puppies acquire their set of baby teeth, so their mother weans them off. At eight weeks of age, most Shiba Inu breeders are ready to find new homes for their puppies. This only proves that during this period, most Shiba Inu puppies are already independent.
Experienced Shiba Inu owners and breeders will often give advice to new owners about transitioning to puppy food. It’s good to start by adding lukewarm water to puppy kibble. This helps break down the hard particles that may come uneasy to the Shiba Inu’s digestive system. By adding water to the puppy kibble, you are getting a lighter, easier to digest meal.
At four months of age, a Shiba Inu puppy weighs between 9 and 13 pounds. This is pretty light, compared to other medium-sized dog breeds. With each upcoming month, you can expect your Shiba Inu puppy to gain between up to three pounds.
Just like in other dog breeds, this period is great for puppy socialization and training. And trust me, you want to start with this as soon as possible. You don’t want a Shiba Inu puppy that misbehaves.
Four Months To Six Months
At six months of age, a healthy Shiba Inu puppy should weigh between 12 and 17 pounds, which is half of its adult weight. After it has reached such weight, the Shiba Inu puppy’s growth rate will slowly decline.
It will still keep growing, but less fast than it did during the first half year of its life. Now it will acquire two to three pounds per month, depending on its diet.
Shiba Inus are very active during this period. So, it’s important not to overdo training and exercise. These puppies are still growing and you should not over exercise them. Too much exercise can lead to injuries and developmental health problems.
Your Shiba Inu puppy’s baby teeth have fallen out by now and its permanent teeth have emerged and grown. It’s time for you to gather all the patience and knowledge to make your puppy stop biting.
By this period you will want to have your Shiba Inu socialized and trained. As for training, it would be perfectly enough for your Shiba Inu to know the difference between “YES” and “NO”. Because it will have to learn right from wrong.
Shiba Inus are very intelligent and outgoing, so teaching them basic social etiquette will help you in the long run.
Six Months To Ten Months
We have now entered the Shiba Inu adolescent period. Perhaps this is the most active the young Shiba Inu puppy will get in its life. Physiologically, their little bodies are still growing and there is so much happening.
Shiba Inu puppies are full of energy, eager to run around and have fun. It’s all good as long as you are able to keep control of their behavior.
In case you own a female Shiba Inu puppy, you can expect her to go into heat somewhere between nine and ten months of age. As for male Shiba Inus, some may show signs that they want to mate, before females go into heat. Overall, both genders tend to act more independent and stubborn in their adolescent phase.
This is why it is important to socialize your Shiba Inu puppy as soon as possible. If you skip the training and socialization process, your Shiba Inu puppy may grow into an aggressive, restless dog. However, aggressive behavior can be fixed with new ways of socializing.
Ten Months To Twelve Months
Your Shiba Inu puppy is not yet an adult, but it isn’t a small puppy either. It’s still a small dog though. Either way, we are two months away from reaching adulthood.
Ten month old Shiba Inus don’t differ much in behavior as eight month old Shiba Inus. Once they reach twelve months of age, it is considered that they have reached their full size. Of course, Shiba Inus will still gain weight, but their height will remain the same.
An interesting vet fact is that most veterinarians agree to spay or neuter a Shiba Inu puppy between four and nine months of age. While some agree to disagree, most believe that neutering or spaying a Shiba Inu puppy at this age decreases the chances of cancer development. But, it also affects the Shiba Inu puppy growth.
Over A Year
So, once it has reached twelve months of age, the Shiba Inu puppy is officially an adult. Now it can eat big dog food! With new dog food intake, a healthy amount of daily exercise should follow. This doesn’t mean your dog has to run all the time. It’s perfectly fine to take it to the dog park or for an evening walk.
Make sure to maintain Shiba Inu’s activity levels even when it gets to its full size. It will still require a lot of attention, dedication, and mental stimulation. However, it should still remain as active as it was. Just make sure not to overdo the exercise. So, provide it with an equal amount of a healthy diet and regular exercise.
Is My Shiba Inu Underweight?
It’s easy to start thinking your Shiba Inu might be underweight. This is because these are naturally slim and small dogs. Although we don’t always have to worry, there are situations where a slim Shiba Inu dog might actually be an underweight dog.
To check if your Shiba Inu is underweight, it’s best to look at the Shiba Inu body condition score. The Shiba Inu BCS shows different stages of the dog’s body weight. It describes what an underweight Shiba looks like.
Usually, when you are able to see and feel its ribs, back bones, and hip bones, you are dealing with an underweight dog. And I advise you to immediately seek veterinary care. If it has gotten to this point, your dog may have underlying health conditions that require treatment.
On the other hand, Shiba Inu puppies are very active and they are always on the move. Naturally, they burn a lot of body fat and require a healthy amount of nutrients to keep them going. So, during their growth period, they might seem skinny because they just can’t seem to catch a break.
In this case, you don’t have to worry much — as long as your Shiba Inu has a healthy appetite and the will to conquer the world.
Factors Affecting The Shiba Inu Puppy’s Growth
We must mention some of the main factors that may be culprits behind your Shiba Inu puppy’s growth. Some of these may contribute to slower growth, whereas some may contribute to faster, healthier growth. To understand the Shiba Inu growth chart, it’s necessary to know a thing or two about the following factors.
Genetics And Environment
There is always this talk about genetics in the dog breeding world. And, there should always be this talk about genetics. Because, the genes control everything in and around us.
So, in all purebred and mixed breed dogs, genetics plays a key role. It is the main cause of congenital health problems, as well as good and bad personality and appearance traits.
This is why reputable Shiba Inu breeders take dog breeding very seriously. They strive to produce quality dogs that inherit healthy traits. They do this because they want to preserve the breed and contribute to its longevity.
Usually, the Shiba Inu price depends on the quality of its genetics and bloodline. Shiba Inus with detailed pedigrees normally have an excellent genetic background.
As for environmental factors, I want to mention the healthy Sun rays that are an important natural source of vitamin D. This is what makes the Shiba Inu’s bones grow healthy and strong. Sun rays combined with other factors such as normal humidity levels and temperature contribute the most to a normal Shiba Inu puppy development.
Proper Diet And Nutrition
As we mentioned beforehand, Shiba Inu puppy is a high-energy pooch. High energy means high appetite, well, most of the time. If you are exercising, you feel the need to eat a lot after a good workout. It’s the same with Shiba Inu dogs. Although, it seems like they can eat all the time.
Proper diet that is rich with healthy nutrients is extremely important for each stage of Shiba Inu puppy development. It’s one of the main growth factors. Nutrients found in quality dog food contribute to the Shiba Inu puppy growth. They feed the body and the soul.
A healthy dog is a dog that eats well, exercises daily, and displays assertiveness followed by high-energy demeanor. All of this is practically impossible if it doesn’t intake calories and carbohydrates as main energy sources.
So, it is of utmost importance for Shiba Inu dog owners to provide their pups with a diet that is rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, healthy oils, fiber, and carbohydrates.
Physical And Mental Activity
Due to the fact that Shiba Inus are popular for being a bit stubborn and strong-willed, they often need heavy amounts of mental and physical stimulation. A puppy that doesn’t get bored often, grows into a wonderful and well-mannered adult dog. And honestly, this is what your Shiba Inu puppy will need each day.
Shiba Inu puppy’s muscles cannot develop on their own. They also need stimulation. And, what better way to stimulate the muscles than incorporating a good everyday exercise routine. Both you and your puppy will love to go out to walk or play fetch!
Physical activity won’t only help your Shiba Inu puppy build a healthy muscle foundation, but it will also help in proper development of bone tissue. Alongside physical changes, you will soon notice changes in your Shiba Inu puppy’s biorhythm.
Remember when your Shiba Inu puppy was restless at night and you couldn’t do anything about it? Now that it gets a lot of physical activity, it just gets too tired to be restless. Another thing you are minimizing with proper physical and mental stimulation is Shiba Inu’s aggressive behavior.
Usually, aggressive and destructive Shiba Inu behaviors result from boredom. You Shiba Inu can’t talk, so it will use other ways to tell you that you’re a boring person!
Shiba Inu Health Problems
The Shiba Inu dog breed isn’t generally an unhealthy dog breed. But, considering it is a purebred dog that has been selectively bred, it has inherited some breed-specific health conditions.
Thankfully, we are aware of the Shiba Inu health problems and most dog breeders along with veterinarians are doing their best to eradicate these congenital disorders.
Most Shiba Inu dogs are prone to hip dysplasia, cataracts, hypothyroidism, and patellar luxation.
Hypothyroidism can affect all dogs of all sizes and breeds. But, it is most common in small and medium-sized dogs. This is a hormonal disorder in which the thyroid gland is incapable of producing the thyroid hormone, hence the “hypo” in the name. This causes a complete metabolism chemical imbalance.
Clinical signs show dry skin and dull coat, as well as weight gain, hair loss and general weakness. However, it is not necessarily a life-threatening condition. With a proper diet and regular treatment, this health condition can be cured within a few months.
Hip Dysplasia
We can see hip dysplasia as a common health concern in all dog breeds. The Shiba Inu is also susceptible to inheriting such a health condition. It is a developmental health problem linked to hip, and sometimes elbow joints.
What happens is that the bones that primarily form the joint start rubbing against one another, causing a lot of pain to our lovely four legged companion. There are ways to help prevent this from happening, and most of them include proper upbringing of the Shiba Inu puppies.
Due to the fact that it is more of a developmental problem that most dog breeds are prone to, it is best to consult your veterinarian about what steps you can take to help prevent this annoying health condition.
Cataracts are common health problems in senior Shiba Inu dogs. They may occur when your Shiba dog turns ten, or older. Cataracts in dogs form on the outer layer of the eye, causing murky and blurry vision. It changes the eye color to a grayish blue.
Cataracts have the potential to lead to blindness. However, if your dog is safe to be introduced into general anesthesia, it is possible to surgically remove the cataract. Keep in mind that this is not a life-threatening condition, but an old-dog’s health problem.
If you thought your Shiba Inu puppy isn’t prone to obesity, you are wrong. Although Shiba Inus appear athletic and slim, they have an increased risk of developing obesity.
Obesity in dogs can develop from decreased exercise along with increased dog food intake. It can also be a cause of some underlying medical condition such as Hypothyroidism and Insulioma.
Obesity in Shiba Inus can lead to development of arthritis, diabetes, and heart conditions.
Make sure to pay attention to the amount of food you provide to your Shiba Inu, as well as how often you feed it.
Read Next: Shiba Inu Feeding Chart – What The Ideal Dog Diet Looks Like
What Is The Average Lifespan Of A Shiba Inu?
Usually, the lifespan of a Shiba Inu is between 12 and 15 years. Most medium-sized dogs live up to 15 years of age, if provided with good care. A healthy puppy can have its lifespan extended up to 17 years of age.
If you purchase a purebred Shiba Inu puppy from a reputable breeder, you are in it for a long and healthy Shiba Inu life. This is because most well-known and competent Shiba Inu breeders produce healthy lines of puppies that are mostly clear from genetic disorders.
But, it’s not all up to breeders. Responsible owners must take good care of their little Shiba Inu puppies. There are many injuries and developmental health problems that may occur during the first year of a Shiba Inu puppy’s life that may have an effect on its lifespan.
Final Thoughts
Although Shiba Inu puppies are extremely cute and popular, they are usually not the best dogs for first-time dog owners. This is mostly because of their stubborn and hard to train side. Sometimes they just don’t want to listen. And most Shiba Inu owners can agree with this.
It takes time and dedication to train such an intelligent and active dog. There is also a lot that can go wrong with bad and late socialization. When choosing a new puppy, you should not only pay attention to its appearance, and in this case solely to the Shiba Inu growth chart.
Getting a new puppy is more than looks! If you have made it here, you have probably read about all the health problems and factors that can have an impact on the Shiba Inu puppy growth. And this can result in the worsening of its quality of life.
Your personality and your daily routine will contribute to a healthy Shiba Inu puppy growth. Learning more about this interesting dog breed will help you understand it better and help you with raising your own Shiba Inu puppy!
So, before getting your new Shiba Inu puppy, make sure to do a lot of research and prepare to provide it with the best living conditions, lots of love, and snuggles!