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Shelter Workers In Michigan Can’t Contain Shock After Dog Opens Locked Door And Escapes

Shelter Workers In Michigan Can’t Contain Shock After Dog Opens Locked Door And Escapes

Every dog has a hidden talent that leaves their owners in awe sooner or later. However, Tiki, a senior shelter dog, decided to show off his special skills not only to his caregivers but to the entire internet!

This adorable boi is a world-class Houdini, and the shelter staff was about to discover it – via their security camera.

Being a naturally social pup, Tiki didn’t enjoy being locked in a crate in the middle of the night, so he decided to do something about it. He casually unlocked the door and slipped out of the room like it was nobody’s business, searching for some companionship… 

He’s One Sneaky Senior

Saved from a road in Michigan as a stray, this nine-year-old dog took everyone by surprise the minute he entered the Humane Society of Huron Valley. Despite being homeless, Tiki was a social butterfly right off the bat, and he definitely didn’t want to spend one more minute alone.

Unfortunately, due to the shelter being overcrowded, Tiki had to stay the first couple of nights locked in a crate in one of the offices.

That, however, did not sit well with Tiki.

Instead of waiting for the volunteers to arrive, he mysteriously locked himself out of the crate, opened the office door, roamed the shelter for a while, and then found a way out through the front door.

Luckily, he went straight into the arms of one of the vets who was arriving for work early in the morning.

The shelter staff thought that was the end of it, but Tiki had other plans. The next evening, he did the exact same thing, but this time, there was no one to stop him from leaving the shelter entirely.

Tiki magically found the front door again after he had to wind through several hallways, and then casually walked into the nearby Mattheir Botanical Gardens.

Assuming he must’ve been a shelter dog, Tiki was safely returned by the MBG workers. Still, the question of how he houdinied his way out remains a mystery.

Tiki’s Second Chance

Only two weeks after the viral video of Tiki leaving the locked shelter, he found a forever home in Michigan. Sadly, the owner had to return him due to the severe separation anxiety Tiki displayed during his owner’s absence.

“He was adopted, until separation anxiety proved challenging. We now know he needs someone who’s home a lot right now and can work through it,” the Michigan rescue stated on Facebook.

The shelter did not lose hope, though. Knowing how genuinely sweet their furry resident was, they figured it was only a matter of time before a suitable family found him. 

To everyone’s excitement, Tiki did not have to wait long.

The Michigan rescue announced that this sweet boi had found his forever home with a retired dad who was more than happy to provide him with the best golden years.

“He has been in one of our fosters for the past remaining portion of his time, and today Tiki hit the jackpot with his new freshly retired dad! We at HSHV wish Tiki the happiest of homes,” the rescue concluded.

Tiki finally found his luck. And, who knows… maybe he’ll surprise his new dad with another outstanding set of skills. Or, at least recreate the Houdini act.