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Senior Miami Shelter Dog Who Waited 1739 Days For Someone To Take Him Home Finds His Fairytale

Senior Miami Shelter Dog Who Waited 1739 Days For Someone To Take Him Home Finds His Fairytale

It saddens me to imagine how sad Jones felt as he watched the other shelter residents leave the shelter with their new parents while he continued waiting for his turn.

A sweet thirteen-year-old dog longed for a loving home, but sadly, he was never chosen.

Jones was extremely affectionate and playful, but his age was an obstacle in his way of finding happiness.

If only the shelter visitors would stop by his kennel and spend some time with him, they would realize that he is the ideal dog. He just needs someone to give him a chance. That’s all he asks.

Jones’ Friends Visit Him

senior shelter dog
Source: Ryan O’Neil

Known as “The Dog Guys,” TikTok creators, Eric Noxon and Joseph Masloski, often share videos of shelter dogs under the handle eric.and.joey, in order to increase their visibility and help them get adopted.

In 2023, Noxon and Masloski visited Jones at the Humane Society of Greater Miami North.

He was curled up in his shelter kennel with the saddest look on his face.

The pair was heartbroken when they learned that the dog spent years at the shelter and that he kept getting overlooked.

They shared his video on their TikTok account, hoping to help him find a home that he deserved.

Thanks to the footage that went viral, a lot of people heard about Jones’ plight and a kind family decided to foster him.

When Noxon and Masloski returned to the Miami shelter in February of 2025, they were shocked to see that Jones was still there. 

They were so sad to see him waiting at the same place for someone to finally choose him.

“It’s heartbreaking to see such a kind, loving soul spend years behind kennel doors. You start to wonder—why? Why has he been overlooked for so long? What did he do to deserve this,” Noxon and Masloski wrote on TikTok.

Noxon and Masloski decided to foster the doggo for a few days and take him on adventures. They wanted to make more videos of him and increase his chances of getting adopted.

The dog was happy to see them again and he instantly began wagging his tail.

Jones’ friends took him to the groomer where he had his fur trimmed.

Since the pair knew that the doggo loved the sun, they took him to the beach. Jones was overjoyed. He ran on the beach with a big smile on his face. 

The doggo wished that he could always be free and enjoy these little things in life.

The Best Possible News 

man and shelter dog
Source: @humanemiami

After spending three days with the lovely dog, Noxon and Masloski returned him to the shelter. Jones was sad because his adventure was over and he was back in his shelter room.

His human friends posted new videos of the dog on TikTok, and within weeks, Jones’ luck changed.

An amazing family who recently lost their senior dog fell in love with Jones as soon as they saw his videos. The senior shelter dog reminded them of their lost pet and wanted to give him all their love.

The Miami shelter posted a special video of Jones as he left the shelter with his new family. 

shelter dog on a leash
Source: @humanemiami

The doggo was a picture of happiness as he headed home to his forever home

For the first time in a long time, Jones felt happy and peaceful. He knew that this was the happy ending he always longed for.

adopted dog in car
Source: @humanemiami

The sweet doggo has his own Instagram account where he posts updates about his new life in Tampa, Florida. He has the time of his life with his forever humans.

Thank you to the staff in the Humane Society of Greater Miami North for taking care of Jones and to Masloski and Noxon for helping him find a forever home.