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Secret Camera Reveals Cat That Comforts Anxious Dog When No One’s Watching

Secret Camera Reveals Cat That Comforts Anxious Dog When No One’s Watching

Anxiety is the outburst of negative emotions, which can hit all of us from time to time. Unfortunately, dogs are not an exception. 

A dog named Joule knows best as to how uncomfortable it can be. A few years ago, Joule was rescued by Brenna Eckert. 

Brenna told The Dodo that Joule was struggling with so much anxiety when she was adopted that she needed to work one-on-one with a dog behaviorist to help work through some of her serious issues. 

“She is definitely a Velcro dog” Brenna stated, meaning that she is extremely attached to her owner and always suffers from separation anxiety whenever her hooman parent is somewhere out. 

This only makes the issue more complicated because Brenna needs to go to work every day of the week, leaving her favorite puppy behind. 

However, she couldn’t imagine that the solution to Joule’s problem was just behind the corner, right in front of her eyes. 

The Secret Cameras Revealed A True Magic Of Unexpected Friendship

Since Brenna already knew that Joule was getting upset every time she left the house, she couldn’t stay indifferent to the situation, so she decided to set up security cameras in the house in order to see what her best friend was doing while she was at work. 

“I wanted to see how long before she calmed down” Brenna explained to Daily Star more recently. 

Brenna couldn’t have been more surprised when she came home and checked the videotape. “I saw Joule on the couch right before Kelvin appeared out of nowhere” she stated. 

Kelvin was her little kitty with a very mellow and sweet personality. She said that they were never too close to each other when she was around, but on the videotape, they were snuggling up against each other all day. What a pleasant surprise!

“You see, Joule’s shelter name was Sandals and Kelvins was Socks, so I was always kidding around about what perfect couple would they be,” Brenna said with a smile. 

Brenna realized that her anxious cutie was in safe hands while she was out of the house. And, yes – even Kelvin benefited from this relationship since he loves sleeping and being warm, both of which he gets by snuggling up to Joule during the day. 

Through True Love Up To The Stars

A few years ago, Brenna released a short video of Joule and Kelvin on Reddit. It was just a few moments that showed true love between a sweet and warm cat and an anxious dog who just wanted some affection. 

Every day I point the camera at the couch when I leave for work, so I can capture their snuggles.
byu/elphaba16 inaww

Those few moments were enough to warm up the hearts of pet lovers around the world and all other people who were touched by this truly special scene. 

In a short period of time, the video about love between the dog, Joule, and the cat, Kelvin, gained huge popularity, with over one hundred thousand views. 

But, their rise to stardom didn’t stop there. Their Instagram account, @ginger_cat_and_vizslas, hasn’t stopped attracting followers since their first cuddling videos were released in 2018. 

The feedback from the viewers was just amazing and you could see that it melted their hearts.

Today, They Are A Big Happy Family

Although the two main characters of the story are Joule and Kelvin, it would be unfair not to mention two other members of this happy pet gang. 

Tesla is an American village dog, and he also likes to cuddle with his friends from time to time, but he isn’t so demanding, to be honest. He likes to be alone sometimes in order to clear up his clever mind and take a rest from everybody. 

The fourth member of the gang is another cat, and this one is truly the opposite of our main characters. Nerien is a black cat that mostly likes to enjoy her own company and observe everything from a far distance. 

However, this doesn’t mean that she doesn’t like to share some of her love with other members of the family. 

All in all, with truly unique personalities, they all create one big, happy family where everybody can enjoy some cuddling time on the couch.