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Rottweiler From Oklahoma Meets Puppy Sibling For The First Time, His Reaction Is Hilarious

Rottweiler From Oklahoma Meets Puppy Sibling For The First Time, His Reaction Is Hilarious

As a robust working breed of great strength, descended from the Mastiffs of the Roman legions, can you imagine a Rottweiler terrified of one tiny puppy that is only as big as his head?

As silly as it sounds, one member of this breed of world-class guardians literally didn’t have the courage to get off the couch because of a small puppy who was just trying to play with him!

However, when he gained confidence in her good intentions, an incredible relationship was created that continues to this day.

This cute story will melt your heart, but also make you laugh.

At First, The Couch Was His Safe Place

tiny puppy walking up to rottweiler
Source: The Dodo

A Rottweiler named Dozer got along very well with his sister, Lilah, and the two were in true harmony with each other. 

That was until one day, their mom, Kimberly Ward, decided to bring a new family member into their home in Claremore, Oklahoma.

A little Frenchie named Daisy caused quite a stir among the Rottweilers, and Dozer was especially upset.

As soon as his new sister came to her new home, she had Dozer in spades and wanted to play with him all the time. But, he just didn’t know how to react.

“The first couple of days, he was kind of scared of her,” Kimberly Ward told The Dodo. “She was so tiny and outgoing and charismatic … She wanted to play with him all the time, but he didn’t know that he could be a puppy.”

The more he ran away from her, the faster she ran after him. In an instant, he realized that climbing on the couch was the only thing left for him because Daisy was so small that there was no way she could climb on it.

For the first few days, that was his safe place.

She Brought Out The Puppy Inside Him

Daisy was so persistent that there was simply no way she would fail in her plan. She would prance around her big brother, nipping at his feet and barking until Dozer had no choice but to give in and play with her.

“The first time that he ran with her and figured out that she would chase him, it was on,” Ward said. “He figured out that he could be interactive with her.”

From that moment, their unbreakable bond began to blossom. Although Daisy had incomparably more energy than Dozer, he tried to keep up with her in every way.

They loved chasing each other around the couch, playing in the yard, and playing hide and seek under the bed. 

The most impressive thing was that Dozer was not at all aggressive while having fun with his little sister. “He knew that he was supposed to be gentle with her and that she was tiny,” Ward said.

Playful Daisy really succeeded in something that no family member believed in – she brought out the puppy in Dozer. 

Playfulness was actually her love language and it was the language that Dozer understood best.

New Sister Fits In Perfectly

two dogs playing on carpet
Source: The Dodo

Although Dozer and Daisy got along fantastically and little Frenchie fit in perfectly with the new family, Ward felt she needed someone who was on her energy level.

Soon, the family became bigger because Mocha was brought into their Claremore home. Another Frenchie was the perfect playmate for Daisy and a little sister to her Rottweiler siblings. 

Daisy loved Mini Mo, as they called her, from the very first day. 

“I bet they play and wrestle and run and chase each other two or three hours a day,” Ward said,” It’s incredible.”

Just like Daisy, Mocha also loved playing with the big boys when she grew up, although she became a completely different personality from Daisy. She was calm and loved to cuddle. 

Dozer, just like Daisy, was gentle with Mini Mo, and sometimes he would even deliberately let her win his favorite game of tug-of-war.

They all truly became one big, happy family. 

And, when asked if Ward and her family have thought about bringing another little sister into the mix, Ward said, “There’s always the possibility of a tinier sister or brother.” For Dozer and Daisy, the more, the merrier!