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Shock As Texas Residents Finally Uncover Mysterious Culprits On A Decayed Roof

Shock As Texas Residents Finally Uncover Mysterious Culprits On A Decayed Roof

When this little boi was found on a roof, everyone was shocked by how he had gotten there in the first place.

Scared, all alone, and in desperate need of help, the puppy didn’t know how to escape. He lay there, hoping to be rescued soon. And that’s when humanity showed its true colors!

The residents of the apartment complex didn’t think twice. One of them called the good people of Austin Animal Center, Texas, for help – who responded immediately.

Desperate And In Need Of Help

Staci Figueroa and her colleague, Erica Cerza, arrived at the spot within minutes. When these two animal protection officers from the Texas rescue saw the puppy sitting on the roof, they were stunned by how he ended up there.

Apparently, he walked down the hallway of the apartment complex and then through the railing, right onto the roof. 

The tricky part was – he didn’t know how to go back!

The team of rescuers noticed a small, gaping hole in the metal right next to the puppy. If he somehow ended up falling through that, the rescue would be almost impossible.

That’s why Staci and Erica didn’t spare time and acted fast.

With the help of one of the residents, they decided to remove one of the pickets in the fence that stood perpendicular to the roof. They used a screwdriver and completely removed it – which made the further work a lot easier.

When they finally had clear sight of the puppy, Cerza reached for him.

“With the help of a resident and her handy dandy screwdriver, our officers were able to remove one of the pickets from the fence and get the little guy out. Once he was safe, the picket was replaced as if nothing had happened,” AAC wrote on Facebook.

Successful Rescue Mission

After his hero rescuers scooped him up, the pup rested comfortably and calmly in Cerza’s arms. He didn’t show any signs of nervousness or fear but was evidently confused.

Then, a few moments later, he started to play with her hair, indicating that he had now become a lot more relaxed.

When the pup was finally safe, the rescuers asked the apartment complex’s management to inform residents about the puppy in case someone had lost it. Sadly, no one came forward.

He was safely transferred to the facility, where he was further taken care of and named – Wicket!

This little baby took only a few days to completely come out of his shell and show everyone how truly playful and sweet he was. And, as the ultimate reward for his friendly attitude, he was surprised with the greatest gift in no time!

Wicket found a beautiful new home with an amazing family. 

“No one came forward, and “Wicket” was adopted to a new home last week,” the rescue wrote on Facebook.

Now, he gets to enjoy his time as a loving companion, far away from decayed roofs and uncertain tomorrows. His days are now filled with exciting adventures and love, and that’s everything he could ever ask for!