A mom’s instinct is probably one of the most amazing phenomena that we come across in all beings, and doggos are no exception!
When she was about to deliver her puppies to the world, this Pittie mama was so frightened!
She desperately wanted to preserve her litter, so she decided to give birth in an abandoned house in St. Louis, Missouri. Little did she know that being “safe” in a house far from basic necessities was not a very good idea!
All alone with her puppies, with no food and water, in a pitch black house, the doggo mom needed help – urgently!
Help Arrived When Mama Dog Needed It The Most

Luckily, the good people of Stray Rescue of St. Louis, from St. Louis, Missouri, heard about the stray Pittie mom hiding in an abandoned house.
Natalie and Donna, the volunteers from this rescue who participated in numerous rescue missions so far, came to the spot looking for an abandoned Pittie and her litter.
They called the dog several times, offering snacks, when finally, they saw a little head popping out of a mattress. She was evidently emaciated and thin, and she went for the snacks without any hesitation.
Once she finally got out from the bed, Natalie and Donna put her in their jeep, and then came back for her puppies.
Six Healthy, Chunky Puppies

It was dark and cold, but they somehow managed to pull out all of the puppies from the mattress. There were six healthy newborns under there, and one that sadly crossed the rainbow bridge just recently.

Stray Rescue of St. Louis:
“One mama, 6 babies, and another one who had crossed the rainbow bridge. They were living in this pitch black, very cold, boarded up house. She was so hungry and thirsty, and her little babies have skin infections. But, they are all safe now, thank God.”
Surprisingly, all of these six puppies were in really good shape, considering their situation. Except for a minor skin infection, they were all chunky and well-fed.
“Mom actually did a super job with these puppies. For as thin as she was, puppies were all chunky and happy,” said Donna

They put the puppies in a crate and placed them in the jeep, right next to their mom.
Vicky Veggie Was A Friendly Girl Right Off The Bat

Despite everything that happened to this Pittie family, the mom, later named Vicky Veggie, was quite friendly right off the bat!
Unlike many dogs Natalie and Donna have saved, she didn’t display any sort of aggression in an attempt to protect her puppies. It was as if she knew right away that these hoomans were there to help – not to harm her or her babies.
The whole family was taken care of well. When the SRSL team made sure that the puppies were weaned from her mom, they sent Vicky Veggie to a foster home, so when the time comes, she will be ready for her furever family.
The puppies, on the other hand, were monitored a little longer due to their infection treatment. Eventually, all of them were successfully adopted into beautiful homes!
Settling In A Well-Deserved Furever Home

After a couple of months in a foster home, Vicky Veggie got adopted into the most pawesome family! She was welcomed with arms wide open by her new hoomans, and she reciprocated!

“Vicky Veggie is adopted into the most loving family in the world. They give her all the hugs and snuggles she’s been dreaming of. Congratulations, sweet girl… we couldn’t be happier for you,” SRST wrote in their Facebook post.
Once a stray dog mama juggling multiple worries, she’s now the happiest doggo in the world!