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Rescuers Relieved When They Finally Found Out What Was Wrong With Pup With Human-Like Eyes

Rescuers Relieved When They Finally Found Out What Was Wrong With Pup With Human-Like Eyes

Every pup experiences shelter life differently.

Some of them love being there as they are surrounded by all of their furry friends and loving hoomans. On the other hand, some of them don’t like it too much as they would rather be in a quiet home with a hooman of their own.

That is why they tend to isolate themselves in the back of their kennels and wait for the right person to come and pick them up.

However, Chewy, the pup of today’s story, had a different reason behind his strange behavior.

Meet Sweet Chewy

gray dog laying down
Source: The Dodo

Meggan, the ED of operations at HIT Living Dog Rescue in Los Angeles, noticed that Chewy wasn’t doing so well.

He kept to himself all the time, hiding at the back of the shelter. Since Chewy had such unique eyes, Meggan couldn’t help but feel as if something was wrong.

Knowing that a foster home is a far better place for a pup of such a condition, she decided to take in the pup herself and show him how beautiful life could actually be.

“When we got Chewy, he was a broken little soul. In hindsight, I think he was actually not feeling well at all. We put him in the volunteer’s car, and then he went to his foster home,” Meggan told The Dodo.

woman petting gray dog
Source: The Dodo

At The Fosters

Unfortunately, things didn’t really change when he got to his foster home.

In the beginning, he refused to eat anything, and would only grab a couple of bites when he was left alone.

He also didn’t move too much, mostly keeping to his pen area.

After some tests, the vets found out that Chewy did have an upper respiratory infection. They hoped that the pup would start feeling better after it cleared up. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case.

gray dog laying on a blanket
Source: The Dodo

“His upper respiratory infection cleared up and he still wasn’t feeling right. He was ravenous. So hungry. So thirsty all the time. Peeing all the time,” she added.

Meggan simply refused to give up on this sweet boy so she decided to check if he had diabetes. And he did!

The second she saw his test results, Meggan was so relieved as she finally knew what was wrong with him.

“As soon as Chewy was diagnosed with diabetes, although it was sad, it was such a relief. We immediately put him on insulin. He had a little glucose monitor on his body,” she stated.

adorable gray dog laying down
Source: The Dodo

The second he had his first insulin dose, Chewy was a different pup.

Not only did he start coming out of his shell, but he also regained his strength and just the thought of being outside would light up his eyes.  

And the best thing was that he began thrusting hoomans!

“He went from peeing on himself because he was so scared of humans, to wanting love and affection from every human that walked by. There was no such thing as personal space,” she said.

New Life

Since he began showing off his true, loving personality, Meggan knew that it was time for him to find a home of his own!

And he did exactly that.

An incredible person from Washington fell in love with this sweet boy and she knew that she couldn’t live her life without him. Naming him Morris, she took him in and began his new life.

woman and cute gray dog
Source: The Dodo

“He’s come so far. It’s amazing. Every day, he gets more safe and comfortable. Mo has been the perfect addition to our home. He fits in so great. I feel so lucky that they picked me for him. It was like a meeting of the souls,” stated Dee Dee, his new mom.

Finally, this adorable boy is able to live the life he was destined for all along.