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Rescuer From California Cares For Desert Dog For A Year, Ultimately Saving A Pack

Rescuer From California Cares For Desert Dog For A Year, Ultimately Saving A Pack

As soon as a rescuer named Esteban received a call about a pack of dogs living on a property in a desert in Southern California, he rushed to the spot to help them.

Once he arrived at the desert, he became aware of the desperate situation the dogs were in.

There were makeshift water containers on the property but they were all empty. The dogs were struggling to survive in the scorching heat without any food and water.

When the dogs spotted Esteban, they stepped back and kept their distance.

Determined to gain the dogs’ trust and bring them to safety, the rescuer started visiting them every other day and bringing them food and water.

Taking Care Of The Dogs

two dogs roaming the desert
Source: The Dodo

When Esteban learned the dogs’ backstory, he was even more moved and heartbroken.

The desert dogs used to have a caretaker who had the idea of building a sanctuary for the dogs in the desert. 

Sadly, with time, the man took in too many dogs and couldn’t take care of them.

After he passed away, the dogs had to fend for themselves.

The rescue organization stepped in and saved around seventy dogs. The remaining twelve dogs were too skittish and were left in the desert.

Esteban knew that he wouldn’t let them down. They deserved to be rescued just like all the other dogs.

When he gave them food for the first time, the dogs were distrustful. Once Esteban stepped back, the hungry dogs approached the food bowl and started eating.

three dogs eating food
Source: The Dodo

As time went by, one of the desert dogs, named Persephone, started approaching Esteban and following him around.

The doggo tried to figure out what his intentions were.

Esteban gave her treats, and gradually, she started getting close to him and eating from his hand.

However, the dog didn’t let Esteban stroke her. 

human hand petting a dog
Source: The Dodo

Whenever he tried to touch her, she would run away. Esteban could see in her eyes that she longed for human love but her fear seemed to be much stronger.

While trying to gain Persephone’s trust, Esteban reached out to many rescues in Southern California and asked for their help. 

He was afraid to take the dogs to shelters out of fear that they would be put down.

Persephone Starts Trusting Her Rescuer

dogs in desert looking straight at the camera
Source: The Dodo

Esteban continued visiting the dogs and taking care of them. Persephone would always wait for him at the gate.

The rescuer realized that there were two packs of dogs and that she was the ringleader of one of those packs.

One day, while Esteban was taking Persephone for a walk, he kneeled down and held out his hand.

At that moment, Persephone came up to him and let him stroke her for the first time. It was such a precious moment for both Esteban and Persephone.

person petting a pretty dog
Source: @amos_and_co

The rescuer’s eyes were filled with tears of joy. 

After seven months, he finally gained Persephone’s trust. The dog’s desire to be loved prevailed over fear.

From that day onward, the doggo enjoyed snuggling with Esteban and they formed a strong connection.

Seeing that Persephone and Esteban became friends, White Knight, a member of Persephone’s pack, became curious and approached them.

Esteban managed to find a rescue organization that would take in the dogs. 

Once the rescue found the foster families for the dogs, Esteban captured the dogs.

When he loaded the dogs into the car, Esteban was relieved and happy.

Having realized that his relationship with Persephone was unique, he ended up adopting her. 

dog on couch enjoying
Source: @amos_and_co

The loving doggo lives with her dad in their California home and she couldn’t be happier. She loves cuddling and soaking up his love. 

Thank you, Esteban, for not giving up on the desert dogs and helping them get a second shot at happiness.