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Rescuer Gives His Best Searching For Starving Pup In The Middle Of Nowhere, Hoping To Save His Life

Rescuer Gives His Best Searching For Starving Pup In The Middle Of Nowhere, Hoping To Save His Life

Tragedy is something that many animals are accustomed to because of the way humans treat them. What makes it really heartbreaking for me is seeing them go through this.

It’s even more depressing knowing that puppies who were separated from their mother are forced to survive on their own, but can’t.

They never had the chance to learn how to take care of themselves or find someone who would help them. This severely malnourished puppy was going through the same heartbreak.

He was all on his own, wandering around, but a kind person called rescuers and alerted them about this dog’s presence, so they made the decision to help.

A Terrible Heartbreak

When the rescuers went to look for the dog, he was nowhere to be found. They were baffled and unsure what to do, so they continued their search.

It was a rural area so he could have been anywhere. The rescuers spent two days searching for him and were able to find him in another village.

When they first saw him, he collapsed from exhaustion and hunger. He just couldn’t keep going anymore. Everyone was heartbroken to see this.

Just as this happened, the rescuers took the malnourished puppy, transported him into their car, and took him to the clinic.

When the veterinarians took him in, they quickly started his examinations. He had some wounds on his body and a huge belly. He was dehydrated and malnourished.

He had ticks on his body and was anemic. This was really bad for such a small puppy, but the good news was that there was a good chance that he would recover.

All of his health problems could be easily treated. All they have to do is wait and let the treatment do its work.

For the first few days, they noticed that the puppy was able to get his head up to eat, and this was a positive sign. The wound on his head was also healing slowly.

A New Journey For Valentine

The veterinarians suspected that the puppy had Leptospirosis, which is an infection that could damage his kidneys, liver, lungs, and meninges.

So, they immediately quarantined the puppy. The rescuers suspected that he was abandoned after he got sick because his owners couldn’t or didn’t want to treat him.

After the quarantine was over, the veterinarians noticed a pretty big improvement in the puppy. There were still some signs of the illness, but he recovered quickly.

The rescuers and his veterinarians noticed he started wagging his tail around them. They were so happy to see that he felt safe and comfortable in their presence.

He has changed completely in just a short period of time. It’s like all the sadness that took over him was now gone. He was a different dog.

The puppy, now named Valentine, was just about ready to be discharged from the clinic and everyone was so happy to see him move around with such ease.

After he was finally free, his rescuers immediately started searching for a forever home for him. It took a while, but it was completely worth it.

His new family is just amazing. They are really kind people who will give Valentine the love and care he should have gotten in the beginning. He looks so happy to be with them.