Suzette Hall, a dog rescuer from Southern California, has seen it all.
She has rescued stray dogs, saved abandoned ones, and tended to severely injured pups. Hall has also found homes for dogs in need and arranged vet treatments for pooches with underlying health problems… and yet, she remains stunned by heartbreaking cases on a daily basis.
This time, she received a call about a tiny dog cruelly dumped in a parking lot near a construction site. At first, she thought this would be a rescue mission like any other, but it soon turned out to be a much more complex situation.
She Was So Scared Of People

Upon arriving at the location, Hall was completely heartbroken.
A tiny dog was practically “living” in the parking lot after abandonment, traveling back and forth through a little fence that led to a trailer park.
“Poor baby found a little hole in a fence in between a mobile home park and a new construction site. That hole led to a small traveling space that would end up inside the mobile homes,” Hall wrote on social media.
The reason she went to the park was pretty heartbreaking, too. The dog, now named Bethany, found many friends there and spent most of her days playing with them.

Sadly, at the end of the day, all of them would go home and Bethany would go back to the parking lot where she was initially abandoned.
“They all had homes to go to but she didn’t,” Hall added.
It was just so devastatingly sad seeing her with no shelter, food, or anything that reminded her of a comfy life. Bethany was all alone and in constant danger of being hurt by a bigger animal.
So, Hall decided to do something about it.

Instead of leaving this furry girl on her own, the rescuer brought a large humane trap and set it in the parking lot. Then, she waited. She knew the dog was scared of people, so she let Bethany do things at her own pace.
“She was so scared of people and would run if you got close. I set a trap and waited and waited,” the California rescuer wrote.
Unfortunately, Hall had no success. Every time Bethany got near the trap, she would get spooked by something or someone and run away.
Eventually, Hall set a trap near one of the trailers. Hours later – she finally succeeded. Bethany was in, and now it was time to find her a new home.
Shocking Update

After being taken care of, Bethany, just like any other dog Hall has saved, was on her way to a new start. This tiny pup was sad to leave all her friends she played with at the park, but Hall knew she had something better in store.
She and her team prepared Bethany for a foster home when something unexpected happened.
A few days later, after the rescue, Hall received a shocking update: Bethany’s original owner hadn’t abandoned her – this furry girl got away.

After missing for two months from her mom, Bethany was relocated to the parking lot by someone who found her. Fortunately, her mom never gave up!
“Someone had definitely found her and relocated her. Her mama never gave up and yesterday…We reunited Bebe with her mama. It was just another miracle,” she wrote.

The two finally found each other in a heartwarming reunion and Hall couldn’t have been happier.
After all those days of heartbreak and uncertainty, Bebe, the dog, found her way home. She’s now in a safe environment, has the biggest smile on her face, and doesn’t miss a thing.
Two months later, Bebe is finally where she belongs – home.