You can say they’re redneck dog names, and you can also say they’re hillbilly dog names. You wouldn’t be wrong.
Country music, banjo hung on the wall, cornbread smelling delicious from the kitchen, the whole family together, enjoying their lives, and polishing their big pickup trucks.
Yes, those are all redneck things.
What people need to understand is that redneck doesn’t necessarily mean something insulting. Rednecks are a part of US culture. They have their own lifestyle, and who are we to judge if we don’t like it?
The redneck culture can be found in the Southern States. This includes states like Georgia, Louisiana, South Carolina, Mississippi, Alabama, and Arkansas.
However, the past decades have made a little change in terms of the area where rednecks live. Today, you can find these folks pretty much outside any big city area. They love their country life, and don’t want to change it no matter what’s at stake.
Redneck Dog Names For Male Dogs

1. Ace – Ace is always the guy in charge.
2. Banjo – You can’t imagine a redneck without a Banjo, right?
3. Billy – What kind of a hillbilly dog names list would this be without a dog named Billy?
4. Bo – This is a unisex redneck dog name, but Little Bo Peep thinks it’s only for girls. Can we disagree here, Bo?
5. Buck – Yes, that’s Buck as in buckwheat.
6. Chesney – Chesney is the protector of the mighty oak, but your Chesney will be only your protector.
7. Chet – Short dog names like Chet are excellent for dog training.
8. Elvis – Elvis really doesn’t need an explanation, right?
9. Jed – Jed, because Jedediah is tough to pronounce when in a hurry.
10. Jethro – This Biblical name is pretty popular among rednecks. You can also use the shorter version, Jet.
11. Jimmy – Jimmy is a must on every name list, including this redneck one.
12. Merle – Oh, imagine naming your merle dog Merle! Wouldn’t that be so cool?
13. Opie – Name a better redneck dog name for a senior rescue dog.
14. Paisley – Even though Paisley used to mean cemetery back in the day, people still like how it sounds, especially as a dog name.
15. Toby – You can either leave it short as Toby or use the full name: Tobiyah.
16. Waylon – Country music is an everlasting inspiration for rednecks. This name here, Waylon, is inspired by country singer Waylon Jennings.
17. Wyatt – Who’s the first Wyatt that comes to your mind? Wyatt Earp, of course!
18. Angus – If you thought of Angus beef first, you have it right. This redneck dog name was actually inspired by beef.
19. Bart – Or Bartholomew, if you prefer the more formal version.
20. Billy Ray – Yes, that’s as in Billy Ray Cyrus, one of the greatest modern country musicians.
21. Cowboy – Not all rednecks are cowboys, and not all cowboys are rednecks. But, if you own a Blue Heeler, perhaps, this might serve as a wonderful name.
22. Duane – Oh, this sounds so hillbilly-ish, doesn’t it?
23. Elmer – If you thought of Elmer Fudd, then you thought it right. The popular rabbit-hunting WB character is the most popular Elmer.
24. Eugene – The name is as redneckish as it gets. Most Eugenes have red hair. Maybe your red-coated dog would suit this name pawfectly?
25. Homer – Although Homer from The SImpsons can be a bit hillbilly-ish, the name is not inspired by him. Homer is a typical name a redneck grandpa would have.
26. Horace – Okay, Horace is another redneck grandpa name we all like.
27. Huckleberry – The most popular hillbilly from the books, Huckleberry Finn, deserves a spot on this list of best redneck dog names.
28. Huck – Pick Huck if you want your dog to have a shorter, easier-to-use name.
29. Ira – Wow, that sounds like a true redneck dog name!
30. Jim Bob – Adding Bob to pretty much any name is something rednecks usually do when picking a name.
31. Lee – Yes, General Lee was an inspiration behind this name for your
32. Hooch – Ask any redneck what hooch is.
33. Buckshot – What a fine name for a hunting dog. If you’re not satisfied with Buckshot, maybe you should check out this list of best gundog names.
Hillbilly Girl Dog Names

34. Daisy May – Combining two names into one is something rednecks like to do. The name Daisy May is a lovely example of that habit.
35. Dixie – A good name for a girl dog with a heart of Dixie.
36. Dolly – Name idea because your dog is a total doll AND you like Dolly Parton too.
37. Elly May – See, here’s another May. Elly May is sweet and short!
38. Loretta Lynn – Two popular names from the South have combined into a great moniker for a dog with a character.
39. Minnie – Minnie is a popular girl name down South, and it’s also the original Disney name for dogs.
40. Patsy – Although it’s a diminutive of Patricia, the name Patsy stood out and it’s been used as a personal name for more than 70 years.
41. Taylor – This name is inspired by the country music star, Taylor Swift.
42. Bess Ann – Or simply Bessy, if you prefer cuter names. Bess Ann is more for an older canine gal.
43. Bettina – Bettina has a lovely meaning. It stands for: God is my oath.
44. Clarice – She’s not Clarice from The Silence of the Lambs. She’s Clarise as in bright, clear.
45. Darla – Darlas are absolute darlings!
46. Earlene – The name Earlene stands for noble woman. She’s the real lady from the South.
47. Ethel – Back in the day, the South was divided between noble, rich people, and those of poor wealth status. Hence why there are so many names standing for noble women.
48. Goldie – Goldie has the heart of gold.
49. Ida – This name always reminds me of sweet, old ladies. How about you? It’s a perfect name idea for a senior rescue dog.
50. Lucille – The name is inspired by Lucille Ball, but it’s also a popular French name. And we all know the influence the French left on the US South.
51. Lula Mae – What an absolute sweetheart Lula Mae is!
52. Mamie – Mamie or Margaret. Name a more Southern girl dog name.
53. Martha – Yes, that is inspired by Martha Stewart.
54. Maude – A nickname for Matilda.
55. Nellie Pearl – Nellie Pearl is another charming example of combining two names into one. You can either use one or the other name if you want to make it shorter. I find Pearl to be quite lovely.
56. Olive – This name idea never gets old!
57. Peggy Sue – Find a redneck dog name for girls as popular as Peggy Sue.
58. Sally – Or if you want to make it even more special, then it should be Sweet Sally.
59. Stella – A great name for the star in your life!
60. Tabitha – Biblical names are very popular among rednecks. The name Tabitha, which stands for gracious, is a good example.
61. Virginia – Just a lovely female name inspired by the State of Virginia.
Southern Dog Names For Your Southern Belles And Beaus

Redneck is often a synonym for southern or country. We have to look at the context of the sentence to know if redneck actually stands for something insulting or not. In case you’re interested in southern dog names for your goofy, redneckish puppy, you should take a look at these name ideas.
62. Belle – It’s a pretty clear reason why to name a dog Belle. Because she’s such a beauty, isn’t she?
63. Scarlett – Inspired by the wonderful Scarlett O’Hara.
64. Mae – A redneck way of naming someone after the month of May.
65. Shelby – Shelby means willow. So many willows down South!
66. Jolene – It’s French for a pretty girl.
67. Magnolia – Magnolia is also a lovely flower dog name. In this case, it’s inspired by the Magnolia flower growing only in the South of States.
68. Byrdie – A pretty name that means a little bird.
69. Blessy – Because she’s the blessed one.
70. Reba – Inspired by the country music superstar, Reba McEntire.
71. Maisie – Although the name means pearl in Scottish, it reminds me of maize or corn. It’s a typical redneck dog name.
72. Hattie – Hattie stands for the homeowner. Owning a big home in the South was a matter of prestige back then.
73. Gladys – The name Gladys means homeland or nation. And we all know how hard the South fought for its land.
74. Dottie – Dottie is a gift of God, but also a great name for a Dalmatian puppy.
75. Duke – Duke is always the leader.
76. Clint – The literal translation of this name is a fenced settlement. But I’ve always thought of Clint as a name for an older gentleman.
77. Cash – A name inspired by the country music legend, Johnny Cash.
78. Otis – This is a male dog name that stands for wealthy. See, a lot of Southern-inspired names are actually inspired by privileged social status.
79. Rhett – Every Scarlett dog needs her Rhett. Any Gone With The Wind fans here?
80. Bandit – Because the countryside always hides many bandits and outlaws.
81. Dixon – The literal translation would be the son of Dick. So, if your name is Richard, you know how to name your dog…
82. Ranger – Ranger is a forest guardian. What a perfect redneck dog name for the folks hiding in the woods.
83. Darryl – Believe it or not, Darryl means darling.
84. Dill – A buddy for your dog named Pickles. Get it? Dill and Pickles!
85. Bubba – Bubba stands for the little brother.
86. Sawyer – As in Tom Sawyer, the legend from the Mississippi river.
87. Julep – Sounds like a really old name for Southern gentlemen, but it’s actually a drink made to make medications less disgusting.
88. Houston – Nothing unusual here, just a redneck dog name inspired by a Texas city.
89. Augusta – Georgia’s lovely city of Augusta sure sounds like a wonderful redneck dog name.
90. Georgia – The name of this Southern State is always a popular name idea.
91. Tennessee – Who says you can’t name your dog after the State of Tennessee?
92. Savannah – Savannah, because your Georgia pooch needs a best friend.
93. Beaufort – South Carolina’s city named Beaufort is pretty inspirational.
Redneck Dog Names Inspired By Southern Food

94. Sugar – Because your pooch is sweeter than sugar!
95. Grits – You can’t imagine Southern cuisine without grits.
96. Nugget – A name with a taste for a yellow-colored dog.
97. Dumpling – Dumplings are yummy, but small, round-shaped, not to say chubby dogs, are so cute you could just eat them up!
98. Beignet – A fancy name for a donut-like dessert and a fancy name for your male dog.
99. Peaches – There are no sweeter peaches than those from Georgia.
100. Pudding – Who doesn’t like pudding?
101. Pie – It’s short, efficient, and works for both genders.
102. Biscuits – Obviously, this is a name for a dog duo.
103. Gravy – Biscuits and Gravy always go hand in hand.
104. Pecan – The original nut from the South is not only delicious in desserts, but also sounds super sweet!
105. Cobbler – Another sweet name for a golden/yellow colored dog.
106. Moonpie – Your black and white dog needs this name!
107. Moonshine – Yeah, it’s forbidden. But it’s not forbidden to use Moonshine as a moniker for your dog.
108. Pickles – It’s definitely not a pickle when your dog is named Pickles!
109. Giblet – Giblets aren’t that pretty to look at, or that tasty, but dogs seem to enjoy eating them.
110. Custard – Okay, custard is something else. Super sweet, delicious, and mouth-watering. Yes, it’s also a name idea for a yellow-coated dog.
111. Cajun – Maybe a red-coated dog would enjoy the name Cajun?
112. Fig – Super short, sweet, and easy to remember. Fig is a favorite dog in the park.
113. Bacon – Everyone loves bacon in the morning, and if your dog does too, this is the ideal name for him.
114. Collard – Rednecks rely on their own land to give them food. That’s why they plant veggies like the delicious collard. At some point, someone decided Collard could be a good dog name.
115. Catfish – A dog named after a fish that was named after a cat. Well, that’s weird…
116. Chili – Don’t worry, your pooch doesn’t have to be angry to name him Chili.
117. Cornbread – A staple in redneck’s kitchen. Name a person that doesn’t like some good cornbread!
118. Gumbo – A nice, warm bowl of gumbo is all we need after a long day. Well, that and a nice, warm greeting from a dog named Gumbo too!
119. Meatloaf – No Sunday dinner goes by without a meatloaf. On the table, and under the table too.
120. Okra – Every dish is better with okra. Every dog park is better with a dog named Okra in it.
121. Shortcake – A name for a small, short dog, obviously. Or a name for a dog that’s so sweet like a strawberry shortcake.
122. Tater Tot – They’re small, they’re yummy, they’re yellow. They’re tater tots and a great name for your small, yellow dog.
Redneck Dog Names That Are Just Out Of The Ordinary

123. Abe – As in Abraham. It’s a Biblical name with a long tradition of being shortened to Abe.
124. Bix – This name idea is inspired by Bix Beiderbecke, a dixieland musician.
125. Clem – Clem is short for Clementine, a rather fancy girl name. You know, for a redneck girl that doesn’t really belong there.
126. Clovis – Thanks to French influence in the South, names like Clovis can still be heard.
127. Hiram – A popular Old Testament name, not usual with dogs, but pretty common with hillbillies.
128. Hoyt – A good dog name for someone that likes the work of a folk singer Hoyt Axton.
129. Lyle – Guess what? This is another French name, and it stands for the island.
130. Rufus – Pretty much any redneck gives his dog the name Rufus.
131. Rusty – Okay, Rusty is as common with rednecks as Rufus.
132. Zeb – As a moniker from the name Zebediah. I find it pretty cool and rather unique.
133. Alva – Yes, that’s in Thomas Alva Edison, the inventor of something rednecks don’t see frequently- the lightbulb!
134. Burnice – It’s French for a victorious woman. Probably has roots going back to the early USA days.
135. Clydetee – Clydetee is a woman from the river. Any future dog owners living by the river here?
136. Dale – A name obviously inspired by Dale Earnhardt, the famous racer.
137. Dimple – Dogy may not have dimples, but your little pup is as sweet as a dimple!
138. Essie – Or if you prefer a more formal version for Sunday school, Esther.
139. Ezekiel – If Ezekiel is too serious for your pooch, you can always try Zeke.
140. Fannie – It’s not what you think it means. Fannie is short for Frances.
141. LaRue – A pawfect name for a pooch that lives near the road, as this is exactly what it means in French.
142. Lovetta – This redneck dog name has a simple meaning: a dog that’s loved.
143. Parrisha – People from the South really enjoy names inspired by France. Parrisha, here, is a derivative from Paris.
144. Priscilla – Every Elvis needs his Priscilla.
145. Quaid – Yes, that’s a dog named Quaid, after the famous actor Dennis Quaid.
146. Ronetta – Some say Ronetta stands for a beautiful little queen. What a unique dog name for your little canine queen!
147. Sheba – As you can imagine, Sheba is definitely inspired by the Biblical Queen of Sheba.
148. Tootie – A quirky female dog name for a pooch that goes toot all the time.
149. Una – What a lovely name that stands for the one and only!
150. Winnie – Although Hocus Pocus is always trending, this name is not inspired by the Sanderson sister. Winnie stands for the soft and the pure. If you ask me, that’s a great name for a small fluffy dog!
151. Zora – A Zora for your Dawn.
Funny Redneck Dog Names From The Simpsons

Raise your hand if you’ve ever watched The Simpsons.
Of course, you have! The iconic American family from TV screens is widely popular and have been loved for more than three decades.
Besides being so funny, and sometimes so clairvoyant, Simpsons are known for having a pleyade of characters. Some are standard ones like Chief Wiggum, while others appear occasionally like Professor Frink.
Some characters might not be in every episode, but we do enjoy laughing at them (or with them) every time they show up. Some of those characters are the rednecks living in Springfield. Yes, I’m talking about Cletus and his family.
They’re textbook examples of rednecks, with their moonshine and possum stew.
Since there are so many of Cletus’ family members, I find them quite inspirational. You can use any of these The Simpsons redneck dog names for your silly pooch!
152. Cletus
153. Spuckler
154. Brandine
155. Maw
156. Pete
157. Merl
158. Dia-Betty
159. Brittany
160. Cassidy
161. Chloe
162. Cody
163. Dermott
164. Dylan
165. Heather
166. Hunter
167. Ian
168. Jordan
169. Katlin
170. Kendal
171. Kira
172. Lauren
173. Morgan
174. Max
175. Noah
176. Phil
177. Q-bert
178. Rumor
179. Sascha
180. Scout
181. Taylor
182. Tiffany
183. Wesley
184. Zoey
185. Gummy Sue
186. Jitney
187. Dubya
188. Birthday
189. Mary
190. Normal Head Joe
191. Embry Joe
192. Melvis
193. Tripod
194. Gitmo
195. Minimum Wade
196. Fontanelle
197. Oxycontin
198. Yasha
Other Redneck TV Shows

The Simpsons aren’t the only TV show with a beloved redneck family. The past couple of years have brought lots of fun redneck TV shows. And guess what? People absolutely love them. They’re fun to watch, show topics you’d never think of, and give us a good insight into how the countryside lives.
Why don’t you look at some of the most popular redneck dog names from TV shows? I’m sure you’ll like some of them so much, you’ll even consider naming your new dog after them.
199. Honey Boo Boog (Here Comes Honey Boo Boo)
200. Chubbs (Here Comes Honey Boo Boo)
201. Chickadee (Here Comes Honey Boo Boo)
202. Willie (Duck Dynasty)
203. Jase (Duck Dynasty)
204. Jep (Duck Dynasty)
205. Kay (Duck Dynasty)
206. Si (Duck Dynasty)
207. Missy (Duck Dynasty)
208. Jed (The Beverly Hillbillies)
209. Milburn (The Beverly Hillbillies)
210. Jane (The Beverly Hillbillies)
211. Jethro (The Beverly Hillbillies)
212. Elly May (The Beverly Hillbillies)
213. Gerald (Bayou Billionaires)
214. Kitten (Bayou Billionaires)
215. Skipper (Hillbilly Handfishin’)
216. DeeDee (Hillbilly Handfishin’)
217. Jillie (Hillbilly Handfishin’)
218. JoAnn (Hillbilly Handfishin’)
Redneck Words Used As An Inspiration For Redneck Dog Names

Rednecks tend to speak…differently.
They have different accents and even different words than other people. But that doesn’t mean they’re using grammatically correct English. Sometimes we understand them, sometimes not. But we must respect their customs.
The redneck culture is a part of modern American heritage. We shouldn’t be so stereotypical when it comes to these folks.
What we should do is just laugh politely at their words and find these people interesting, because they truly are. No one should ever be insulted for speaking with a different accent or having an unusual lifestyle.
It’s the differences between our world and the world of rednecks that make the States a culturally diverse place to live in.
Here are some funny hillbilly words that could serve as excellent redneck dog names.
219. Honkey-Tonk – A name inspired by country music. Ah, rednecks and their music…
220. Skedaddle – Although this is a verb meaning to run away fast, Skedaddle actually sounds like a pretty awesome dog name.
221. Yapper – When someone talks a lot, we say he’s a yapper. Well, when a dog is a huge barker, you know which name to give him.
222. Tater – Tater is simply… a potato!
223. Piddly – Piddly does have a negative connotation as something ridiculously insignificant. But, we can’t ignore the fact Piddly sounds like one hell of a dog name.
224. Clod-Hopper – Another way to say someone’s a hillbilly.
225. Hick – Hillbillies or Hicks. Personally, I prefer Hick because it’s easier to give commands using a shorter dog name.
226. Bumpkin – Sounds like pumpkin, but it’s actually a word for a hillbilly fool.
227. Yokel – Lastly, another popular synonym for a redneck.
To Sum Up…
As you can see, we’ve got lots of great girl and boy dog names inspired by rednecks.
Redneck dog names are, surprisingly, super cool. Some of these names are pretty common, you’d never say their origin is from the Southern countryside.
What you need to understand before you pick the best dog name of the ones listed is that there are rednecks and there are Southern people. The line is thin between these two and the biggest differences are in their behavior.
Sadly, rednecks are often considered impolite, and people find insulting ways to address them. However, I’d advise you to open your mind and embrace the differences. Rednecks lead an interesting life. Who are we to judge?