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Sweet Puppy Wanted To Be Adopted By This Kind Woman But The Pup’s Mom Was More Hesitant

Sweet Puppy Wanted To Be Adopted By This Kind Woman But The Pup’s Mom Was More Hesitant

When adopting dogs, most people do it with the intention of giving a sweet dog a new home with someone special. 

It’s the most common way people adopt, and yet life can be full of surprises. Sometimes, when we least expect it, the opportunity to give a sweet puppy a new home can come at any time.

A lot of the time, these are stray dogs who just wander through the streets in hopes of finding a person willing to help them.

For this family, it came in the form of a hungry puppy who was on their property and decided to politely ask them for help. Luckily for her, this kind woman really liked dogs and she decided to help her out.

The Puppy’s Mom Was Scared

cute little puppy
Source: Youtube

When this kind woman first encountered the hungry puppy, she tried to help her very gently and the pup didn’t seem hesitant at all.

In fact, she was very friendly and wanted to play with her new friend. The woman was more than happy to spend time with her.

This would go on for a few days and the puppy would come back every time. It was a really wholesome experience for this woman.

One day, however, she noticed a big dog watching the puppy, and she quickly realized that it was her mom.

A cute little puppy walks on the ground
Source: Youtube

After she saw that, the mama dog came for her baby and she took her away. The woman didn’t try to stop her because she saw that the mother was scared.

Her puppy tried to break free and go back to her friend, but she would always run back after her baby and pick her up.

After a while, the mama dog just couldn’t bother to do it anymore. She was exhausted, running after her mischievous little puppy, so she just let her go.

The woman was happy to see the pup, but she decided to try and approach the mom to see if she was friendly. She tried to pet her and the mama dog didn’t resist.

A Sudden Change For The Two Dogs

Labrador sitting in the snow
Source: Youtube

When she realized that both the mother and her puppy were just two very sweet dogs, she decided to adopt both of them.

And, just like that, their life changed completely in no time. They were living very comfortably now and their rescuer was giving them the best food.

She noticed that the mama dog would often bury her food. This was because she likely spent her life as a stray, so she had to hide it to make sure no one stole it.

She couldn’t realize that it wasn’t necessary anymore because nobody would take the food away from her.

The dog is walking down the street
Source: Youtube

The puppy loved spending time with her new owner whether it was just playing around or napping in her arms. It was really adorable.

The mama dog, on the other hand, liked to just enjoy the new life she was given. She preferred to spend her time in the sun and outside. 

Going for walks was something she really enjoyed. Whenever she got to explore her environment, she looked so happy.

Even though the two dogs had likely struggled before they met their new owner, they finally got a chance to be comfortable and enjoy themselves, and I think that’s amazing.