Laila’s life has been nothing but suffering. The pup spent her whole life chained in her owner’s yard because she didn’t get along with her doggy siblings.
Sadly, the canine never knew what love felt like.
Since she lived in such miserable conditions, Laila’s heart became filled with fear. Whenever people approached her, she would start barking.
Laila needed humans who would give her affection and show her that life was beautiful and worth living.
The Pup’s Owner Decides To Surrender Laila

Laila’s owner reached out to Sidewalk Specials, a dog rescue and a mass sterilization unit, asking them to come and help him with his ‘aggressive dog’ Laila.
Rachael, the founder of the organization, along with her team, went to the family address.
When the team arrived and approached the man’s home, Laila spotted them and began barking as loudly as she could
The rescuers’ hearts broke after seeing how neglected and malnourished the doggo was.
Beneath her ‘aggressive’ behavior, they saw a desperate and frightened dog who lacked love.

The good people sat next to her and began feeding her while speaking to her in a soothing voice. Laila stopped barking.
The good people removed the chains from her neck and Laila breathed a sigh of relief.
The pup’s owner said that he didn’t know how to appease Laila because she was fighting with his other dogs.
After the rescuers offered to take Laila with them and find her a loving home, the owner agreed. He wanted the pup to be loved.
Rachael picked Laila up, promising her that her life would change for the better.

For the first time, the pup was leaving the yard.
Rachael caressed Laila and helped her get in the car. The pooch sensed that she could trust her heroes.
Laila Flourishes Into A Happy Canine

The rescuer thought of a perfect family for her.
The crew drove the pup to Mary, a wonderful woman with a big heart. They knew that she would love Laila just like she deserved.
Mary sat next to Laila and talked to her, showing her that she wasn’t afraid of her.
Laila wasn’t used to kindness. She kept looking at her new mom and trying to process what was going on.
Since everyone around her was so loving, Laila was calm. The doggo could feel that she was in a safe environment.

Mary’s kids were delighted with the pup. Their mom taught them that they need to be extremely gentle to Laila.
The children began cuddling the canine and she closed her eyes, taking in the affection she needed so badly.

Mary and her family were grateful to Sidewalk Specials for trusting them with Laila. Their home was humble but it was abundant with love.
After a short time, Rachael and her team visited the dog. They were dazzled with Laila’s transformation. She flourished into a beautiful and healthy pup.
She adored her family and followed her mom everywhere. They became best friends.

While looking at how happy and affectionate Laila was around her mom, Rachael realized that they were a perfect match.
“It’s that power of belonging, I think. It’s like Laila belongs to Mary. It’s like there’s an invisible forcefield between the two of them. Like, it really is proof that it is the love. And I just feel like I’m almost like a matchmaker,” Rachael told The Dodo.
Thanks to her family’s immense love and care, Laila realized that life was beautiful. She had a blissful smile on her face because she knew that her family would cherish her forever.