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Pup Neglected And Confined To A Small Cage For 5 Years Finally Learns What Love Feels Like

Pup Neglected And Confined To A Small Cage For 5 Years Finally Learns What Love Feels Like

Animal neglect is quite a prevalent issue. For a lot of owners, dogs are just property and serve as protection.

There is never any deeper connection between a man and his dog in this instance, which often leads to pups feeling completely neglected and depressed.

What makes this isolation even worse is when owners leave their dogs in tiny cages where they can barely move.

This dog is just one victim of such abuse. He spent 5 years locked in a tiny cage and completely neglected. Luckily, he will soon meet someone who will give him the love he has always wanted.

He Suffered For So Long

woman holding the dog
Source: Paws Show

When the rescuers first saved this adorable dog, they were in complete shock when they saw just how many injuries he had.

It was pretty clear that he had been abused by his owner for a long time, and yet he couldn’t do anything to help himself.

He was rushed to a vet, where they took him in immediately and started helping him. 

photo of neglected dog
Source: Paws Show

The rescuers decided to name him Hope because he looked like he wanted to fight and pull through.

Even though he had suffered greatly, he was still very kind and gentle. Hope allowed his rescuers to examine him and he was very well behaved the whole time.

His eyes were also injured and he couldn’t even see properly, so he was able to orient himself based on sound. 

Hope Is Finally Doing Well

dog looking at the camera
Source: Paws Show

During his stay at the vet, the rescuers decided to take him on walks every day. They wanted to build his confidence and help him rediscover the joys of life.

This began working after just a few days, and Hope started getting better. His treatment was working and he was beginning to heal.

He would continue his daily adventures and the rescuers noticed that he was even more curious about the world now than he was at the beginning.

Everything is so new for him, so he wants to explore everything he sees. This made his rescuers feel so proud and happy.

dog sitting outdoors
Source: Paws Show

They were glad he was finally turning his life around. This meant that he was now ready to be placed on an adoption list.

His rescuers knew how much he suffered in the past 5 years, so they wanted him to find someone really special.

Luckily for him, they were able to do that in a relatively short time. Hope met his new mom and there was an instant connection between them.

He is now living the best life in his forever home, all thanks to the amazing rescuers and the veterinarians who helped this pup heal from his trauma.

I am so glad Hope is doing well!