If you’re a proud Pug owner, here’s an honest piece of advice: Don’t let that innocent-looking face fool you!
Still not taking me seriously?
Wait until you see Gnocchi, the dark agent of mischief, the authority breaker, and the dangerous-stuff-in-mouth holder!
Okay, I’m being a little dramatic, but you’re kind of getting the point, right?
I admit… this Michigan Pug is hilarious! And, even though he’s causing his mom a whole bunch of mini heartbreaks every day, he’s still more fun than trouble.
Or is he?
A Kleptomaniac And A Menace, Really?

Gnocchi’s official TikTok description pretty much sums it up: “Gnocchi is a kleptomaniac and a menace.” But, let’s see if he actually lives up to these “qualities!”
Gnocchi and his mom have a blast in their Michigan home. But, sometimes his little quirks and adventures lead to real danger… literally!

His specialty is pretending to be a “nice dude” while casually stealing all the things he’s not supposed to like socks, shoes, rocks, or other household items. However, Gnocchi loooves to spice things up – by stealing something that might end up hurting him – like scissors!
Once he “snatches” an item, he literally carries it around as if nothing happened. And, when scolded by his mom for doing so, he simply freezes in one place, gives her the innocent “Pug look” and carries on.

Shocked much?
Wait until you see Gnocchi with a screwdriver or other miscellaneous tools in his mouth!
That’s right. Gnocchi is a real handyman, except he’s not! He just likes to carry those dangerous tools around because he can!
Even though his mom is already used to having those mini panic attacks, he recently gave her a big one. What could he possibly carry in his mouth this time, you ask.
Are you ready? Are you really ready?

Ladies and gentlemen: meet the first staple-gun holder in the Pug world, the master of chaos – Gnocchi! He recently stole his mama’s trigger tacker and ran off in the yard.
In the video posted on TikTok, his mom can be heard saying: “Are you for real right now? Put the staple gun down.” But, as you can guess, he just casually continued to carry it.
It was literally as if he were silently thinking: “I’m not supposed to have it? We’ll see about that!”
The comments, as you can guess, were hilarious!
“He looks like he’s got some business to handle,” one commenter wrote.
“But his class project that he’s known about for 3 weeks is due tomorrow,” another added.
“He said if you ain’t gonna build me a dog house then I’ll do it myself,” one user joked.
He’s Not Like Other Dogs

One thing is for sure: Gnocchi is not like other dogs.
Although he looks so at peace when he’s lying around or taking a cozy nap, he simply has all that “mischievous puppy energy” inside waiting to pop. And, once it does, he goes from calm to mischief within seconds.
But, at the end of the day, his mom really accepts him for who he is. Aside from “rushing to save his life” every once in a while, she also has lots of fun with Gnocchi. And, she definitely loves him so much.
He may be trouble, but he’s so darn adorable!