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Poodle Feeding Chart: Maintaining The Ideal Weight

Poodle Feeding Chart: Maintaining The Ideal Weight

From Toy Poodles to Moyen Poodle pooches, and standard versions, PupVine has them all!

If you’re a fan of the Poodle dog breed, and you just got a puppy, first of all: congrats!

Second of all, you’ll need some heads up for raising a Poodle pooch. I know Poodles are desirable for their low-shedding qualities. People really love how hypoallergenic they are. But, grooming isn’t the first thing you have to pay attention to.

It’s the pup’s diet or feeding requirement.

That’s why we’re discussing the Poodle feeding chart today, and giving you a general idea of how much your Poodle should eat.

The Poodle dog breed is one of the most popular and most versatile breeds in the entire canine kingdom. We have Poodles in all colors, sizes, and shapes: from black Poodles to red Poodle pooches, and parti Poodle pups.

And, we love them all!

While color has nothing to do with feeding requirements… size does. Three official Poodle sizes have different feeding needs, and we’re going to go through all of them.

Let’s jump ahead and start with Standard Poodle Puppies and their dietary needs!

Standard Poodle Feeding Chart: From Puppyhood To Adulthood

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Let’s clear up one thing first: the Poodle feeding chart you’re about to see here, and in several other places in this article, is basic guidelines. This is the recommended amount your Poodle should take if he or she is of proper weight.

It’s crucial for dogs built like the Poodle to maintain a good weight. Being underweight or overweight does not work in their favor.

Haven’t you ever seen a standard Poodle? They’re tall and gracious. I’ve never seen a fat Poodle in my life.

On average, every standard Poodle can grow up to be around 24 inches tall at the withers. Normally, they shouldn’t weigh more than 70 pounds. Naturally, females are always lighter than males.

These feeding guidelines are there to help you out at first. You’ll get to know your Poodle, and you’ll be able to determine if your Poodle really needs up to six cups of food daily.

Also, the amount of food a Poodle eats in a day depends on the level of activity that the dog has. Highly active dogs have more energy, and they need some sort of fuel to keep them active. That fuel is premium-quality dog food in the proper amount.

Now that you know how much food a Standard Poodle needs, we’ll discuss how much food every other Poodle should take. That means we’re off to miniature and toy Poodle feeding charts.

Miniature Poodle Feeding Chart

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Keep in mind that usually, one cup of dog food contains around 300 to 400 kcals. You’ll see the accurate information on calories on the back of each dog food bag.

According to this miniature Poodle feeding chart, your adult Poodle of 12 months should eat one cup of food every day.

Miniature Poodles are really mini compared to Standard versions. They shouldn’t weigh over 20 pounds or stand taller than 15 inches at the withers.

Maintaining proper weight with smaller dogs is even more important because obesity hits harder on small dogs due to their fragile body frames.

It’s crucial to keep a miniature Poodle’s weight under control at all life stages. Senior dogs are also highly prone to obesity, and that’s something you’ll want to avoid.

Toy Poodle Feeding Chart

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At only 10 inches at the withers, and up to six pounds, toy Poodles are really tiny creatures. This means they won’t need that much food. Also, they can’t have the same activity level as other Poodles, so the low-calorie intake is pretty much explained.

For example, at 12 months of age, a toy Poodle will need only half a cup of dog food every day. A growing toy Poodle puppy needs frequent meals and perhaps a bit more food, but that’s completely individual.

The best thing would be to consult your vet or your Toy Poodle breeder to see what’s the right amount for your teeny tiny toy Poodle, and what’s the best food or type of food, etc. Overfeeding, excessive weight gain, or any increase in the dog’s body weight is a huge no for Toy Poodles.

Your dog’s weight can vary. The Toy Poodle feeding chart from above is just a starting point with general feeding amounts. Usually, Toy Poodles won’t need as much food as you might think. They’re small pooches with rather humble mealtimes!

Puppy Poodle Feeding Guide: How To Switch From Puppy Food To Adult Food

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As you can see from the chart above, it should take you roughly one month for weaning your Poodle from puppy food to adult food. The switch has to happen gradually; otherwise, you’re risking some digestive issues with your puppy.

Puppies that are soon to be adults don’t need you to switch their food abruptly. They already have many things going on with growing up, learning how to obey, and other tricks.

You should always monitor your dog and watch for potential health problems. Some pups might refuse to eat their food. You’ll notice this change if your puppy starts to refuse food, but will enjoy its treats.

However, other severe symptoms such as puppy diarrhea night and day, vomiting yellow bile, lethargy, depression, and overall weakness are possible.

I always recommend you try the same dog food brand you used for your dog while he was a puppy. Brands these days have recipes for all life stages, all dog sizes, and even special formulas for dogs suffering from some health conditions.

What Time Should Poodles Eat?

white Poodle eating from bowl outside

Feeding your dog at a specific time ensures a routine that all dogs love.

I mean, you’re having your meals at approximately the same time every day, right? Why shouldn’t your dog have a schedule, too?

Creating a feeding schedule for your dog is more important than you think. Besides making your dog learn when it’s time for a meal, it can also be helpful for dog training. Your dog will listen better to your commands if he knows he’ll be getting a bowl full of food at the end of the lesson.

Normally, people feed dogs twice a day – in the morning and in the evening. You should pick out hours that work the best for you. Some dog owners like to leave food in the bowl so their dog can eat whenever he wants, but that’s not a good thing. We’ll get to that soon.

My Experience

I feed two of my dogs as soon as we’re up and about. It’s usually around 7 AM. Their second meal is around 5 PM. This gives them plenty of time to digest the food and burn the energy the meal has provided them.

However, one of my dogs is a German Shepherd. It’s a large dog, belonging to the same category as our Poodle friends. My GSD has three meals a day. Can you figure out why?

It’s because big dogs are prone to getting something called bloat or GDV. It’s a severe condition that causes the dog’s stomach to fill up with air and then twist, resulting in breathing difficulties that could lead to a fatal outcome.

The treatment for bloat is frequent meals and no exercise before and after the meals. My dog had bloat once. Ever since then, he has been on this diet with three smaller meals a day. Of course, the number of calories stays the same.

Small meals served often (for example, three or four times a day) drastically reduce the chance of getting GDV.

What Should I Feed A Poodle?

Poodle sitting by bowl with food

That’s a good question!

It’s not about the texture, brand, or flavor. It’s about the nutrients hiding inside each dog food bag.

So, what should Poodles eat? Are there any specific demands, or are they not as fancy as we thought they were?

Poodles may look all fancy, but they’re not as demanding as you might think. Sure, they can be picky eaters, but they don’t demand freshly-caught salmon only.

Poodles can eat pretty much anything as long as it’s a wholesome ingredient.


Poodles need lots of energy since they are active dogs. Don’t mind their size… even toy Poodles are highly active pups.

In order to get the much-needed energy, they need real animal proteins. Usually, dog food brands will feature chicken and beef recipes. But, what about turkey, pork, duck, salmon, white fish, trout, or venison?

These are all equally great sources of proteins. The important thing is to avoid meat by-products and search for dog food with the highest percentage of proteins.

Fruits And Veggies

If you look at the ingredients list of any proper dog food, you’ll notice it contains lots of delicious fruits and veggies. Superfoods like sweet potatoes, blueberries, cranberries, kale, apples, spinach, pumpkin, etc. are always a wonderful addition to any recipe.

Fruits and veggies will provide your dog with vitamins and minerals. Some will also add fiber, and some will bring the many benefits of antioxidants, i.e., blueberries.

Can Poodles Eat Human Food?

two Poodles sitting and waiting for food

This depends on what you mean by human food.

Do you mean home-cooked meals you guys eat for dinner? Or, do you mean human food as in certain products, fruits, or veggies?

There’s a big difference in case you didn’t know. No matter if you own a Poodle, a teacup Yorkie, or a micro Goldendoodle, you should never hand out table scraps to your dog. Our food contains spices and flavor enhancers that could cause severe issues to our dogs’ health.

Too much salt can lead to sodium ion poisoning and damage your pup’s kidneys to the point of no return. Ingredients such as garlic should never be used, not even in traces because they’re highly poisonous for our canine buddies.

But, you can absolutely hand out items such as broccoli bits, carrots, Brussels sprouts, apples, watermelon, etc.

I would recommend you be careful with serving human food to dogs. Some fruits can contain too much sugar, and if you give them often to your dog as a treat, you’re risking canine diabetes.

Keep it under control and save human food only for special occasions. Or, create a schedule! Once or twice a week won’t hurt your pup if he has a little bit of watermelon or apples.

Which Food Should I Never Feed My Poodle?

It’s common sense not to feed your Poodle some foods we normally eat. When it comes to food that is strictly prohibited to Poodles, it’s usually human food or specific ingredients, spices, processed products, etc.

You want your dog to have a healthy and balanced diet. It’s really not okay to sneak in potato chips as a treat for your Poodle. Wouldn’t a strawberry be a better idea? Or, some bell peppers?

Most of us aren’t aware of what our food contains. Processed meats are dangerously unhealthy. We should not consume them, not to mention our dogs.

It’s a hard ‘no’ for table scraps, sharing your meal with your dog, and for purposely handing out human food as treats, even if we know they’re potentially dangerous.

PupVine has done a fair share of articles telling you which human food you can and cannot feed your dog. Usually, bad carbohydrates, which are also bad for us, are on the forbidden side.

Here’s a list of food you must avoid giving your dog at all costs:






Poppy seeds

Spicy food





Blue Cheese, etc.

Also, dogs must never eat onions, garlic, caffeine, or chocolate. I know we love them all, but these ingredients can be lethal to our four-legged friends.

As far as dog food brands are concerned, I wouldn’t point fingers and tell you never to buy this or that brand. You’re an adult and you can make decisions on your own. All I’m going to say is watch what the back of the bag says and avoid generic, supermarket-bought dog food.

If your budget allows it, pick a less-known brand with premium ingredients.

Should My Poodle Eat Wet Or Dry Food?

Poodle eating from bowl

Feeding your Poodle wet or dry food is absolutely optional. We can’t tell you: Hey, your Poodle should only eat kibble. What if your dog has a more delicate palate and prefers wet food?

The battle of whether wet or dry food is better is an everlasting one. Since it’s individual, you should first get to know your puppy, then decide which food you’ll get. Both have excellent advantages, but also some cons I’d like to discuss now.

Dry dog food (or kibble) is definitely the more popular option for many reasons. It’s also a cheaper option. You can buy bulk products on Amazon or Chewy and save lots of money. Kibble has a longer expiration date, and it won’t go bad as easily as wet food. However, it does have some flaws.

Finding the ideal recipe without fillers, poor ingredients, and at a good price is definitely difficult. Most cheap kibble brands contain terrible ingredients, and we want only the best for our canine friends. Also, finding the right texture and kibble size might be an issue for some Poodle owners, especially if they’re toy Poodle owners.

You see, dogs can get hurt by chewing kibble that’s too large or too hard. Making puppy mush out of kibble shouldn’t be your solution every time. Your dog needs to learn how to chew, and thus, exercise its jaw.

So, yes… you’ll probably go through a lot of dry dog food brands before you find the ideal one for your Poodle.

As for wet food… mushy, soft, or wet food shouldn’t be consumed too often because it may cause issues with the dog’s teeth. Consuming wet dog food for too long can lead to tooth decay, and that can be painful.

Also, wet dog food is pricier. You’ll need a much bigger budget to feed your dog wet food instead of kibble.

Lastly, I want to warn you that wet food can lead to soft stools, which can be another problem. Your dog might end up with diarrhea overnight just because he had a delicious can of mushy wood for dinner. Watch out for that! Soft stools and diarrhea stains don’t get off carpets easily.

My Choice

I’m not strictly against wet food, even though you might think I am.

This is how I feed my dogs when they’re not on a raw diet. One of my pups actually prefers kibble over wet food, but I try to mix it up a bit every so often.

So, kibble is the main meal every day. But, whenever I go out and my dogs stay, or if they’ve been behaving well, I reward them with some wet food stuck on interesting slow-feeding toys. They love licking them clean, especially if they’ve been frozen prior!

This keeps them satisfied and entertained for a while.

Try it… you’re welcome.

Should I Feed My Poodle Grain Or Grain-Free Food?

cute Poodle eating food

Another burning question that every dog owner faces is whether his dog should eat grains or grain-free food.

This isn’t a black or white situation here either. Both options have their flaws, but also advantages. You must figure out if your Poodle can eat grains.

Generally speaking, Poodles can consume grains and take nutrients from them. Their use depends only if some Poodle pooch is having health issues linked to grain intake.

If you have a perfectly healthy Poodle, you can pick a formula that contains grains such as oatmeal, corn, wheat, barley, etc.

Of course, eating too many grains can cause certain complications with a dog’s health. Were you aware that grains can lead to obesity? They cause high blood sugar, raise insulin, and thus, can lead to diabetes.

Keep it moderate if you plan to include them in your dog’s diet.

Dog owners usually shy away from grains either because their dogs are allergic or they feel they might become allergic. But, grains aren’t actually the biggest allergy trigger when talking about dog food. Chicken is more likely to trigger allergies! Surprise, surprise…

My dogs eat grains. They’re perfectly healthy, and they have normal stools. But, that doesn’t mean your Poodle will, too. Talk to your vet first, and remember: grain-free food increases the chances of developing heart conditions.

If you want to exclude grains without any valid reason, you could make a serious mistake.

Should Poodles Eat Raw Food?

All dogs are carnivores. You can’t make them vegetarians or vegans just because you are one. I’m really sorry if that bothers you or messes with your beliefs, but that’s the truth. If you’re not ready to face this, then don’t get a dog.

Back in the days, dogs used to consume only raw food they caught on their own – of the catch people brought home. They were pack animals, and they hunted together. A lot has changed since then, but one thing has remained: dogs love eating raw food, especially raw meat.

Lately, I’ve seen a lot of improvement in that field. Many dog owners have begun introducing a raw diet to their dogs, and they seem to like it. For example, the Cane Corso is very fond of its raw diet.

But, this doesn’t mean that puppies eat the same amount of raw food as adult dogs.

There is a difference in the amount of food given, and the ingredients used for adults and for puppies. First, puppies eat less, and second, puppies prefer something light on their tummy, i.e., turkey meat.

What bothers a lot of Poodle owners is the link between eating raw and acting aggressively. Food has nothing to do with a dog being aggressive. Poodles are not aggressive, right? No amount of raw food will make them behave this way.

The bigger problem would be how your Poodle will react to raw food. Will it have allergies or will it find this new diet delicious?

Chances are, your Poodle will enjoy a fresh, raw meal.

If your chosen Poodle breeder feeds his dogs raw food, you should consider continuing the practice since your pup is already used to it. Raw food contains more nutrients, and it’s proven to give dogs a healthier look and more energy throughout the day.

Top 3 Home-Cooked Recipes For Your Poodle

Poodle eating on floor

Preparing a home-cooked meal for your Poodle takes a lot of time, money, and good ingredients. Not everyone can commit to preparing food at home for their dogs, especially since we’re all so busy with work.

But, that doesn’t change the fact of how beneficial home-prepped meals are for all dogs, not just Poodles. You know exactly which ingredients you’re giving your dog, and you know how fresh they are.

I’m not saying that dog food is of less value than these meals, but still, they present a privileged way of life.

You know how we all sometimes fall into a routine and don’t know what to make for dinner each day? The same can happen if you cook food for your Poodle.

To prevent such a scenario from happening, you can check out some pretty cool recipes I have for you. What’s important is that you can make batches of these, freeze them, save lots of time, and use them when needed.

I remember my dad cooking chicken liver and whatnot for our dogs back at home, freezing the mush, and serving it anytime he was in a hurry to feed the dogs.

If you can dedicate yourself to cooking for your pooch, that’d be awesome. Just adjust the recipes to your liking.

Turkey & Veggie Feast

As I said, adjust the recipes to your liking. But, make sure real animal proteins have the biggest percentage in the recipe.

Turkey is an excellent choice for Poodles because these pooches need only high-quality proteins.

If you combine ground turkey with some broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, and carrots, and add some olive oil for nice digestion, and a handful of poultry liver, you get a real feast.

Just chop up all the ingredients, boil or steam the veggies, and fry until they’re ready for consumption. I always make sure I drain any excess fat and oils while cooking. Once everything’s cooked, cool it and pack it into portions so you can freeze them for future use.

Puppy Meatloaf

Puppies can have a real meatloaf Sunday lunch! Puppy meatloaf is the real deal, and your Poodle pooch will love it. Adults can dig in, too, since this recipe is for all dogs of all sizes, ages, and gender.

What you’ll need in order to prepare this recipe is some ground beef, rolled oats, around half a cup of cottage cheese, and your dog’s favorite fruits and veggies. Usually, you can mix in apples and carrots, but any other crunchy fruit or veggie will do.

Mix it all together, put it in the loaf tin, and bake until it’s done. When it’s cold, you can cut it into slices and freeze it so you will always have a feast ready for your Poodle.

Salmon And Spinach Spectacular

Our Poodle buddies can eat like real royalty, especially if you’re preparing a meal like this at home. We, dog owners, want only the best for our pups. There’s hardly a better fish for doggos than salmon. Salmon is rich in omega fatty acids and vitamin B, as well as a terrific source of protein.

To make this salmon and spinach spectacular meal, you’ll also need a couple of eggs and some olive oil. Make sure the salmon/spinach ratio is in favor of the salmon. Also, don’t forget to remove all the bones from the fish.

Heat the oil and stir in eggs, spinach, and salmon. You’ll get a version of scrambled eggs. It’s super fast, easy, and nutritious.

I wouldn’t recommend freezing this meal because you can always find 10 minutes to cook it.

Bonus points go for the versatility of this meal. You can prepare a plate for both you and your dog!

Final Words

Poodle eating food on grass

I sincerely hope the Poodle feeding charts you saw today will help you a lot with planning a diet for your Poodle pooch.

Dogs should have a feeding schedule… they shouldn’t be left to feed themselves freely. They need strictly-planned meals; otherwise, you’ll risk obesity and unhealthy habits.

One or two cups a day may not seem like a lot of food, but it’s about quality, not quantity.

You can’t expect a tiny Poodle pooch to eat the same as a highly active standard Poodle.

Also, always think of the quality of the meal, not the quantity. Is it better to eat a bunch of unhealthy treats or a plate packed with the proper amount of proteins, veggies, grains, etc.?

If you buy premium dog food for your Poodle, you’ll bring home a bag full of goodness. Premium kibble, or wet food rich in proteins, minerals, vitamins, omega fatty acids, and other useful supplements will enrich your dog’s life and make him healthier.

A healthy dog means a happy dog. A happy dog means a happy owner.

Isn’t that what we all really wish for?

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