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Pomeranian Growth Chart – How Big Can Pomeranians Get?

Pomeranian Growth Chart – How Big Can Pomeranians Get?

When you think of a Pomeranian, you certainly do not think of a large dog . Just the opposite. It is one among many small dog breeds . And, like in other small breeds, it is very important to keep track of your Pom’s growth during his life . To help you with that, we have arranged a Pomeranian growth chart .

But, let me introduce you to this posh breed a little bit more. Recently, there was huge hype on the internet about a cute Pomeranian dog named Boo. That is when everyone started to pay more attention to this breed. It is so cute that he looks like some toy you can buy on Amazon .

Personally, I adore this breed. For me, they are like the perfect mix of Chihuahua attitude, Poodle sassiness, and Yorkshire Terrier boldness. Not to mention that it is a super-smart dog and utterly attentive and defensive . His appearance gets me everytime. His Pomeranian colors are maybe his sassiest trait.

I am not surprised that Pomeranians have such an attitude. After all, they are royal dogs. Back in the 19th century, it was Queen Victoria who gave them the credit that this Spitz dog has today. Oh, all this makes me want to adopt one. But, before that kind of decision, it is good to know a few things about his development.

Stay with me and learn more!

Pomeranian Growth Chart

A Pomeranian growth chart is a useful tool to estimate the possible weight of your puppy at a certain age. This chart can also help you estimate a puppy’s adult weight . This chart is a tool that you use only as a framework. Do not forget these values are only estimates and not absolute values.

How do you use a Pomeranian growth chart? Well, it is simple. Just find your puppy’s current age expressed in weeks in the column on the left side. Then, find his current weight in the columns on the right. When you do, you will find in those columns approximately how much your puppy will weigh at a certain number of weeks of age.

Pomeranian Puppy Growth Chart

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Why Do You Need A Pomeranian Puppy Weight Chart?

Pomeranian puppy walks down the street

It is simple. The Pomeranian growth chart helps you estimate how big your Pomeranian gets . But, why do you need to know how big he will grow? The answer is to help you keep track of his overall health and advancement.

Every dog breed has its average size and weight measures that are common at certain stages of development. Some prominent organizations, such as the American Kennel Club (AKC) prescribe these measures. They are grounded on measuring many individual dogs of certain breeds.

The major number of dogs within some breed have average sizes for some age. Sometimes, there are exceptions. Some dogs can be significantly smaller or bigger than average.

That is why the Pomeranian growth chart is important. If a dog is significantly bigger or smaller than average, it could be a sign that something’s not quite right . And, if that is the case, then it would be best to talk to your vet about a possible problem. This will allow you to intervene at the right time.

General Formula For Calculating Potential Weight

There are two ways to calculate the possible weight of a dog at a certain age. These formulas have a simpatic name – the puppy weight calculator . There are also some other ways, but I have singled out these two.

The first method helps to calculate the weight that a dog will potentially have at 23 weeks of age. All you need to do is measure the current weight of the dog. After you have done that, multiply the value obtained by two.

Another formula requires you to measure the weight that the puppy has at the moment and divide it with his age expressed in weeks. The obtained value is then multiplied by 52. This number represents all the weeks during a 12-month year. The final result should represent the adult puppy’s weight .

Pomeranian Size Chart With Developmental Stages

Pomeranian puppy standing grass

All Pomeranian puppies go through similar stages of development. There are approximately five stages. Naturally, there could be certain retreats from the average measures. Some dogs are genetically smaller, while others can be bigger.

Developmental stages can be a useful framework for monitoring a dog’s growth. It is easier for a dog owner if he knows what to expect at a certain stage. During some periods, dogs will grow rapidly, while in others, that growth will not be that conspicuous.

From Birth To Two Weeks Old

Do not expect a big dog at the very beginning of its life. This is a small breed, and a newborn can fit in the palm of your hand. A n ew puppy is helpless at first, and all he does is lie beside his mother, warm up, and suck his mother’s milk.

At birth, this cute little ball of fur weighs only a few ounces. The standard is from 2.5 to 5.5 ounces, to be precise. It is wise to weigh your dog after birth and write down his weight. This measure will help you later in tracking his progress.

Expect fast weight gain and rapid overall growth rate in the first days after birth. During these first days, your puppy thrives so fast that he doubles his start weight within a few days . To keep up with his improvement, you can make a personalized Pomeranian growth chart .

At the end of the second week, your small dog is no longer so small. His weight is 2.5 times bigger than his weight at birth. So, if your dog weighed 5.5 ounces at birth, he could weigh 13.75 ounces within half a month.

From Three Weeks Old To Three Months Old

The first two weeks are not the end of the rapid growth of your Pomeranian puppy . Be prepared because big variations in growth are yet to come. This period of nearly three months is a time of significant changes.

Let’s say that you have a Pomeranian that is like this one from the previous paragraph that has notable weight at birth. This puppy will probably be much more advanced considering weight when compared with one of a lower birth weight.

From Four Months Old To Nine Months Old

In this phase, differences between Pomeranians that had different birth weights become even bigger. Pomeranians with a lower birth weight can weigh 27 ounces at nine months of age. At the same time, Pomeranians with a higher birth weight can weigh up to 80 ounces.

That is a difference of almost 50 ounces, which is quite significant. Some examinations show that a Pomeranian puppy reaches up to 80% of his adult weight at nine months of age . Some even reach up to 85%. That is almost a fully-grown dog.

It is important to keep track of the Pomeranian’s size during these developing stages. If some anomalies occur, then it is easier to spot them when they are recorded in a Pomeranian weight chart , for example. This way, you can react at the proper time, and even make an appointment with the vet if needed.

From Ten Months Old To Eighteen Months Old

Now that your puppy is ten months old, it is maybe time to stop calling him a puppy. Most Pomeranians reach adult dog weight at this age . Further changes in growth are minimal. This depends on the puppy’s genetics and external influences.

Between this period, a dog can enhance his weight by 10% of his total weight – sometimes even 15%. If a dog hasn’t reached his adult weight at ten months, then he surely will by the age of eighteen months.

It is important to continue to keep track of the dogs’ weight, even though great changes are not expected. But, if they occur, then you will know that you should ask for advice or take some bigger steps. It is best to consult your vet if this happens.

Adult Pomeranian

At the end of the first year, most Pomeranians can be called adults. Some of them are still developing their chest during a short period after twelve months of age. So, within nineteen months, all puppies are fully developed.

The average weight of an adult dog is somewhere between two pounds and six pounds. Puppy weight is a result of the interaction of genetic traits, birth weight, and external influences.

Further changes in weight are not expected, but you should not take it for granted. It is recommended to still keep track of weight. Even though there should not be significant fluctuations in weight, they are still possible.

It is ideal to keep the weight from month eighteen during the Pomeranian ’s lifetime, but there are possible ups and downs . Some dogs can get overweight due to too much eating and lack of exercise. Others can experience a sudden loss of weight, which can be the result of illness or unsuitable dog food .

How Can You Tell How Big Your Pomeranian Will Be?

The Pomeranian puppy stands grassy on the street and looks around

There are two major factors that can make a significant impact on a puppy’s final size. Internal influences cover genetics and the sex of the dog, while external factors are related to nutrition, living conditions, and the amount of effort put into raising the dog.

The impact of these factors can be seen in a dog’s paws while he is still young. If his paws are exceptionally bigger than the rest of his body, that might be a sign of more significant growth.

Internal Influences

Genetics And The Endocrine System

It is genetics that have the biggest and strongest impact on the final size of your Pom . This is also maybe the best way to tell his adult dimensions. If the mother and father are bigger, then the puppy will be, too. This measure is even more precise if you know it’s grandparent’s size. A Pomeranian breeder can give you this information .

Besides genetics, the endocrine system can have a significant influence on a dog’s size . If the secretion of hormones is not as it should be, then growth will also be interrupted. This often causes reduced growth.


The sex of the dog plays a minor role in Pom puppy growth . And, this factor goes in favor of male Pomeranian dogs . Well, this is the case in many species. It is almost like natural law. Since this is not a very big breed, the difference is also not that significant.

External Influences


As in any dog breed, and after all, any living creature – proper nutrition is a must for healthy growth. It is like this – t he better nutrition and better quality of food, the healthier and more prosperous dog you will have. And, should I say happier. The best dog food for a Pomeranian will always offer balanced nutrition for your pooch.

Unhealthy food with low nutritive value not only has no influence on healthy growth, but it can even do harm. Feeding your dog with low-quality food can lead to some chronic conditions or acute illnesses.


It is not only about the food. It is also how much stimulation a dog gets. Pomeranians are a very active breed, and they require a lot of exercise , preferably outdoors. This helps him develop strength, which has many benefits.

Dogs that exercise a lot in fresh air have stronger lungs and stronger immunity. These dogs are overall stronger and bigger than their lazier friends. Besides, stimulation of this kind is, at the same time, mental stimulation. All this helps a Pomeranian to thrive.

At What Age Is A Pomeranian Fully Grown?

Pomeranian sets on a leash

Well, it depends. If we talk on average, then it is about ten months. That is the moment when many Pomereanian dogs are stepping into the adult world, and when they are no longer considered puppies. If you’ve bought a proper bed , you won’t need a bigger size because Pomeranians stay small even as adults.

But, for some, it takes longer. This is not surprising. We are not the same, and there are many factors that can leave its handprint on this process. Certainly, it is not something you should worry about. If your friend’s Pom is bigger than yours – just relax. He will soon catch up.

A lot of Pomeranians reach their adult size by their first birthday. But, some can keep growing until eighteen months of age. Do not expect some major effect during these last months of growth. These changes are almost unnoticeable with the bare eye.

Do Pomeranians Come In Different Sizes?

Adult Pomeranians are considered small dogs, and their size is usually within the breed standard . However, there is always the one that steps out. All in all, there are two main factors that can cause a Pom to outstand its adult size in some direction.

Even though the majority of these dogs have a size that is standard for the Pomeranian breed , there are retreats from the standard . It is natural for all breeds. Some dogs naturally grow bigger than the majority they are called Throwback Pomeranians . Others reach a size that is below the standard.

One of the biggest trends is breeding super-small puppies of already small breeds . Those are called Teacup puppies. As you can guess, they are the size of a teacup. But, breeding such dogs is ethically debatable.

Toy breeds, including Teacup Pomeranians, are especially prone to many health problems . They suffer more frequently from problems with joints and bones. The problem with this kind of breeding is that due to these health issues , these dogs have a poorer quality of life.

The Bottom Line

Whether we talk about smaller or larger dogs, it is very important to be aware of how these adorable creatures develop . That is where, as a Pom enthusiast, a Pomeranian growth chart can help you out.

Many factors can affect the growth of your Pomeranian . There is genetics involved, the sex of a dog, hormonal changes, mental and physical stimulation, and quality of food that the dog eats. It is important to keep track of these changes because some major retreats can be alarms for possible issues .

A healthy puppy means a happy puppy, and a happy puppy means a happy owner. Our goal as an owner is to ensure that our dog has a quality life, and that he thrives as he should. This foxy dog surely deserves fine treatment.