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Pomeranian Feeding Chart: How Much Food Does This Pup Need?

Pomeranian Feeding Chart: How Much Food Does This Pup Need?

I don’t think there is a dog fancier who wouldn’t fall in love with the irresistible Pomeranian.

This adorable toy dog breed belongs to the group of the smallest German Spitz. For anyone looking for a small dog that would be suitable for living in an apartment, the Pomeranian would be the cutest possible choice!

It is no exaggeration to say that this dog is one of the most beautiful dog breeds in the entire canine kingdom. In addition, his character is also wonderful – this dog is sociable, playful, and intelligent.

When choosing a dog, care for your future pet is, of course, also an important factor. In addition to regular visits to the vet, maintenance of his fur, and overall grooming, you are surely wondering about the nutritional needs of this dog.

Like any dog, the Pom needs quality food and good eating habits to be a healthy and happy dog.

Therefore, today, we have prepared a Pomeranian feeding chart for you to become a professional in this field. Keep reading to find out how much this pooch should eat, what food is best for him, and what you should definitely avoid.

Basic Info On The Pomeranian Feeding Chart

pomeranian dog eating from a green bowl

According to the Pomeranian growth chart, this pooch weighs three to seven pounds. This refers to an adult Pom.

Quality dog food, regular feeding, and feeding in accordance with the needs of the dog at different ages and of different weights are crucial for the dog to grow and be healthy.

Therefore, a balanced diet is one of the main conditions for your puppy to have a happy and long life.

If you don’t pay too much attention to your dog’s diet, and you haven’t checked at all how much food your dog should eat, or how often – you not only risk that your dog will not grow and develop properly, but also risk that the dog will develop a certain disease.

Fortunately, there is a Pomeranian feeding chart that can help you significantly. We can observe this feeding chart from two different aspects: from the aspect of the dog’s age, and from the aspect of the dog’s weight.

Pomeranian Feeding Chart According To Age

cute pomeranian spitz at table with dry food

Children in the developmental stage have different nutritional needs than adults, or, even more so, from people at an advanced age.

The situation is similar with dogs – small puppies need less food than adult dogs. Let’s see how the nutritional needs of the Pomeranian differ at different ages.

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As can be seen in the previous chart, Pomeranian puppies, while they are still very young, should be fed several meals a day, but with a smaller amount of food. As the dog grows, the amount of food increases and the frequency of meals decreases.

So, an adult Pomeranian needs fewer meals than a puppy Pomeranian, but its meals should be less frequent.

Pomeranian Feeding Chart According To Weight

As with age, Pom puppies’ nutritional needs vary with their weight. Let’s see what the differences are when feeding this dog with different body weights.

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As it can be seen in this puppy feeding chart, as the dog gains weight, its food needs become larger. Therefore, the amount of daily food increases proportionally with the dog’s weight.

How Much Food Should A Pomeranian Eat Per Day?

pomeranian spitz dog eating dry food from a metal bowl

The Pomeranian’s daily feeding schedule should be introduced in accordance with the charts we have described. Along with occasional treats, this amount of food should be ideal for your Pom.

It is very possible that this dog will always be hungry and in the mood for an extra meal, and it is equally possible that you will give in to him many times.

Food intake can also depend on the dog’s activity level. If an individual Pomeranian has a lot of physical activity, it is clear that he uses more energy and needs more food.

However, you need to be careful here. Many dogs develop a problem with obesity; therefore, food should not be left available to them all the time.

A dog that is used to a feeding schedule is a healthy dog, and its nutritional needs are met. Just like you are probably planning the dog training down to the smallest detail, in the same way, you should plan the perfect feeding routine your puppy’s needs.

Although the Pomeranian is a small dog breed, it can also become overweight. With these smaller dog breeds, it is necessary to pay even more attention to dog food and daily calorie intake.

Pom’s Food Requirement Through Developmental Stages

pomeranian puppy eating from the bowl

How does puppy feeding look with Pomeranian dogs?

To find out, we need to take a look at food requirements for this dog at different ages. So, let’s start with the first period of Pomeranian development.

Two-Week-Old Pom

In this period, Pom puppies use their mother’s milk as their food.

When they are this small, puppies get all kinds of nutrition from mother’s milk, such as proteins, fatty acids, sugar, and calcium.

If you are asking yourself if your Pomeranian is too tiny and how long it should take him to gain weight, there is probably no reason to worry.

These dogs are small anyway, but they are especially tiny in these first weeks of their life. They should weigh less than five ounces at this age.

In this period, puppies are extremely sensitive, and need their mother around all the time. Also, they need peace and quiet to establish a feeding routine.

4-Week-Old Pom

In this period, the Pomeranian puppy will still be dependent on its mother and her milk as basic food intake.

This is the period when this puppy is still very sensitive and fragile, and only needs its mother to take care of it.

Any less than a gentle touch could harm the puppy during this period, so it is still best to have only the owner approach it and be extremely careful with it for a while longer.

6-Week-Old Pom

When the puppy is around six months old, it is a good time to start feeding it solid food. The best way to start with a solid food intake is by mixing solid food with water to start with.

This puppy mush should help your puppy transition from mother’s milk to solid food more easily.

After some time, the puppy will get used to the new food, and will be ready to consume only solid food.

8-Week-Old Pom

Many breeders only sell their puppies when they are eight weeks of age. So, there is a high chance that you will welcome your Pomeranian dog when he will already be eight weeks old.

Therefore, you will probably be ready to start feeding your new puppy solid food. In the case that a puppy refuses to eat it, you can always add some water or milk to soften the food.

10-Week-Old Pom

When they are around 10 weeks of age, Pomeranians should eat three ounces of dog food per day. They should also have four meals per day at this age, so you should feed them quite often.

Many people spend long hours away from home and might not be able to follow this kind of puppy feeding schedule.

We remind you that it is very important to feed your puppy properly, especially in these periods when they are growing.

So, if you are not able to feed your dog enough times a day, our recommendation is to ask one of your friends or family to step in for you. A proper feeding schedule is very important for the proper growth and development of your puppy.

Toy breeds like the Pomeranian can often have problems with low blood sugar.

In order to avoid this, it is necessary that the dog, especially a young puppy, receives a sufficient number of daily meals in accordance with the puppy feeding schedule.

This is also the period when your puppy will start to explore its surroundings. Furthermore, this is the time when your puppy might even start with its first exercises.

So, the importance of dog food of top quality, and the right amount of food intake is even more emphasized here.

At What Age Should A Pom Start With Adult Food?

 a person is feeding a pomeranian spitz dog with dry food

Some dogs mature faster than others. So, some will switch from puppy food to adult food earlier, while some will need to be treated as puppies for a longer time.

Pomeranians, like small breeds of dogs in general, become adult dogs faster than some larger dogs.

When your Pomeranian is nine months of age, you can consider that you have an adult Pom at home. This is also the time when your little dog will be ready to switch to adult food.

With so many different food brands available today, you may feel confused and unsure of what to choose. What we can advise you is to choose dog food designed especially for small dog breeds.

This kind of food will contain what your Pomeranian needs in order to be a healthy and happy dog. For all further questions and doubts regarding adult food for your Pom, the best solution is to consult a veterinarian.

What To Feed A Senior Pom

a pomeranian dog eats dog food from a bowl

Nutritional needs for senior dogs are different from those of younger puppies. This is also the case with Pomeranians. A Pom is considered a senior when he is around eight years of age.

Since their metabolism will slow down with years passing by, older Pomeranians will not require dog food rich in fats and protein like they used to when they were younger.

A senior Pomeranian’s diet should still be rich in meat, but a good thing for them will be to add more vegetables and fruits to their diet.

If your Pom is suffering from a certain health issue, you might add some supplements to its nutrition. However, this should not be done without consulting a veterinarian.

What Is The Best Food To Feed My Pomeranian?

Small dog breeds might be more sensitive to some food ingredients in comparison to large dog breeds. Well, this is not an exception with the case of our small and fluffy dog breed – the Pomeranian.

So, you can’t just go to the pet shop and buy any kind of dog food for your Pom. There are some things you should consider first such as your dog’s age, its weight, and its activity level.

If you used to have a dog that was bigger in size than a Pom, you should know that these small dogs might not be able to chew all kinds of dog food.

Simply – these dogs have a smaller mouth, and might struggle with eating some dog food that fits some other dog breeds.

Luckily, there is dog food for Pomeranians that is available today, and that is just perfect for these small dogs to chew and digest.

So, what is the best food to feed your Pomeranian?

Your Pom’s Food Should Be Rich In Protein

Your Pom will probably not eat too much food, but the food it eats should be rich in protein. This way, your Pomeranian will have enough energy, and will be one healthy, small dog.

Dog food of high quality and rich in proteins is food like turkey, beef, and chicken.

Food rich in protein will keep your Pom’s skin healthy since these dogs might have some health issues, such as skin problems.

Also, proteins are good for your dog’s teeth.

Your Pom’s Food Should Be Rich In Omega Fatty Acids

Dog food that is rich in omega fatty acids can be very beneficial for your puppy. By eating this kind of food, your Pom will have a shinier coat. Also, its skin should be healthier, and you should not notice any infection or other skin problems on your dog.

What About Grains?

Allergies can be characterized as a disease of the modern age. Just like humans, allergies can often be found in dogs. Thus, many dogs today are allergic to grains.

Some of the symptoms that can occur are irritated skin, hair loss, as well as problems with the gastrointestinal system, which can be quite unpleasant for the dog.

If you notice some of these symptoms in your Pomeranian, it is possible that the dog is allergic to a certain grain that is an integral part of its daily food.

The only way to find out exactly which allergy is involved is through veterinary intervention.

If it is determined that the dog is really allergic to some grain, the veterinarian will prescribe a new diet for your pet. The new diet will not include grain to which the dog is allergic.

Should I Feed My Pomeranian Wet Food?

We will not say that wet dog food is a bad option for your Pom. However, your Pom will benefit more from dry dog food.

Kibble is a better option for Pomeranian dogs. Food you give to these dogs should be rich in protein. Too much wet food will not be good for a Pom.

Wet food might cause dental caries in your dog. Of course, just giving your dog wet food from time to time should not cause any long-term damage.

But, if you want your dog to have healthy teeth and gums, it is better not to exaggerate with wet food.

Can Poms Eat Human Food?

pomeranian asks for food from the owner

In general, dogs should not eat human food. Dog food is here for a reason. However, there are some ingredients that we use for our food that should not be harmful for our Pomeranians.

Some of these ingredients are brown rice, blueberries, and brussels sprouts. Vegetables like brussels sprouts contain antioxidants and vitamins that are very good for your dog’s health.

Of course, this does not mean that dogs should be fed those ingredients all of the time. Foods like these should just be given to dogs occasionally.

What About A Raw Food Diet?

One additional thing to consider is whether you should feed your Pom raw food, and if so, how much raw food should you feed your puppy.

This will be different for every Pomeranian puppy.

For many years, dogs were fed exclusively raw food. This way of eating includes uncooked food – that is, fresh meat, fruits, vegetables, and raw eggs.

Such a balanced diet can bring a lot of benefits to a dog such as cleaner teeth, healthier skin, and better digestion.

However, this type of diet also has certain disadvantages. For example, raw meat can contain bacteria that can harm a dog’s health.

Also, giving a dog only one type of diet for a long time can cause an imbalance, and can threaten the overall health of the dog.

If you are thinking of switching your Pomeranian to a raw diet, the first thing you should do is consult a veterinarian. Every dog is different, and if one type of food suits one dog, it may be completely wrong for another.

If you are worried about your dog’s weight, the veterinarian will give you the best answer to your question: how much should your dog weigh, and whether there is really a need to change your dog’s diet.

Can You Make Homemade Food For Your Pom?

Yes, you can! There are many ingredients you have at home that you can use to make your Pomeranian puppy some tasty homemade food.

Ingredients that will be great include chicken breast and fish. Also, you can use broccoli, spinach, and carrots.

What you should avoid is corn. It is important that his meals contain meat, vegetables, and starch.

So, you can make your Pomeranian puppy any meal that contains meat or rice.

On the other hand, you should never make your dog spicy food, or give him any meal containing caffeine or chocolate.

What Food Is Not Recommended For Poms?

pomeranian dog eating food from human's hand outdoors

There are certain foods and ingredients that should be avoided when it comes to a Pomeranian.

Any kind of artificial ingredients, preservatives, or fillers are strongly not recommended for these dogs. Never forget to read the ingredients on the label found on every dog food package.

In addition to the ingredients, here, you can also find advice on the daily amount of food that is recommended for a dog.

In some cases, Pomeranians might not react well to ingredients, such as soy or wheat.

Sometimes, you need to change your dog’s diet. This, in some cases, might be recommended by your vet. However, some dogs have problems with their food being changed, and they might not get used to new kinds of food so easily.

If you notice symptoms such as puppy diarrhea or your dog throwing up yellow, you should contact your vet. There is a possibility that the change in diet caused an upset stomach in your dog.

Why Would Your Pom Refuse To Eat?

pomeranian dog refuse to eat

Sometimes, dogs refuse to eat. This usually makes dog owners uncomfortable because they are not sure if something serious is going on with their dog’s health.

In some cases, a loss of appetite may actually indicate a specific health problem in your dog. But, before you worry – read about some of the possible reasons as to why your Pom might be refusing food.

Your Pomeranian Doesn’t Like The Food

You have put in the effort and spent hours researching which food would be best for a Pomeranian. After a thorough analysis, you made the final decision and bought top-quality dog food for small dogs.

However, even after a few days, your dog shows no interest, and his food bowl is constantly full. What is happening?

It’s pretty simple – your Pomeranian probably doesn’t like the food you chose.

If this is the case, you can easily solve the problem by simply switching to a different type of dog food. With some dogs, you will have to change the type of dog food several times until your dog is completely satisfied.

Your Pomeranian Might Have Dental Problems

pomeranian dog biting a chew bone or stick sitting beside bowl with dry food

Many Pomeranians have problems with their teeth. Thanks to this, they often cannot chew their food well, and every meal is a challenge for them.

With some, you can even notice that their teeth are falling out. If, in addition to refusing food, you also notice really bad breath in your Pom, it is probably a dental problem.

In order to prevent this health problem in your dog, you need to regularly brush your dog’s teeth and take care of his oral hygiene.

Your Pomeranian Might Be Anxious

Our dogs are very sensitive creatures, and they can suffer from anxiety and stress. The reason why your Pom may be refusing food could be anxiety.

Various events can leave trauma on a dog. For example, it is possible that your Pomeranian was suddenly frightened by something inside the house.

His safe place is now violated, and such trauma can affect all aspects of his life. Here, it is important to find the source of the anxiety and help the puppy overcome it.

How Is Nutrition Related To A Pomeranian’s Health?

pomeranian dog lying with stick treat

We all know how important a balanced and quality diet is for a dog’s health. In the case of the Pomeranian, there are certain health problems that are characteristic of this breed, and can significantly affect the dog’s diet.

Let’s see what medical conditions are involved.

1. Hair Loss

We have already mentioned in the text that a balanced and rich diet is essential in order for a Pomeranian’s fur to remain beautiful and shiny.

These little dogs are unfortunately prone to hair loss, especially when they are at an advanced age. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right food for this dog.

Even if it takes a little longer to find the perfect food for your puppy, don’t give up. You can always seek the help of a veterinarian. In addition, regular maintenance and brushing of the Pomeranian’s fur is also important.

2. Obesity

In recent times, obesity has become a growing problem for many dogs, and a Pomeranian can be found among them. How can you even tell if your dog is obese?

Well, you can compare your dog’s age and weight with the standard ratio for this dog breed. In addition, if he gets tired quickly, and even refuses to walk, these could be clear signs of Pomeranian obesity.

Therefore, it is important that you follow the instructions on what kind of food your dog should eat, and how often you should feed it.

Any deviation from what is recommended can cause a weight problem in your dog. Keep in mind that the Pomeranian is a small dog, so you don’t need to give him meals that are recommended for larger dogs.

3. Patellar Luxation

Pomeranians are susceptible to suffering from a medical condition called Patellar Luxation. This happens when a dog’s patella slips out of place towards the inside or outside of the knee.

A dog suffering from this condition may experience pain and lameness. In some more severe cases, it is possible that surgical intervention will be necessary.

Proper nutrition is a crucial step in order to avoid the development of this disease in a Pomeranian. The food you feed this dog should be rich in calcium, so that his bones become strong.

Last Words

The choice of food as well as the feeding schedule is a very important segment of a dog’s health, and it differs for each individual breed, even each individual dog. Two dogs of the same breed can have different levels of energy and activity.

We hope this Pomeranian feeding chart has helped you gain insight into the foods that are good for these adorable pooches, and the daily feeding needs of a Pom.

Pomeranians are small dogs, but this does not mean that their food needs are reduced or that they should not be taken seriously.

With small dogs, it is even more necessary to choose high-quality dog food and feed them with several small meals.

The best food for this dog is rich in proteins and calcium. Food requirements change as the dog grows up, so a Pomeranian puppy will have different nutritional needs in comparison to a senior Pomeranian.

However, quality food is equally necessary in all stages of a dog’s life.

Quality food is a basic prerequisite for your dog to be healthy and happy. These food tips are basic tips that we hope you find helpful.

For any additional advice, changing dog food, or insecurities you have when it comes to feeding your Pom, it is best to consult a veterinarian.

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