My mom and dad were always dog people. I grew up surrounded with all kinds of dogs, mostly big breeds. It had a lot of impact on me choosing a path in life, but I knew it had to be something related to dogs.
Today, when I look back, I’m grateful for such an upbringing, and I’m beyond happy that I shared the vast majority of my life with dogs.
Last year, my folks retired and bought a small house in the countryside. It was always their dream. But, the dream was not complete: they were lacking something.
Since their latest dog, Gizmo, died at an early age this Christmas, they knew they needed another addition to the family. But, they weren’t sure which breed to get. My mom only said it had to be big, but I can’t clean after him the way I did in the past.
Then, I thought: how about a big, low-shedding or hypoallergenic dog?
My parents were excited. I came up with a list of the best big dogs that don’t shed and they were able to pick their favorite breed without any complications.
I will tell you in the end which breed they chose. But, for now, let’s go through the list together in case you’re having the same doubts as my parents.
1. Komondor

Komondors are attractive dogs, thanks to their unusual, corded hair. These shaggy pups are one of the best things that come from Hungary. However, it’s not the easiest task to groom them.
They don’t shed or need brushing like other dogs, but they do need a professional to handle their coat.
My mom wasn’t so sure about getting one because of the tricky grooming, but she loved the fact that they’re fiercely loyal, protective, and fun to have around.
2. Briard

Oh, we could use one of those for our sheep!
The problem is, they STILL haven’t bought the sheep. All my parents have on the farm right now are poultry and a couple of cows.
But, let’s look at the bigger picture. The Briard dog breed is phenomenal! These dogs are low-maintenance in all terms, especially when it comes to their grooming. They have a soft, wavy coat that repels water and dirt. That’s fantastic for a farm dog.
Other than their wonderful coat features, Briards are great because they’re friendly, loyal, and superb watchdogs.
The biggest downside would be their availability because I haven’t seen a lot of these French dogs in the States.
3. Afghan Hound

Oh, honey, I love them, but at this age, I can’t take care of an Afghan. Imagine them catching so much snow on that long coat. I’m sorry, but it’s a pass.
Well, Afghans are terrific dogs if you live somewhere sunny and warm! They have a long, flowy, and silky coat, but they don’t shed! These dogs are a delight for people suffering from allergies.
Still, you need to show patience because Afghans require daily brushing. That long coat must not get tangled… ever.
I’d definitely recommend an Afghan for someone living in a big home in the city. These dogs are too elegant to live on a farm in Montana.
4. Airedale Terrier

My dad is a huge fan of terrier dogs, but he never had a chance to work with Airedale Terriers.
When I introduced him to one, he was absolutely swept off his feet.
Known as the king of all Terriers, the Airedale Terrier is special in so many ways, not just in their coat.
Sure, people love them because of their low- to non-shedding qualities. Airedale Terriers have a harsh, wiry top coat, with a soft undercoat. I do recommend you either learn how to strip their coat or hire a professional because they’ll need it.
Other than their fantastic coat features, Airedale Terriers are beautiful, energetic terriers. They’re not too fierce. My experience with them is that this breed is super sweet and emphatic, and will always act like a friend to you.
5. Giant Schnauzer

One of the first breeds that crossed my mind was the Giant Schnauzer. These dogs are truly impressive and elegant… real showstoppers.
My mom was thrilled with the idea of getting a Giant Schnauzer for many reasons.
For starters, Giant Schnauzers have a lovely, silky coat that repels dirt and water. Living on a farm with creeks nearby means your dog will get wet pretty much on a daily basis, so this coat feature was a huge plus.
Giant Schnauzers aren’t technically hypoallergenic, but they still shed so little that you won’t even notice it. Of course, light daily brushing is a must.
What really helped my parents create their shortlist and put this breed on it is the fact that Giant Schnauzers are very intelligent and have lovely personalities.
6. Greyhound

Absolutely not, my dad said.
But, they require almost no grooming! You’ll love the Greyhound!
I couldn’t persuade them to get one. Apparently, this was the breed that was too fragile for my dad.
Well, truth be told, I was kinda blinded with the Greyhound’s little to non-shedding qualities and low-maintenance.
I completely forgot about the fact that they shake all the time and they would need a wooly sweater, boots, and a puffy jacket to survive at my parent’s place.
However, if you live somewhere warm all year round, Greyhounds are great! They’re sweet, gentle, friendly, and perfect for all families!
7. Portuguese Water Dog

When the Obamas were in the White House, the whole nation heard of a rather unusual dog breed: the Portuguese Water Dog. This breed became the official Obama family dog breed, thanks to their hypoallergenic traits.
No, the PWD does not shed. It has a water-repellent coat, and enjoys swimming above all. They’re pretty much ideal dogs for anyone suffering from dog-related allergies.
Portuguese Water Dogs are great in pretty much any case, but they do come with a downside.
The problem with this breed is that there are not enough good breeders who carry them. The PWD is still rare in the States despite the huge popularity it received, thanks to Sunny and Bo Obama.
This was a dealbreaker for my folks, but they still say it’s one of the best dog breeds they have ever heard of.
8. Standard Goldendoodle

I’m a huge fan of Goldendoodles. I’ve even fostered a couple in my life, so naturally, I had to mention them to my parents.
My mom said they’re great. The hypoallergenic coat is awesome, you can give them tons of hairstyles, and their low-grooming needs really help them win the race, but there’s one thing she won’t stand… their attitude.
Goldendoodles are sometimes loud, too energetic for her taste, and have a personality that’s sweet, but also bold at the same time.
It wasn’t the right dog for them.
I was really sad because Goldendoodles are terrific pets (in my opinion), and they’re a delight to groom. I knew there wouldn’t be any dead hair around the house, and that was a huge bonus for this breed.
Unfortunately, mom has the last word. I really hope she’ll change her mind sometime in the future and give Goldendoodles a chance.
9. Standard Poodle

It’s too fragile for my taste.
Mom’s words… not mine.
Of course, Poodles are great because they don’t shed. But, both mom and dad agreed they won’t be able to handle a Poodle’s energy and their temperaments.
I really rooted for this breed because we all know that there’s no better low-shedding dog than a Poodle. Their coat is super soft, and if any hair falls out, it gets trapped in the undercoat. Absolutely zero dead hair in the house.
It’s the temperament that ruled out the Poodle, but I’m working hard on bringing it back in the game in a while. The soft, hypoallergenic coat simply must win!
10. Wirehaired Pointing Griffon

Now, that’s a dog for me!
That was my dad. He fell in love with the Wirehaired Pointing Griffon. After many years of owning German Shepherds and Retrievers, the man actually fell for another breed and it was an uncommon one.
This breed is originally from the Netherlands, where it was used for hunting purposes. Thanks to their harsh, wiry coat, Griffons were excellent hunters, never wet or dirty no matter the hunting grounds.
That’s what made my dad fall for them. He pictured himself hunting birds with a Griffon. Of course, I’m against the hunting part, but I do love the Griffon.
They make excellent, loyal dogs with impeccable work ethics.
11. Saluki

We live in Montana. How do you think a Saluki would fit into our lifestyle with all those harsh winters?
Well, mom was right… again.
The Saluki… a dog from the desert, would be super sad in a place like my parent’s farm in Montana. They’re super thin, tall, and gentle dogs, with a silky-soft coat.
But, Salukis can’t handle stress. They’re too fragile. See, mom… Poodles are definitely not as fragile as Salukis.
They’re too shy and polite to handle farm life. Despite having a coat that takes zero effort, my parents ruled out Salukis. But, they both agree they’re impressive and breathtaking.
To Sum Up…
Guess what my parents picked in the end!
Drum roll, please…
The Giant Schnauzer and the Wirehaired Pointing Griffon!
Yup, they chose two dogs. My mom’s favorite is the Schnauzer, and dad really loves the idea of hunting with the Griffon.
But, the best thing about both of these breeds is that they’re super easy to take care of. All they need is light grooming and lots of love. Well, my parents have all the time in the world to spoil these two lucky dogs.
And, yes… mom’s living room will finally be mess-free after all those years spent with German Shepherds and Labs.