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California Owners Adopted A Scared Pup And A Deaf Cat Only To Be Surprised By What Happened Next

California Owners Adopted A Scared Pup And A Deaf Cat Only To Be Surprised By What Happened Next

It’s commonly said that dogs and cats do not get along with each other. In fact, people consider them to be the polar opposite of each other.

But, I feel that is just not the case. In many instances, this is usually said by someone who never had a cat and a dog at the same time.

If you really let them, then a puppy and a kitten can make for quite an amazing duo. It’s enough to surprise pretty much everyone.

To help illustrate this, we will talk about Bernie and Joey, the two polar opposites who became friends after their mom adopted them both.

A Beautiful Friendship

When Joey was first adopted by his mom, Wendy, she was a rescue dog who had a lot of problems. She was very skittish and didn’t trust people easily.

She had terrible mange and basically no hair. Other people would throw rocks at her and she suffered abuse like this when she was just four months old.

She was rescued by some amazing people and given a new chance in the shelter, but she still needed a forever home and that’s where Wendy stepped in.

Wendy told GeoBeats Animals: “Bernie was rescued from San Francisco Animal Care and Control. I’ve never had a cat before, and I just kind of took Joey to meet the kitty.

To her surprise, the two became friends almost immediately. After that point, they became inseparable and were doing everything together.

However, Wendy would soon be surprised after learning that Bernie was deaf. This came as a shock, but she was even more stunned to learn that Joey understood this.

He instinctively knew that she needed guidance and that was why their bond was so special. He was extremely protective of her new friend and that was just beautiful to see.

Wendy Is So Happy For Them

Wendy said: “When we are out on the bicycle, or out walking, Joey’s very protective of Bernie. If there’s any dogs around, he senses it and just keeps Bernie safe.

She also notes that they used to play around a lot more often, but now they enjoy just lying on the couch and napping.

Wendy is so grateful that her two furry companions are so happy with her. To think what Joey has gone through to get here is heartbreaking.

But, it’s also heartwarming to know that he was able to overcome his trauma and change completely. He is a different dog and that’s all thanks to Wendy and Bernie.

And, Bernie is just amazing. Even though she also went through a lot in her past life and is struggling with deafness, she is just a wonderful companion for Joey.

Wendy said: “It’s a totally different relationship that they have than versus me and Joey. Joey’s her big sister and she will protect her at all costs.

It’s really wholesome to see just how much progress both of them have made when they were both adopted. They both needed a second chance and Wendy gave it to them. I am so happy for them.