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Ohio Woman Fosters A Dog, Only To Learn Something Heartbreaking About Him Years Later

Ohio Woman Fosters A Dog, Only To Learn Something Heartbreaking About Him Years Later

Even though you could argue that the job of a rescuer is one of the best and most rewarding jobs you can have, they still come with their fair share of heartbreaks. 

A woman named Kate has spent her entire life opening up her warm home to animals who need it the most. Over the years, she has fostered countless furry friends who left such a deep mark on her. 

But, nobody stayed in her heart and mind as much as Nacho did.

The Best Foster Ever 

woman kissing dog in head

After the Nebraska Humane Society contacted Kate regarding a pup in desperate need of a warm home, she happily took him in. 

For the next three months, Nacho and Kate were absolutely inseparable. They spent every passing moment together, looking for new ways to make their day as fun and adventurous as possible. 

After a family reached out to her interested in adopting him, Kate felt bittersweet. She loved the fact that this adorable pup would finally be able to have a family of his own, but parting ways with him left her quite sad.

dog on the window

Knowing this was the way fostering works, she moved on with her life, eventually moving to Ohio. 

But, what she didn’t expect was that she was bound to cross paths with this sweet pup once more. 

What Loves You Will Come Back 

While scrolling through the Nebraska Humane Society’s website, Kate saw a familiar face looking for a home once more – it was Nacho!

“My friend let me know he was found as a stray. Previous owners were contacted, they didn’t claim him, so I went and adopted him,” Kate told Geobeats

It came as no surprise when Nacho integrated into Kate’s life seamlessly. Having him around was so natural for her, and she felt that they were together their whole lives. 

young woman lying with dog

Since she had another pup as well, seeing the two having the time of their lives together and being the best of friends made her heart full of joy

“The first night he got home he just felt like he was like ‘I’m home. I’m here. This is where I am meant to be.’” she added.  

When he was just a foster all those years ago, Nacho loved placing his head on Kate’s shoulder when she sat down on her couch. When she noticed that he did the same when she adopted him, she knew that this was definitely her soul dog. 

smiling woman posing with dog outdoor in the park

“Nacho, he needs to be by a human. He loves to cuddle when I sit and watch TV at night, he’s half on my lap when I’m working. He refuses to sleep anywhere but my bed and he takes over my bed. We are both healing each other,” she added. 

And, as the saying goes, the rest is history.   

This incredible duo is over the moon with the fact that they not only get a second chance but they are able to live it to the fullest this time!