Sadly, countless dogs suffer on the harsh streets today, and many people simply turn a blind eye to their plight.
But, if they realized that a single small act of kindness could transform the lives of these helpless animals, perhaps they would take action.
Fortunately, there are still those who care. One such Good Samaritan in Primm, Nevada is a living example. When he came across a severely matted stray dog on the street, he didn’t just walk away like so many others.
Instead, he immediately sought help, and that decision changed the dog’s life forever.
He Blossomed Like A Flower

When the rescuers got a call about a matted dog in need of help, they immediately rushed to that place. Since he had no collar, microchip, or ID, they transferred him to the premises of The Animal Foundation, a rescue organization located in Las Vegas, Nevada.
There, the shelter staff immediately fell in love with him and decided to name him Primm, in honor of the town where they found him.
However, there was not much time to waste, so they soon brought him to the lead groomer of The Animal Foundation, Krystal Elizondo. As soon as she saw him, she knew that a difficult job was ahead of her.
However, after some grooming, it seemed that Primm started to relax a bit, and in general, come out of his shell.
“He was absolutely perfect during his groom,” Krystal told The Dodo. “Primm was scared and unsure at first, but he let it happen and slowly started to open up, wag his tail and give me kisses.”
When the grooming session ended, Primm was a whole new dog. He blossomed like a beautiful flower and it was immediately clear that a brighter future lay ahead of him.
New, Happier Life
The reborn Primm remained in the shelter for some time, and during the time he spent there, he progressed a lot in every sense. However, he regained the lost trust the most.
“When he arrived, he would curl up in the back of his kennel,” The Animal Foundation’s marketing and communications coordinator, Max Blaustein, said. “When he was leaving for foster, he was relaxing at the front of his kennel, waiting to be taken out for a walk.”
The time Primm now spends in his new foster home is amazing and he is living the best life he truly deserves.
And, that’s how it works — from a horribly matted stray dog with no future, Primm became the happiest pup in the world, all thanks to the kind souls who did just one tiny good deed.