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Massive Tibetan Mastiff Dragging 30 Pounds Of Mats Leaves Illinois Rescuers Shocked

Massive Tibetan Mastiff Dragging 30 Pounds Of Mats Leaves Illinois Rescuers Shocked

How often do you see a rare Tibetan Mastiff being walked by an owner, let alone one roaming the streets? Never? Me neither.

Recently, Illinois passersby had the privilege of spotting a giant TM on the streets of Chicago. Her condition, however, was far from ideal! 

Not only did she have matted fur all over, but the Mastiff, named Sprout, was literally the epitome of a disastrously matted pup. Luckily, her caregivers were just around the corner!

Definitely Not An Everyday Sight

When One Tail at a Time, based in Chicago, Illinois, received a message about Sprout from the animal care, they immediately sprang into action.

The dog was spotted in severe pain, dragging over thirty pounds of matted fur on the ground. Everyone’s first thought just looking at her must’ve been – “wow, that definitely hurts”. And, indeed it did.

Instead of living a normal pup life, Sprout had to cope with multiple health conditions, all originating from the mats. On top of everything, she struggled to survive the harsh living conditions without a proper shelter.

Sprout had irritated skin and a raging infection, which required immediate intervention. Fortunately, she couldn’t have been admitted to a better organization. 

Right upon her arrival, the rescue staff developed a plan to get this sweet girl back on her paws in no time. Hours later, Sprout was sedated and placed on the operating table, awaiting her comeback

The OTAT post shows her caregivers dressed in surgical uniforms and performing hours of exhausting shaving to remove her excess fur.

An Instagram video the Illinois organization posted shows the step-by-step process, which was everything but walking in the park.

The outcome, however, was worth every minute and it melted everyone’s hearts!

Everyone, Meet Sprout, Now A Brand-New Pup

Have you ever looked in the mirror after a good haircut and thought: “Boi, do I look like a brand-new person”? Now, imagine what thirty fewer pounds of fur could do for a dog!

That’s right! 

After an extensive grooming session, Sprout was a brand-new dog. Literally! She looked nothing like her old self, but what really mattered was that she was finally free of pain.

“We removed 32.4 lbs of mats that tugged on her skin causing pain, irritation, and a raging skin infection. For the first time in who knows how long, Sprout can urinate, defecate, walk, and lay down without pain,” the Illinois rescue stated through their social media.

Sprout’s magnificent transformation soon swept across social media. The story behind her innocent-looking eyes, which finally sparked after all this time, touched the hearts of thousands of people wishing her a great comeback.

And, that’s exactly what she’s getting at the moment! The OTAT rescue made sure to find Sprout a nice, loving foster home where she can finally decompress and learn all about being a dog.

“Sprout is taking some time to decompress while figuring out what inside life is all about,” the rescue concluded.

After all the hardships from the past, Sprout can finally reveal her true colors, showcasing her adorable personality. 

One thing is for sure: her days will be filled with nothing but love from now on. When the time comes, she will embark on another exciting adventure, hopefully in a forever home.

Good luck, sweet girl! It’s nice to see you glowing brightly again!