It was a very ordinary day for a man who was just passing near an abandoned construction site during his walk.
However, something immediately drew his attention to it. He heard faint noises coming from the site, so he thought it would be a good idea if he took a closer look.
He started searching for the origin of the noise and was able to quickly pinpoint where it was coming from. It was an abandoned building, so he looked below and was shocked.
Four Abandoned Puppies

When he realized there were four abandoned puppies lying under the building, he couldn’t believe his eyes. He immediately started thinking about how he could help them.
The puppies looked a bit frightened, and there was no easy way to retrieve them from the building, so the man had to improvise.
When he looked around, he couldn’t find their mother or any sign of what had happened to them. He couldn’t figure out how they ended up in this situation.

The theory was that they were simply abandoned by an owner without their mom, although there was no way of knowing this for sure.
This kind man spent the next few minutes trying to get all the puppies out and was successful. It was clear that they were malnourished, so he was going to help them.
When they were all secured, he took them in his car and drove back to his house. While there, he gave milk to the puppies, one by one.
A Brand-New Life

Because they were so young, he had to watch over them pretty much all the time to make sure they were doing okay. It was not easy, but he wanted to help them.
Soon enough, the puppies started growing up and opening their eyes. Now that they were able to see the world they were born in, everything changed.
They wanted to spend every second they had with their amazing rescuer. The other dogs that were at this man’s home also tried to play with the puppies very gently.
The man named the puppies Clover, Hazel, Milo, and Scout and those are just beautiful names for these sweet babies.

They were able to blend in well with the other puppies and dogs. Everything was new for them and all they wanted to do the entire time was just play and explore their environment.
Even though they are still small, their kind rescuer will take care of them until they are ready for their vaccinations and to be placed on an adoption list.
While we don’t know more about their journey, it’s pretty comforting to know that they are in good hands and will find someone special to take care of them.