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Man Proposes To His Girlfriend, Then Shocks Her With The Greatest Surprise For Her Dog

Man Proposes To His Girlfriend, Then Shocks Her With The Greatest Surprise For Her Dog

When deciding to adopt a dog, a lot of people don’t realize that it’s a long-term commitment and that these adorable pups will become an integral part of our lives.

They are our family and nothing can change that. Anyone who has had a dog in their life can attest to this sentiment.

So, naturally, when you go out and meet other people, it’s only normal that you want your dog to like your friends or partners. And, when they don’t like someone, it’s usually for a good reason.

When Rachel first got her dog, Daisy, she didn’t think her life would change so much. Soon, she became everything to her and they were basically inseparable.

Daisy Is A Special Dog

Because Rachel loved her dog so much, she wanted to make sure that Daisy was always in a safe environment. A lot of people loved her and she loved them back.

She is very friendly with other humans, and New York is full of people, so making friends was not a difficult task for her. 

Rachel was a bit worried about whether or not her future partner would get along with Daisy. This is a normal concern for any dog owner, but her doubts would quickly die down when she met Phil.

When the two of them started dating, Daisy fell in love with Phil and couldn’t wait for an opportunity to spend time with him.

Rachel told The Dodo: “However, about six months into Phil living with us, I think Daisy started to get more attached to him than she was to me. She almost always says hello to him first if we come home at the same time!

She was so glad that Phil got along with Daisy. It was basically a dream come true for her, so naturally, he started planning their future.

The Double Proposal

He decided to propose to his girlfriend soon, but he prepared a very special surprise for Daisy as well. 

Before he even made the decision to do it, Rachel said she would like for her dog to also receive the ring but she had no idea that he would do this.

She said: “I didn’t know he had actually researched and found a little toy ring in a perfect toy ring box, but I wasn’t surprised he followed through. My soulmate would know how important my soul dog is to me, and that including her in our special day would make it that much more special for me.”

When he finally asked the question, Rachel was just as surprised as Daisy. The sweet dog immediately accepted the toy ring along with her mom.

If there was any fear about asking the question, it was all gone after Daisy accepted her amazing gift.

Rachel ends by saying: “She was clearly very excited and did her best to wait patiently until the ring was given to her. I think a lot of girls can relate to that during their proposals!

It’s clear by her excitement that this was also a very special day for her and Rachel couldn’t be happier. 

They are so fortunate to have Phil as a member of their family. I wish them all the best on their new journey in life.