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Man From New York Noticed A Strange Lump Near The Road, So He Stopped To Check It Out

Man From New York Noticed A Strange Lump Near The Road, So He Stopped To Check It Out

One thing that I think most people underestimate is how easy it is to help an animal in need. It costs almost nothing, but it changes lives completely.

Not only are you helping an innocent animal get another chance at life, but you can change other people’s lives by inspiring them to do what you are doing.

That’s all it takes. It’s one simple act of kindness and you can impact lives more than you ever hoped. To help illustrate this, we will focus on an interesting story from New York.

This man was just driving when he suddenly realized an unusual lump near the road, so he stopped his car to check it out.

What Is It, Really?!

opossum laying near road
Source: John Debacker

After stopping to approach this strange animal, the man got a closer look and realized what it really was. It was an opossum.

It looked like the wild animal was injured and needed help, but the man didn’t know who to talk to, so he posted about it in a Facebook group.

A man named John Debacked responded to the call and came to help the opossum. He had already been working as a rescuer for a long time, so he had experience with helping wild animals.

opossum laying on the ground
Source: John Debacker

This was really great news for the opossum because it means that he had great chances of making a full recovery. 

John approached the animal and noticed a sad look on its face. The opossum was likely seriously injured because he did not move from his spot at all.

This poor animal will likely need therapy in order to recover, but luckily, he is in good hands now.

Everything Will Be Okay

man holding an opossum
Source: John Debacker

The man realized the severity of the opossum’s injuries, so he didn’t waste any time. He transported him in the carrier back to his place in New York.

The man was really surprised to see that the opossum didn’t resist. The animal was surprisingly friendly the whole time.

John talked to his friend who is a rehabilitator and she told him that it would take a while before this opossum recovers, but she was optimistic.

cute opossum
Source: John Debacker

Once he fully recovers, she will send him back to the wild. Since everyone is optimistic, it’s good to see that this story also has a happy ending.

And, once again, it proves my point that all it takes is a single phone call to make a difference. A man noticed an animal in need on the road and called a rescuer to help. 

Now this opossum will get a second chance thanks to the kindness of this person and I am so glad to see that. Stories like this are always the most heartwarming.