Large dog breeds look intimidating because of their size, but the truth is that the majority of them are real cuddle bugs, especially if they’re trained well and growing up in a home filled with love.
In case you’re afraid of giant doggos, I’m sure you’ll change your mind after this article. On the other hand, if you’re a fan of big breeds, you’re gonna love the pictures waiting for you below!
#1 Anatolian Guardian
This Anatolian Shepherd has seriously taken his role as a guardian, at least according to the look on his face. Although he’s still not near the full size of his adult relatives, which is about 29 inches, he definitely doesn’t lack courage.
On the other hand, I find him rather adorable with his little stick on his shoulder, as it makes him look like a real shepherd.

#2 Weimar Puppy Ghosts Cuter Than Casper
These two Weimaraner buddies are the true representatives of their dog breed – playful, friendly, and cuddly.
These adorable little creatures can grow up to 27 inches in height, according to the American Kennel Club (AKC) breed standard for Weimaraners.
But, do not fear; although they become big doggos, their temperament doesn’t change, especially if they’re properly trained.

#3 Bull Buddies
Bullmastiffs might look tough as adults, but as puppies, they’re one of the most adorable dog breeds.
Their tough looks and protective attitude make them great guardians; however, their friendly nature is one of the main reasons why these 27-inch pooches are good family doggos as well.

#4 Gentle Giants
If you’re looking for a dog that will look like a puppy when it grows up, then the Giant Schnauzer will be the perfect companion for you.
The best thing is that they also behave like puppies, even when they reach 27 inches in height.
The only bad thing about this is that your legs will hurt after holding a 90-pound doggo in your lap for hours.

#5 Irish Cutehounds
“And that we in this shape may find,
A Lion of another kind.
For this Heroick beast does seem,
In Majesty to rival him.”
I came upon the beautiful poem, “The Irish Greyhound”, written by Katherine Phillips, while reading George Richard Jesse’s “Researches Into the History of the British Dog, From Ancient Laws, Charters, and Historical Records”.
What struck me the most was the fact that this beautiful dog breed was almost extinct during the 1800’s, as Jesse explained in the book, although it was quite a popular breed among dog lovers (it did get a poem, after all).
I am beyond glad that the tallest dog breed (according to the AKC) is present nowadays, considering how cute Irish Wolfhound puppies are. I mean, c’mon just look at this cute face:

#6 Definitely Cuter Than Dobby
Okay, I wanted to put a sweet heading with “Dobby” in it, but then I thought of Dobby, from Harry Potter, that is cute in its own way, but not exactly what I would compare Dobermans with.
Dobermans might not be the largest breed alive, but considering how tough-looking they are, I believe these doggies deserve to be on this list.
According to research conducted by K.J. Stafford, Dobermans are less aggressive than German Shepherds, but more dangerous than Weimaraners, among other dog breeds.
To be honest, I was a little surprised by these findings, but then again, how could a pup as sweet as this ever be considered dangerous?

#7 Renaissance Puppies
Rhodesian Ridgebacks are known as magnificent, large animals, with a unique ridge on their back that makes them stand out from other similar-looking breeds.
There is also a myth related to these exquisite hunters; according to stories from older generations, Rhodesian Ridgebacks are capable of fighting lions. However, this might not be exactly the case – although they’re capable of hunting lions, they’re not really capable of killing them.
But, there’s definitely one thing they can do as puppies, and that is melt the hearts of dog lovers with their cuteness:

#8 Little Beethoven
If you haven’t watched ‘Beethoven’, and you’re a dog lover, I strongly recommend you do so asap. I just have to warn you – after the movie, you’ll probably want to get at least one of these 30-inch furry creatures.
I dealt with these giant cuddlers in the past, and all I can say is they’re extremely lovable, but quite lazy as well. If this big boy doesn’t want to move, there’s little you can do about it.
Still, I would forgive everything concerning such cuties as this baby in the picture below:

#9 Italian Guardian
These giant doggos are often labeled as aggressive and dangerous because of their size (they can grow up to 28 in) and their protective nature.
According to the AKC’s article, and a quote from an unknown author that they mentioned in the article, Cane Corsos are great guard canines:
“An understated air of cool competence, the kind of demeanor you’d expect from a professional bodyguard, is the breed’s trademark.”
But, as puppies, these pooches are simply adorable:

#10 Pyr, The Protector
As Foxfire Forest Alaska puts it in their YouTube shorts, the Great Pyr is a type of doggo that is protective, huge, and smart:
“[…] They are intelligent, they’re nocturnal, they bark a lot, they shed a lot, they’re stubborn, they use their paws a lot, but above all else, they are family.”
The only thing I would add to this is that they’re incredibly sweet:

#11 Fluffy Leo
If there’s one thing I know about Leonbergers, it’s that they’re huge. Pet WebMD describes them as huge and playful pooches, and I couldn’t agree more.
These doggies know how to get under the skin of their owner, especially with their adorable puppy face:

#12 Newfie Pie
These bear-like doggos steal the hearts of all dog enthusiasts who get the chance to meet them with their friendly nature and fluffy coat that only seldom people are able to resist running their fingers through.
This type of fur makes Newfoundland puppies even more irresistible (like the little fella from the picture below), but it also makes them stand out from other breeds.
According to a study published by ScienceDirect, Newfies go through certain skin and coat changes during their lifespan, which are caused by hair trimming. [2]
Therefore, even if you get a cute, puffy pup, there’s a slight possibility that its fur won’t look the same when it grows up.

#13 Scottish Big Boy
Owning a Scottish Deerhound is like having a cuddly kiddo who is attached to you, but will run away to chase a squirrel or other small animals as soon as it sees them.
Scottish Deerhounds are among the tallest canines in the world, as they can grow up to 32 in, so it’s really not an easy task to manage them when their hunting instincts kick in.
However, it’s all worth it when you see a cutie pie like the doggo from this picture:
#14 Swiss Cuddly Giant
Don’t be fooled by the size of the cuddle bug from the picture below, as he will soon turn into a 27-inch cuddly beast that can’t spend a day without its hooman.
Don’t believe me? Then check out this video of Bernese Mountain Dog owners who show how quickly these pooches grow.

#15 The Butcher’s Dog
Rotties are one of the most aggressive breeds on this list, at least according to the veterinarians from Stafford’s study who described these canines as more aggressive than Chow Chows, Akitas, Chihuahuas, and other breeds.
Is it that bad? Well, it depends; if a Rottie is well-trained and socialized from early puppyhood, it will behave like any other family doggo, just like the pups from this video.
Also, who could possibly find a cute pooch like this one to be dangerous?

#16 South African Lovelies
Boerboels are hardworking large dogs that are simply adorable as puppies, although they look quite cute even as adult pooches.
Rachel Bowden describes her experience of owning a Boerboel on Quora as an answer to the question, “What’s it like to own a Boerboel?”:
“Leonidas is very loving and trusting of us.[…] He is very protective! So far, he protects against things he does not understand. A loud noise outside, a weird stranger standing in the bushes, etc… ”
The only thing I would add is that these doggos love to play with their toys, just like this furry boy:

#17 Big Heart Hound
Otterhounds grow big (up to 27 in), but they also have a big heart. I stand strongly behind this statement because of Rod – my friend’s furry companion that is so friendly and funny you just have to love him.
As their name says, Otterhounds were originally bred to hunt otters, but nowadays, these doggos are great family companions that bring joy to all members of the household.

#18 Afghan Hound Band
The picture of Afghan Hound puppies below reminds me of 90’s band photos – all they need is guitars and drums, and the party can start.
To be honest, Afghan Hounds do behave like real rockstars, as they aren’t fans of strangers and crowded places.
On the other hand, these 27-inch pups are very attached and affectionate towards their owner and family.

#19 Cute As A Cherry Blossom
Laetitia, the owner of Akita The Real Life blog, shared her experience of owning this beautiful Japanese dog on Go!Go!Nihon:
“You have to be ready to share your life with your Akita Inu, accept its identity, and help your dog adapt to its environment. Be aware: nothing is ever easy with an Akita, but isn’t that what is interesting and so rewarding?”
Things might not be easy with Akitas, but it’s all worth it when you see these adorable puppies, like in the picture below:

Final Word
Large dog breeds can be little as well, but only for the first few months of their life. However, this doesn’t change the fact that the majority of them still like to be cuddled just like puppies.
If you have ever owned one, you know these big pups have a huge heart, and if you haven’t owned one, then what are you waiting for?
1. Stafford KJ. Opinions of veterinarians regarding aggression in different breeds of dogs. N Z Vet J. 1996 Aug;44(4):138-41. doi: 10.1080/00480169.1996.35956. PMID: 16031916.
2. Gila Zur, Keren Regal, Emmanuel Loeb. “Morphometry of skin changes in Newfoundland dogs following coat clipping.” The Veterinary Journal, Volume 196, Issue 3, 2013, Pages 510-514, ISSN 1090-0233, DOI