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Johnson American Bulldog: In-Depth About This Bully

Johnson American Bulldog: In-Depth About This Bully

With ancestors in bull-baiting and cattle guarding, the Johnson American Bulldog is a dog breed with many known roles. Despite being a valued family member today, some Johnson American Bullies still enjoy their role as dominant guardians.

They’re mighty paws with a soft spot for anyone who enters their family, even new pets!

Johnsons may appear tough at first, but once you get to know them, you’ll see what lies behind their mask. It’s a truly wonderful dog breed worth knowing.

Today, we will discuss this interesting Bulldog type and persuade you into getting one for your home!

Johnson American Bulldog: A Breed Or A Crossbreed?

Johnson American Bulldog sitting on the grass

Photo from: @spud_spam._

The Johnson American Bulldog is a purebred dog breed. What once started as a mixed puppy of the American and English Bulldog now is a designated dog breed. Maybe the terms original or classic will sound more familiar to you.

This sub-breed was created in the late 1970s when the breeder, John D. Johnson, made an experiment that brought us a terrific new pup. Luckily, the breed somehow survived World War II and was resurrected, all thanks to Mr. Johnson.

Johnson bred two of his American Bully females with an English Bully. The experiment resulted in puppies that were 50% English Bullies.

But, 50% was still too much for Johnson. He wanted to reduce the percentage of English Bulldog bloodlines within his line. Enter Johnson’s Incredible Mean Machine. This muscular pup had only 30% of the Old English Bulldog bloodline, which made him a terrific starting point for breeding new generations of Johnson American Bullies.

The detailed breeding program went so far in the future that some claim the Johnson is a whole new breed of dog. Still, the Johnson is American, and he’s not the only sub-breed of these Bullies. The AKC and the United Kennel Club (CKC) both agree that the Johnson is just one of the five types of the

Bully over the Atlantic.

Why don’t we check out other kinds of American Bullies before we go in depth with our buddy, the Johnson?

What Kind Of American Bulldog Types Do We Know?

Besides the classic Johnson Bully, the American Bulldog breed can be divided between:

– Standard or Scott

– Painter or Margentina

– Old Southern White

– Hybrid type

All of our American Bullies today are a result of breeding two or more of the listed types. Only a handful of kennels are still breeding purebred Johnsons and Scotts.

Standard, or Scott American Bulldogs, are easily recognizable as big, muscular white Pitbulls. But, they’re far more complicated than standard American Pitbull Terriers. The Scott Bully is a really big boy, weighing almost 100 pounds. Still, they’re quite agile and strong, with their front legs tucked under their body. They don’t have the signature Bully posture, with legs on the sides.

The Scott has a longer muzzle than other types, with an undershot jaw. This anatomical structure gives the Scott a reverse scissor bite meaning if they want to show aggression, they will do quite a lot of damage with that bite.

The Painter, or Margentina Bully, has an unfortunate history. I’m really angry with Painter, Tappe and Margentina breeders responsible for this type because they bred this dog for the purpose of dogfighting. What a cruel reason to bring a new puppy to this world!

These breeders even used Pitbull blood, which they infused in their line to create feistier pups with Pitbull markings.

This unethical breeding led to the point where the Painter type is now a severely inbred dog with all sorts of health issues.

The Southern White Bulldog is not extinct. It can still be traced to some hidden parts of the southern USA, where ranchers and dog lovers don’t know who Johnson and Scott are.

But, Johnson and Scott did know who Southern Whites are. As a matter of fact, they used this Bully type as fresh material for all their breedings. In other words, it was the Southern White that made our Johnsons and Scotts popular American Bullies.

Believe it or not, the vast majority of American Bullies you see on the streets are actually Hybrid Bullies. No, I don’t mean hybrid as a mix between Pitbulls and American Bullies. A Hybrid is a puppy created by breeding Standard and other types of Bulldogs.

Is There A Difference Between A Johnson American Bulldog And A Scott American Bulldog?

johnson american bulldog afternoon nap

Photo from: @chubbzilla18

The Johnson type and the Scott type have some pretty obvious differences. You can’t expect them to be the same since it wasn’t the same dog breeder who created them.

Johnsons are larger dogs. They’re big and heavy, with a boxy head and a wide chest as if their appearance says: Come and get me!

A curiosity about this type is that it has an undershot bite, different from the Scott Bully.

The Scotty Bully is a performance type developed by a breeder named Alan Scott. This breeder worked along with John D. Johnson to create an innovative Bulldog breed.

Scott’s Bully is slightly smaller than Johnsons’, weighing up to 100 pounds, and measuring 22” to 27″ at the withers. You will recognize them for their long legs under their body, and the signature reverse scissor bite.

Scotts are more active than Johnsons. Their high prey drive pushes them on, making them one of the most active Bullies in the canine world.

As you can see, the biggest differences between a Johnson and a Scott are in their body build and energy levels.

Good Looks Matter: A Word On The Johnson’s Appearance

Johnson American Bulldog outdoors

Photo from: @spud_spam._

Like all Bullies, Johnson American Bullies are big and bulky pups. These large dogs have some similarities with other Bully breeds, even Bullmastiffs, but they’re truly one-of-a-kind creatures.

The Johnson American Bulldog features a large head with round, brown eyes on a body packed with muscles. These muscle machines can weigh from 90 to 120 pounds, and can measure from 23” to 27″ at the withers.

Johnsons have a white base coat, decorated pleasantly with dark, black or brown splashes of color. No brindle or merle pattering! Short-coated dogs have a coat that is smooth to the touch. But, a Johnson’s coat is almost silky!

The Johnson type is a sweet family dog whose character you’re about to meet.

Character Traits Of A Johnson American Bulldog

Even in their catch dog days, Johnsons were excellent family dogs. Now, you can still have a Johnson as a guard dog, but given the fact that their personality is super sweet around their family, I’d keep them off that duty and find them something fun to keep them busy.

A Johnson is a dog with plenty of empathy, but only for people he cares about. They’re one of the most loyal dog breeds, ready to jump in front of a bullet for their humans. I love their protectiveness and playfulness despite the fact that it can push the border sometimes.

But, we live in a crazy world, and you really need a dog that doesn’t trust strangers. Still, I’d like to remind you that your Johnson Bully should be fully socialized and trained in order to prevent aggressive behavior.

We want security, not aggression!

Like all Bulldogs, Johnsons are working dogs. They need to have a purpose; otherwise, their day is wasted. Give them some fun toys, puzzles, and games. Take them outside even for a light stroll! These pupsters need a human touch to keep them functioning properly.

Are Johnson American Bulldogs Hard To Train?

johnson american bulldog on grass

Photo from: @chubbzilla18

Actually, it’s quite the opposite.

Johnson American Bulldogs are good boys and girls, but only if socialized in time.

Early socialization is key for this species since they can show the first signs of stubbornness as early as three weeks of age. Bulldogs are good protectors of their family, but they can really be reserved around strangers if not socialized around people, animals, and new surroundings.

Besides socialization lessons, you should engage your Johnson American Bulldog puppy in potty training, general obedience lessons, leash training, as well as biting training. Bulldogs are big biters! You better teach them that only a mild force is allowed. No harsh bites! Use positive reinforcement to teach them a lesson.

Johnson American Bulldogs are smart pups. For example, an average Johnson pup will master potty training within a week or so if you devote yourself completely to the training.

How Do You Groom A Johnson American Bulldog?

Johnson American Bulldog puppy

Photo from: @spud_spam._

Grooming short-coated dogs is a delight. The Johnson American Bulldog is one of those lucky pups that fashion a short hairstyle. A short coat is the easiest one to maintain since it doesn’t shed too much.

Yes, Johnson American Bullies are light shedders. You won’t end up covered with their loose hair. Also, since they don’t have much of an undercoat, these dogs won’t be big allergy triggers.

Johnsons don’t have that dog smell that most dog breeds have. They’re clean pups that require bi-monthly bathing. If you bathe them too often, you’re risking dry skin, itchiness, and severe eczema. Skin issues are more problematic than you think, and they can be caused even by inappropriate dog shampoos! Look for gentle dog shampoos at your local pet store or online. They usually go for $10 to $20. As you can see, such products aren’t too expensive, but they will leave a super shiny Bully coat.

As for the routine that most dog owners dread – brushing, you should grab a good slicker or soft bristle brush and give a thorough brush once a week. This should be enough to eliminate dead hair and leave their smooth coat mess-free.

Grooming is an occasion that you should use to create a stronger bond with your pal. Don’t think of it as a routine you must obtain. Think of it as quality time where you meet your dog.

How Healthy Are Johnson American Bulldogs?

american johnson bulldog looking up

Photo from: @chubbzilla18

Lucky for you, the Johnson American Bulldog is a really healthy dog breed, unlike other Bullies. With proper care, these pupsters can live a long life, with an average lifespan of 10 to 16 years. That’s incredibly long!

However, even with such predispositions, the American Bulldog, the Johnson, can suffer from severe health conditions. Still, it doesn’t mean that every pup will have them.

Just in case, I think it’s better that you know about the following health problems:

– cherry eye

– hip dysplasia


Even though it may not look that severe at first, cherry eye is a serious condition that affects a dog’s vision. It’s an uncomfortable and frightening sight. Cherry eye happens when a flesh mass tries to cover the eyeball. This birth defect is also known as eyelid protrusion. Cherry eye is operable, and I suggest you do it in time while it’s still early in development.

As with most dog breeds, hip dysplasia is a painful condition. It’s a disease that strikes larger dogs, and occurs even in the early stage of puppyhood. Dysplasia is a health problem where the joints develop abnormally. This condition leads to terrible bone diseases, causing arthritis or osteoporosis in the dog’s senior years. Good breeders try to breed out hip dysplasia, but issues still happen. Hip dysplasia is treatable with medications and physical therapy, but surgery is the only option that will terminate the problem for good.

Lastly, fibrosarcoma is another condition that strikes Johnson American Bulldogs. The changes occur in the transitory tissue. Fibroblast cells begin to grow abnormally. Fibrosarcoma affects bones and a dog’s movement. It’s a cause for numerous severe problems, including bone tumors and fractures, leading eventually to limb amputations.

Regular vet visits, good control over your dog’s life, and extra care will help your Johnson live up to those amazing 16 years!

Feeding A Johnson American Bulldog

johnson american bulldog drooling

The Johnson American Bulldog is a muscular dog, athletic and simply powerful. He sure needs plenty of high-quality food to keep that body looking spectacular.

When it comes to dog food, it’s the proteins that build muscle mass and keep the dog looking lean. I never recommend dog kibble brands that don’t have real protein from animals as the first ingredient. Also, I’ll never recommend kibble that’s packed with corn, wheat, or soy without real nutrients.

Johnson American Bulldogs need three to four cups of premium dog food a day, divided into two meals. Since these dogs are prone to developing a condition called bloat, which is basically when the stomach twists, you should know a few tricks to prevent it.

First off, no huge meals. Divide the daily amount of food into two to three smaller meals and make a routine out of it. Your dog will learn when it’s feeding time in just a couple of days. He won’t be milking out treats from you between meals.

Bloat can also be prevented if your dog doesn’t exercise prior to or after a meal.

You should always look at the back of your dog food bag to see the recommended amount for your Johnson. This may help you prevent overfeeding and possible obesity. On average, you’ll need $50 to $70 a month for your pup’s food. If you buy in bulk, the purchase price is even more affordable!

American Johnson Bulldog Puppies For Sale: Price

As you can imagine, Johnson American Bulldog puppies can cost you an arm and a leg. Well, maybe just an arm depending on your chosen breeder.

A Johnson American Bulldog coming from a reliable source can cost you anywhere from $1,500 to $3,500. Anything under or over this range is a pass.

I recommend you ask the breeder what’s included in the purchase price other than the puppy. It’s usually a matter of paperwork, some treatments, and proof of health testing.

If your selected breeder doesn’t offer any of the listed goodies, then you shouldn’t trust him with your money.

Johnson American Bulldog Breeders

adorable little Johnson American Bulldog puppy

Photo from: @oneinamaxion

There are several ways to find a Johnson Bulldog puppy. But, only two of them are the right ones.

You can find this dog breed in pet stores, but also in hidden puppy mills, and backyard breeders who are simply breeding dogs as a hobby. You can, but it doesn’t mean it’s the right thing to do. I’m completely against such sources. These people only care about the profit. They don’t conduct health testing, and they offer pups with a poor health status.

What I do recommend are reliable breeders; people who take extra care of their pup’s health as well as of the health of the parents. Such breeders don’t breed for profit, but instead, for the improvement of the breed and its preservation.

Here’s a short list of excellent breeders that will sell you a top-notch Johnson American Bulldog puppy:

John D. Johnson Kennels

Phone: (731) 217- 5281

Email: [email protected]

American Bulldog Farm

Phone: 916-813-5370

World Renowned American Bulldogs

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (909) 714-3932

Pros And Cons Of Owning An American Johnson Bulldog

Every dog has its pros and cons. However, until we don’t put them all on a list of pros and cons, we won’t know if a certain dog is right for us.

I always make lists, especially when it comes to getting a new puppy. I remember persuading my sister to make a list of pros and cons as to whether to get a German Shepherd. Turns out, it’s not a dog for her as it requires plenty of workout, and she has no time to exercise with her dog. That’s why she settled with a dog that’s not that energetic, a lovely chocolate French Bulldog.

When we talk about adopting a Johnson American Bulldog, I’d like you to read these facts I have prepared for you.

[table id=352 /]

Now, these aren’t strictly pros and cons. Some pros may be cons for some owners, and vice versa. Maybe drooling won’t be an issue for you, but their intimidating look will. I suggest you create your own list and use this one as a general guideline.


two Johnson American Bulldogs

Photo from: @ab_dakotadatura

From American Staffordshires to Pitbull Terriers and English Bulldogs, the Bulldog dog breed is truly a diverse one, with many amazing dogs. The Johnson American Bulldog is one of them.

I know Bulldogs have bad publicity, thanks to a rich history of dogfighting. But, I don’t allow for one individual to put all the others in the same basket. Dogs aren’t the ones to blame for all this stigma. No dog is aggressive or dangerous by default!

In fact, the Standard American Bulldog is a sweet dog that will protect you at all cost and warn intruders that they’re not welcome. This dog will do anything for the entire family… literally, the entire family, including other pets! Not every dog can brag about that, right?

If you’re in doubt as to whether to get a Johnson, I say: go for it! ​

They’re generally healthy, genuinely friendly, and guaranteed… pawmazing!