Hello there! Are you here to meet the wonderful Jack Russell Dachshund Mix?
Well, you’re in the right place. We’re about to go in depth about this hybrid dog, and prove to everyone that hybrids are as equally valuable as their purebred parents.
The Jack Russell Dachshund mix, also known as the Jackshund, is a small dog with a temperament that really doesn’t fit its tiny body. They’re energetic and a bit feisty, but super kind and friendly.
If you’re looking for an active family dog, you should definitely consider the Jackshund.
How about we discuss what’s so amazing about these dogs, and make you adopt one asap?
What Is The Jack Russell Dachshund Mix?

The Jack Russell Dachshund mix is also known as the Jackshund or the Jackweenie.
This small pooch is a lovely mixture of two purebred parents – it is a hybrid that threatens to take over cuddle spots on the sofa. Technically, the Jackshund is not a designer dog because it was not bred with the purpose of being hypoallergenic or carrying some other desirable feature.
The Jackshund is simply a hybrid dog like many others. But, this doesn’t mean they’re not special at all.
A puppy from two dogs with incredible personalities and quite stunning appearances can only be equally amazing.
What we’re about to discuss about the Jackshund is just the tip of the iceberg. The Jackshund is super wonderful, and you’ll realize that once you enrich your life with one of these pupsters.
Origin Of The Jackshund
Before we discuss the origin of the Jackshund, it’s time to meet the parents and see where they come from.
About The Jack Russell Parent

The Jack Russel Terrier, also known as the Parson Russell Terrier, or Parson Jack Russell Terrier, is a small doggo with a huge attitude. These little pupsters are beloved family pets for active dog owners. Their bouncy personality is contagious, and their readiness for action is impressive.
This dog breed comes from England, where it was bred to assist during fox hunts some 200 years ago. Having an agile, smart, and obedient canine to hunt foxes, rabbits, and other small prey was a must, and the Jack Russell is the ideal dog for that task.
Jack Russells made it outside England and reached the States by the end of the 1930s. Soon enough, they became a beloved dog breed… so much loved that they were mixed with lots of breeds to create unique Jack Russell mixes.
About The Dachshund Parent

The Jack Russell’s neighbor, the Dachshund, is a dog breed from Germany. Dachshunds, (Doxies), or (Sausage dogs) were bred back in the 17th century. They were always used as hunting dogs to chase down badgers, hares, ferrets, and other tiny animals.
And, they were excellent at it!
Dachshunds are still known as hunting dogs, and they enjoy this activity very much. But, Dachshunds are also great family companions. They’re small dogs with huge personalities and a golden heart.
This is one of the most popular dog breeds, and the favorite choice for lots of families. The American Kennel Club (AKC) recognized Doxies as a purebred breed back in 1885. This also makes them one of the oldest recognized breeds.
About The Jackshund
We still have no idea when the first Jackshund puppies appeared. Since both breeds come from Europe, and origin countries are pretty close, we can assume that the Dachshund and the Jack Russell did mix sometime in the past to create wonderful Jackshund puppies.
This is the evergreen issue with all mixed breed dogs. Not many hybrids have precisely known dates of birth. Unfortunately, the Jackshund is one of them.
Since the 1980s and the 1990s have brought us many hybrid dogs, and the popularity of those dogs has increased significantly, we can say that the Jackshund probably appeared some 30 to 40 years ago.
The expansion of designer dogs is an era we can blame for lots of lovely pooches, including our Jackshund; however, the breed is yet to be polished to perfection and acknowledged by many dog lovers.
Natural Good Looks: What Does The Jackshund Look Like?

Who does the Jackshund get its natural good looks from? The Dachshund parent, or the Jack Russell? The only way we can figure this out is to see what each parent looks like in detail.
Jack Russell Appearance
Jack Russells are small dogs. They’re just a bit bigger than standard toy dogs. On average, a Jack Russell never grows past the 15-inch mark. They’re not small and chubby either, so don’t expect them to weigh more than 17 pounds.
When it comes to their size, there are actually two types of Jack Russells. The ones that are shorter and longer are known as Shorty Jacks, and they look pretty much like Doxies. The bigger type, the Parson Jack Russell, doesn’t have the short legs and the long body.
All Jack Russells have a short, double coat. This also means Jack Russells will not be hypoallergenic. They shed, and require lots of grooming, but more on that later. Their hair is coarse and a bit rough.
Jack Russells usually come in several coat color combinations such as tan and white, black and white, all white, red, black and white, red and white, lemon and white, etc.
Dachshund Appearance
Dachshunds have a pretty recognizable body shape in the canine kingdom.
Otherwise known as Sausage Dogs, these little pooches are characterized by an elongated spine and short, stubby legs.
They have a pointy muzzle, lovely little round eyes, and long, droopy ears. All in all, Dachshunds are pretty lovely dogs with an appearance that a lot of breeds could envy.
Dachshunds come in two varieties regarding their size: standard and miniature Dachshunds.
Standard Doxies are usually 16 to 32 inches at the withers, while they weigh no more than 32 pounds.
The smaller version of the Doxie, the miniature Doxie, stands tall, at 4 to 7 inches at the withers, and weighs no more than 11 pounds.
Dachshunds have a pretty fragile body shape, which doesn’t allow them to do strenuous exercises.
Dachshunds are known for having pretty coat types. These dogs can either come in short-coat or longer coat options. The hair type is either smooth, longhaired, or wiry.
Doxies with a wiry coat have a scruffy appearance, while those with smooth and long hair look naturally well-groomed.
Jackshund Appearance
The Jackshund is a wonderful mash-up of two similar, yet very contrasting dog breeds.
Like with every crossbreed pup, you never know what your doggo will turn out to be. Even puppies of the same litter can look different.
The size of a Jackshund depends on the size of the parent breeds. If the Doxie parent is a standard one, then the puppies should be bigger. Breeding miniature Doxies and Jacks isn’t that common, but it can still occur. Such puppies will be pretty small… almost like teacup pooches.
Chances of having a miniature Jackshund increase if you breed a mini Doxie with a Shorty Jack. These Jack Russells are quite small, and not very tall like the other Jack Russells. The end result of this breeding would be a lovely little pooch that looks a lot like an unusual little Dachshund.
But, if we take average-looking parents and breed them, we can expect puppies that will weigh no more than 28 pounds, and stand tall at 23 inches at the withers. They will be small dogs, solidly built, and pretty agile for their body.
Usually, Jackshunds inherit the long back. But, if they have tall Jack legs, the long back won’t be that noticeable.
Jackshunds can come in short and long coat options. Once again, it all depends on the parents and their dominant genes. Jackshunds seem to come in all the possible Doxie colors as well as Jack Russell combinations.
You can expect everything from this crossbreed pup.
What Are Jackshunds Like Temperament-Wise?

Temperament is a selling point. Determining how a puppy would behave once he grows up isn’t something that is easily done. Temperaments change, and they’re not all the same.
Since the Jackshund is a crossbreed, you can expect anything from him based on the behavior of his parents.
Speaking of parents… What are they really like?
Dachshund Temperament
Generally, Doxies are friendly dogs with a lovely temperament. But, this is only to humans they’re familiar with. A Doxie would never show signs of friendship to someone he doesn’t know. It takes a while for these pups to warm up.
Doxies seem to imprint themselves onto one family member, and tend to follow him or her around. Still, the rest of the family is pretty much welcome to cuddle with them. Just don’t trigger their territorial side.
Every hunting dog has sharp instincts and behaves territorially. Even Labrador Retrievers, one of the sweetest hunting buddies, can show teeth if he feels in danger.
Other than being super lovely with his family members, Dachshunds can also be quite needy. They’re like little babies; they just want to be loved!
A Dachshund may be a good fit for first-time owners. Besides the occasional territorial behavior and clinginess, Dachshunds are wonderful pets.
And, they’re definitely bigger than their size!
Jack Russell Temperament
The first thing everyone remembers about a Jack Russell is their high energy drive. But, liveliness and playfulness aren’t the only characteristics of this breed. Jack Russells are so much more than that!
I’d say Jack Russells are brave little pupsters. They often go after dogs twice as big as them if they feel provoked or in danger. There are no size limitations for these little fellows.
Being so courageous has resulted in protective behavior around his family members. Don’t be surprised if your Jack Russell follows you everywhere.
Jacks will be fierce about protecting their home and their humans. They’re bouncy, energetic, and love to play, but most of all, they love to feel loved. And, they pay it back in keeping an eye on the entire family.
Jack Russells can be a bit frantic, and may not suit everyone’s energy. These are definitely not dogs for first-time owners. Their activity level demands more than just an occasional stroll in the park. Jack Russells want to work. Their work ethic is impeccable, making them one of the best working dogs in the canine kingdom!
Jackshund Temperament
There aren’t many variations when it comes to the Jackweenie’s temperament. These dogs are much like their parents: hardworking, friendly, and kind. But, when it’s time to show their teeth, they will growl and won’t let it go.
Jackshunds are good family dogs, and they get along with bigger pups and other pets. Small pets and cats might be an issue because Jackshunds tend to chase them around, showing them who’s the boss and proving once again that they have a strong prey drive.
Jackshunds demand attention. If you can’t provide enough of it, they may feel like they’re being ignored or even not loved at all.
Everything about these dogs is super bouncy and energetic. They demand an owner of the same kind. If you can’t keep up with the Jackshunds lively personality, you shouldn’t get one at all.
But, if you’re active yourself, I’d say give a Jackshund a chance. They’ll love you until the end of the world, and show everyone you’re their human.
Are Jackshunds Easy To Train?

Jack Russell’s Trainability
I’m really sorry because I don’t have a positive answer to this question. Jack Russell dogs are terribly hard to train, and require lots of patience and time. These dogs are not a great fit for first-time owners. Even professional dog trainers have a hard time training Jack Russells.
The problem with Jack Russells is that they’re super stubborn, and want to have it their own way. It’s not that they’re stupid or anything. Once you pass the stubbornness barrier, you can easily train a Jack Russell. The point is, you have to show them who’s the boss.
Jack Russells are hardworking dogs. They enjoy completing tasks and listening to commands. This gives them a feeling that they’re appreciated and valuable. And, that’s exactly what all Jack Russells want to feel.
Dachshund’s Trainability
Don’t get me wrong… all dogs can be trained. The problem is how long the training will take, and how much of it will be imprinted onto your pup.
Doxies are trainable dogs, but they’re not as obedient as German Shepherds, for example. Just like Jack Russells, Dachshunds are stubborn, maybe even a bit more than Russells.
Another issue with Doxies is their super short attention span. You’ll need to make the training really interesting to keep your Doxie fixated on you. Maybe hand out a few treats and praises to help out with the training. Another word of advice is to train your dog where it’s not too noisy or crowded, so your Doxie can completely focus on you.
Other than that, you can tell that Doxies are trainable dogs. After all… weren’t they excellent hunting dogs?
Jackshund’s Trainability
Much like its parents, the Jackshund is a pretty stubborn dog. They tend to have temperament issues if they believe they’re dominant over their owner.
Nothing works better with such dogs than positive reinforcement. Simply put… positive reinforcement is a training method when you use a praise and rewards system for every well-done task. Even if your dog does something really easy, you should reward him and show him he’s on the right path.
Jackshunds love hearing that they’re doing a great job. These pups thrive when patted on their back. Do everything it takes, even bend over backwards, to show your Jackshund you appreciate his effort. Only then should you not have any behavioral issues, and your Jackshund will listen to you.
Jakcshunds may have attention span issues, much like the Doxie parent, so make sure they are focused on you, not your surroundings.
What you should work hard on is curbing their extremely large prey drive. These dogs are born hunters. They’re a combination of two excellent hunting dogs, and as such, they’re equally good. Small kids and small pets might be chased down unless you tell your Jackshund that’s not okay.
What Are The Most Common Health Issues Of A Jackshund?

Being constantly active and keeping their body fit has resulted in a great health status. Even though the parent breeds aren’t the healthiest of them all, the Jackshund is a pretty healthy pup.
They’re considered to be something we call hybrid vigor.
This means the puppy will be of better health than its parents because he will inherit everything that’s great about both parent breeds.
But, what’s not great about the parents? Which are the diseases that the parent breeds are prone to? Let’s see!
Jack Russell Health Problems
Jack Russells are fit and active dogs, and as such, they don’t suffer from a lot of weight-related health diseases. But, this doesn’t mean they’re 100% healthy either.
Jack Russells are still very prone to lots of health issues, including:
Cushing’s disease
hip dysplasia
Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease
For an active dog, suffering from any dysplasia or patellar luxation would be terrible. These diseases might severely affect the quality of a Jack’s life. They limit movement, and prevent the dog from walking properly. Of course, they cause crippling pain, too.
Dogs that suffer from any of the listed major health concerns will have their lifespan shortened significantly. A Jack Russell’s lifespan is usually 13 to 16 years, but that can be cut in half if its life quality is poor.
Dachshund Health Problems
Believe it or not, Dachshunds are generally considered healthy dogs. However, it’s their long body and short legs that cause most of the issues. If it wasn’t for those, then Doxies would live happily.
Unfortunately, other diseases may strike your Doxie. To avoid genetic issues, pick a Doxie puppy from a reputable breeder. Also, don’t poke the bear, so pick the color of your Doxie wisely. A double merle puppy is never a good idea, thanks to many genetic conditions that come with that color.
Individual dogs have their health issues, but here are the most common ones that might strike a Dachshund:
Hip and elbow disease
Thanks to their long body and the proneness to many skeletal health issues, especially back problems, Doxies should never gamble with obesity. These little dogs wouldn’t stand extra weight. Their short legs would suffer too much pressure, which will eventually lead to conditions like arthritis.
If they’re of good health, Doxies can usually live from 12 to 15 years. That’s almost the same lifespan as a Jack Russell’s. It’s up to you to help them live up to their maximum.
Jackshund Health Problems
As I mentioned in the beginning of this article, Jackshunds are fairly healthy. They shouldn’t experience any severe health issues. But, you should always remember the most common issues that the parent breeds are prone to.
No one says your Dachshund will suffer from any of them, but still, it’s better to be prepared for every case scenario.
Taking good care of your Jacksweenie, and taking him to the vet regularly makes the job half done. The other half belongs to picking a puppy from a good breeder.
Only then can you say you have a pawfectly healthy dog.
Jackshunds have inherited the long life expectancy of their parents. Being hybrid vigors definitely had a role in predicting a long lifespan of up to 15 years.
Taking Care Of A Jack Russell Dachshund Mix

I’m here to answer a quick question before we go in depth about raising a Doxie Jack Russell Terrier mix.
Are Jackshunds easy to take care of?
Well, that’s not a simple answer. They are low-maintenance dogs when it comes to grooming and feeding, but they do demand lots of daily activities. It really depends on whether you’re an active dog owner or not.
The Jack Russell Dachshund mix dog’s needs are about to be discussed.
Dietary Needs
Like all dog breeds, our Jackshund needs to be fed daily. But, the issue is not the quantity (although you should keep an eye on that). There are Jack Russell feeding charts you can use to help you. The real problem is what to feed your dog.
Both the Jack Russell and the Dachshund are hunting dogs. Back in the days, they were used to eating raw dog food, especially getting their share after a hunting trip. Introducing a raw diet is not something unusual. Lots of dog owners pick raw over kibble.
You can definitely consider a raw diet for your Jackshund, packed with proteins from lean meat. This will help them stay fit, and maintain a healthy weight.
Your Jackshund can inherit the proneness to obesity from its Dachshund parent. This means no kibble with added grains or empty carbohydrates. That will only put on extra weight, and we don’t want that.
Pick a kibble formula, or prepare recipes at home with lots of fruits and veggies appropriate for dogs. You’ll definitely notice a shinier coat, and an overall better health status once you start feeding your pup better.
Grooming The Parents

The Jackshund’s parents are usually dogs with a short coat. This means they require a good amount of grooming on a weekly basis.
Both Doxie and Jack have a coat that sheds. This means they’re not hypoallergenic pups at all. Although they can come as smooth-haired dogs, Doxies can’t be considered hypoallergenic. Their smooth coat still sheds, as well as their wiry hair, and the long coat option.
The Jack Russell has a pretty coarse coat, and it’s a double one. This means shedding all the time. Although they can come as long-haired Jacks, it’s still a shorter version of the long coat.
You should get some good brushes, preferably a bristle brush and a slicker if you own any of these pups. And, in case you own a long-haired Doxie, a comb for tangles is a must, too.
The parents demand lots of time for grooming, but not on a daily basis. It takes roughly ten minutes a day to groom a Doxie or a Jack. This is a great way to bond with your dog, and cuddle a bit while you give it a cuddly coat.
Lastly, I’d be extra careful with the Doxie’s floppy ears as they can be a terrific spot for bacterial growth and ear infections.
Grooming The Jackshund
So, the parents can be a menace when it comes to shedding? That’s a bummer.
You can imagine the amount of grooming your Jackweenie will require. One thing is certain: Jackweenies shouldn’t hang out with people who are allergic to dog hair. They may cause severe reactions as Jackweenies shed constantly.
Some dog breeds have annual shedding seasons, but with Jackshunds, the shedding season is all year round.
You should arm yourself with lots of high-quality dog brushes. You don’t have to be a professional groomer or pay lots of money to have your pooch well-groomed. YouTube tutorials will help you, along with the fact that there’s not much grooming involved with these dogs.
You simply have to stick to the routine, bathe your pup every two months or so, and brush him daily.
Bristle brushes will give your pup a nice and shiny coat. In case your dog comes from long-haired parents, make sure you do extra work on detangling those knots for flawless hair.
Exercising With The Parents
Oh, exercising the parents is an adventure of its own.
As you already know, both the Jack Russell and the Dachshund are dogs with huge energy levels. Describing their energetic behavior is almost impossible. Just when you believe they can’t go on, they will jump right back up and surprise you.
Both parent breeds are energetic, but they don’t need to work out a lot like some other breeds. When you compare the Jack Russell with the Doxie, you’ll see that the Doxie parent doesn’t need too many exercise minutes per day.
As a matter of fact, due to their short legs and elongated body, Doxies shouldn’t exercise more than half an hour daily.
Jack Russells beat them, and require at least an hour.
Keep the exercises diverse; otherwise, your pup might feel bored and avoid working out according to your plan.
Exercising With The Jackshund
The daily exercise needs of your Jackshund will depend on its body type. If your Jackshund looks more like a Doxie, he won’t need to work out strenuously. But, if he’s more like the Jack Russell, keep the exercises coming.
The best thing you can do for your Jackshund is take him for a walk and play some fun games with him. Jackshunds are fun-loving dogs, and they’ll enjoy games like tug-o-war or playing with a frisbee.
What you should pay attention to is your Jackshund’s mental intelligence. When the rain kicks in, and you guys can’t play outside, bring out the puzzle games with treats. I’m pawsitive your pup will love them!
Exercise time is not something you should look at as an obligation. Think of it as a fun time to bond with your pup and become best friends.
How Much Does A Jackshund Cost?

Everything may seem like sunshine and daisies, but if the price is too high, it can all go down the drain. Some hybrid dogs can be super expensive. Doodles are usually quite pricey because they carry lovely hypoallergenic traits. But, what about our Jackshund? Is he pricey, too?
We’re about to discuss the average price of both parent breeds, along with our Jackshund. You’ll be surprised with what you’ll learn.
Jack Russell Price
Purebred dogs can be super pricey. The better their pedigree is, the higher the price will be. Jack Russells aren’t really fancy pups that go to dog shows to prance around. They’re agile dogs, always ready for action. Sure, they do appear in conformation shows occasionally, but they’re not that into it like Poodles.
Jack Russells are usually either working dogs or companions. Pet-quality pups cost less money. On average, if you want a Jack Russell puppy, you’ll need to have a budget from $800 to $2,500.
The higher price indicates that your Jack Russell has champion blood, and may compete in dog shows.
The price you’ll pay for a Jack Russell depends on the quality you want and the breeder you pick.
Dachshund Price
Of the two parent breeds, the Dachshund is the pricier one. These dogs are known to compete in shows to show off all their beauty. Lots of dog breeders will enroll their Doxies not only because they possess impressive pedigrees, but also because they’re incredibly beautiful.
And, let’s be honest… Doxies are truly beautiful dogs.
Usually, long-haired Doxies are more eye-catching, and they will cost more money. On average, Doxies can cost from $1,000 to $4,000. The price can even go way up high if you demand rare colors and an impeccable pedigree.
But, the initial purchase price is not the one that should worry you. It’s the possible veterinary bills that may come up, thanks to the Doxie’s many health concerns.
Jackshund Price
The price of a Jack Russell Dachshund mix will belong in the same price range as its parents.
Jackshunds aren’t designer dogs that are super sought after. They’re hybrids, companions, and simple dogs like the ones you’re seeing on the streets.
However, I would never recommend you get a cheap Jackshund. Just because they’re mixed breed dogs doesn’t mean you should pay less for them. The low price can be a sign of a terrible breeding practice. Prices that are too high can also indicate that it’s a scam, so don’t fall for them either.
Where To Find Jackshunds In The States?

Here’s a fact about hybrid dogs: if they’re not as popular as Doodles, there won’t be many reputable breeders. Not many people decide to take the gamble and breed hybrid dogs. When people mix breeds, they usually do it to achieve the hypoallergenic trait or a smaller size.
With Jackshunds, it’s a totally different story. Jackshunds were primarily bred to be companions. And, as you know, there are lots of other companion hybrid dogs.
So, how on Earth will you ever find a good Jackshund puppy?
There’s a rule of thumb I like to follow regarding picking the breeder for a hybrid puppy. I always take my chances with the breeders of the parents. Dog breeders of purebred dogs will sometimes engage in an adventure called crossbreeding. The result may be your new Jackshund puppy.
You never know when a breeder would like to experiment, so keep an eye out for upcoming litters. I suggest you contact the best Jack Russell and Dachshund breeders in the States. Since these are popular breeds, there will be a lot of them for sure.
At least one of them will either have a Jackshund puppy or know a guy who knows a guy…
The bottom line is: always check the breeder you’re buying from. You don’t want to end up scammed.
Now, I hope you’ll enjoy this list of the best Jack Russell and Doxie breeders in USA:
A list of Jack Russell breeders in the States
Dachshund breeders in Virginia
Dachshund breeders in Michigan
Dachshund breeders in Massachusetts
Dachshund breeders in New Jersey
Dachshund breeders in California
Top 3 Things We Like About Jackshunds

We like a lot of things about Jackshunds, but only a few things can be mentioned as the top three things that will make you fall in love with Jackshunds. We’ve asked Jackshund owners why they fell in love with these pups, and here are the most common answers:
Good Watchdogs
Jackshunds have excellent instincts. These dogs always have an eye on the situation, so no intruder can walk by them. That’s one of the best things about owning a pup from two hunting dogs. They seem to have a sixth sense, and tend to feel when something’s wrong.
Jackshunds are classified as companions / watch dogs. They can’t be used as guard dogs like Rottweilers. They’re more Chihuahuas: all bark and no bite.
Jackshunds are more like sweet Pitbulls. They have it under control, but they will never attack unless severely provoked.
Unusually Good Appearance
Jackshunds are the perfect combination of two unusual dog breeds. Dachshunds, much like their fellow Corgis, have an elongated body. This seems to be found with all Doxie mixes.
The Jack Russell parent is there to give a sleek coat, a tall appearance, and a pointy-shaped muzzle.
A combination of lots of unusual traits has resulted in the lovely appearance of the Jackshund!
Good Family Dog
Jackshunds should be taught from an early age to be good companions. But, this is somewhat made easier because it’s in their DNA to be friendly and kind.
Jackshunds are loving dogs. Their affection can even be too much every once in a while because Jackshunds can be quite needy. But, this is just their way of saying they love their humans too much. These little dogs have so much love in their tiny body that it’s unbelievable.
Top 3 Things We Don’t Like About Jackshunds

Remember, the top three things we don’t like about Jackshunds are not here to scare you away from getting one. These are just some insights in the Jackshund’s downsides, so you know what to expect once you get one.
It’s always better to know everything about a dog. Less chance for you to get surprised, right?
Stubborness is one of the biggest traits of both parent breeds. Naturally, the Jackshund simply had to inherit this trait.
Their stubborness will come up to the surface once you two start even basic obedience training. If they don’t feel like it, they won’t train no matter what. The stubbornness should be curbed at the beginning or it may turn into behavior issues and aggression.
Needy Behavior
Even though they come from hunting dogs, Jackshunds are more of companion dogs given the fact that they live in the modern age. Well, a lot of companion dogs develop needy behavior, and one of those needy pups is our Jackshund.
You can blame the neediness on the Dachshund parent because Doxies can be quite clingy and demand your attention. It goes so far that these pups hate staying alone at home. They become depressed, and even develop separation anxiety over time.
High Prey Drive
The high prey drive of a Jackshund can be an issue if you either can’t train your dog or you have small animals like hamsters or rabbits at home. Even little children may be chased around if your Jackshund feels like they’re prey.
The high prey drive comes from both sides of the family. The only thing you can do about it is training… lots of it!
Final Thoughts
Well guys, that’s pretty much everything on the Jack Russell Dachshund mix.
Do you like this hybrid breed? What’s your favorite thing about them?
The Jackshund is a lovely little fellow with an impressive personality. His parent breeds are exceptional dogs, so you can only expect an even better temperament from their love puppy… the Jackshund.
This hybrid pup doesn’t have a breed standard, but we can all agree they’re still beautiful. The Jackshund is a great dog for those of you who live in a city or don’t have a big back yard. Sure, these dogs require lots of exercises daily, but they’re not too space-demanding.
The Jack Russell Dachshund mix is definitely not a dog for inexperienced owners. They don’t need a couch potato that won’t bring them to the park all the time. What Jackshunds need is someone who will follow their natural rhythm and keep the pace on family adventures.