Irish Wolfhound mixes are the ideal option for every canine owner who likes the traits of two different dog breeds, but only has room for one pup.
These incredible giants seem to be a great option for crossbreeding as they possess high-quality traits that every canine owner would like their pup to have.
This type of dog is known to be the tallest canine breed, so it’s no surprise that the majority of its mixes end up being tall as well.
However, if you’re unsure how big your crossbreed might get, you can find out in the paragraphs below!
Continue reading to discover which dog breeds make the perfect combination with Irish Wolfhounds for you and your family.
The Best Irish Wolfhound Mixes
1. Standard Irish Wolf Schnauzer (Standard Schnauzer)

Photo from: @wylie_likethecoyote
A Standard Schnauzer is a wonderful canine that displays only the best traits of Terrier pups in a cross with an amiable and strong hound dog, such as the Irish Wolfhound.
This type of crossbreed is genuinely a mixture of both dog breeds in terms of physical appearance and temperament.
Standard Irish Wolf Schnauzers can grow up to 28 inches, which sorts them into the large dog breed, even though the Standard Schnauzer is a medium-sized pup.
These mixed-breed puppies usually have wiry coat hair that is a lot longer than the hair of the Irish Wolfhound.
However, even though these dogs are long-haired, they’re usually hypoallergenic – a trait they inherit from Schnauzers.
When it comes to the personality of this crossbreed, it’s important to mention that these pups truly love their owner to the point that they might follow you to the bathroom.
Even though they can be clingy sometimes, it won’t take long for these pooches to become your best furry buddies!
READ NEXT: Standard Schnauzer Breeders: The Best 5 Breeders Of 2022!
2. Irish Wolfhound Collie (Border Collie)

Photo from: @milotheamazingrescuedog
Both male and female Border Collies are medium-sized pups that are very active, and require a significant amount of space to be kept inside.
On the other hand, Irish Wolfhounds aren’t that excited about exercising, and they won’t share the same enthusiasm about spending time outside as Border Collies.
Their crossbreed is the perfect mix of these two distinctive breeds as they have moderate to high energy levels. However, that’s not the only characteristic that is inherited from their parents.
Collies usually bark a lot, and most of their mixes, including Irish Wolfhound Collies, inherit this trait from them. However, with proper training, barking can be toned down significantly.
In terms of their looks, this cross can resemble both breeds, although their face reminds us more of a Wolfie.
Their coat hair color is generally more reminiscent of BCs, although exceptions exist.
Unfortunately, neither Wolfies nor Border Collies are hypoallergenic, which means their crossbreed will unlikely be hypoallergenic as well.
3. German Wirehaired Pointing Wolfhound (German Wirehaired Pointer)

These two breeds are born to be crossed with each other in order to create a unique mixed breed with the best qualities from both worlds.
These pups can grow up to 30 inches, although some remain between 22 and 25 inches in height, which means they come in two sizes: medium and large, depending on the gene they inherit from their parent breeds.
This designer dog can become a fantastic family pet with the characteristics of a fiercely loyal, amiable, and loving canine.
Unfortunately, Irish Wolfhounds only live up to ten years, and their hybrids don’t live any longer either, even though their second parent, the German Wirehaired Pointer, lives up to five years more.
4. Black Russian Wolfhound Terrier (Black Russian Terrier)

This is one of the mixed pups that has become increasingly popular over the years. With these two powerful breeds together, you’ll get a strong crossbreed that will steal your heart in a matter of seconds.
These big pooches can grow up to 30 inches, which, along with the long hair they usually inherit from both parents, makes them look like adorable dark-haired cubs.
One of the best things about them is that they don’t require high maintenance, even though they’re long-haired, so you don’t have to worry about cleaning excessive hair around the house every few hours.
When it comes to their personality, these hybrid dogs prove that large dogs aren’t necessarily intimidating, and that they can be as friendly and lovable as any other smaller pup.
5. Irish Wolfhound Shepherd (German Shepherd)

Photo from: @keithfreelin
This combination of purebred dogs might seem quite unusual at first, but what most people aren’t aware of is the fact that these canines resemble GSDs more than you could imagine.
This hybrid breed would be ideal for protecting animals and participating in other farm-related activities, with a strong emphasis on safety as they’re both considered guard dogs.
When it comes to their coat colors, Irish Wolfhound Shepherds usually inherit the shades of Wolfies, although some mixed breed pups can appear in GSD hues, too.
Their physical traits can vary greatly, depending on which parent they take after more, but one thing is for sure – these hybrid pups will almost always be large pooches.
However, don’t let their size trick you into thinking these doggies are aggressive or too serious.
They’ll rarely show any signs of aggression, just like their parent breeds, especially German Shepherds.
6. Miniature Irish Wolf Schnauzer (Mini Schnauzer)

Photo from: @pupszukeandmaddie
These two breed types might seem like a highly unusual combination for crossing, but once you see the result, you’ll understand why they’re considered one of the cutest Irish Wolfhound mixes.
The height of this hybrid dog can’t be any more than 25 inches (which is also an exception rather than a rule), but its size only adds up to its adorable looks.
Their coat hair could be described as a mixture of Irish Wolfhound and Miniature Schnauzer shades since these two share similar coat colors.
It is safe to say that the Miniature Irish Wolf Schnauzer is the perfect family dog that will get along equally well with children and other animals in your home.
Another great thing about this canine is the fact that they’re not overly active like Wolfies, so these pups won’t have any trouble staying in smaller apartments.
These designer canines aren’t very common, so finding any puppies for purchase might be challenging. However, you can check out some Miniature Schnauzer breeders online to see whether there’s anyone selling such crossbreeds.
Be very careful not to run into a puppy mill or a backyard breeder who usually sells pups of unknown origin or pups with health issues.
RELATED: Top 5 Miniature Schnauzer Breeders In Ontario in 2022!
7. Giant Irish Wolf Schnauzer (Giant Schnauzer)

Photo from: @thehopeherrera
It might seem a bit uncommon that Irish Wolfhound and Schnauzer mixes are divided just because of the Schnauzer’s size, but it needs to be that way simply because size plays an essential role in the overall appearance of the canine.
As the name of the crossbreed implies, this hybrid dog is a result of mixing two large breeds together. This mixed breed could be called one of the tallest of all Irish Wolfhound mixes as it can grow up to 33 inches.
The giant Irish Wolf Schnauzer mix seems to be a huge dog with a body that is almost square in shape. They have a strong stature and long legs, just like their parents.
These mixed pups are agile, strong, and muscular, which makes them perfect guard dogs for your family and your property.
If you’re looking for a pup that will have both the looks and the brains, search no more because the Giant Irish Wolf Schnauzer might be just what you need!
8. Irish Wolfpit (Pitbull)

Photo from: @oh_to_tx
No other canine type can compete with an Irish Wolfhound’s height; these canines have been declared the tallest canine breed in the world by major organizations and clubs, including the American Kennel Club.
When you cross this stately giant with a Pitbull, you get a pup that is large and graceful, well-muscled, and with a laid-back attitude.
It’s interesting to notice that these pups usually resemble Pitbulls more than Wolfies. There are some exceptions, but they’re quite rare.
What Irish Wolfpits do have in common with their Irish parent is the shape of the eyes, which are round and dark, but they also give a more cheerful look than a Pitbull’s eyes.
Both Irish Wolfies and Pitbulls shed throughout the year, so it’s impossible to expect Irish Wolfpits to be hypoallergenic.
However, not all Wolfpits have a double coat like Irish Wolfhounds, so there are chances that your crossbred puppy at least won’t shed as heavy as them.
9. Newfoundland Irish Wolfhound (Newfoundland)

Photo from: @lifeandlibertyfarm_nh
What do you get when you combine a fluffy Newfoundland with a sweet-looking Irish Wolfhound? A gentle giant that will become the best furry buddy you ever had.
Remember what we said about Giant Irish Wolf Schnauzers being one of the largest among Irish Wolfhound mixes? Well, the Newfoundland Irish Wolfhound is the reason why the Giant Schnauzer isn’t the highest among them.
The Newfoundland cross can grow up to 36 inches, which is quite impressive, and the reason why their crossbreed is number one on the list of the tallest Irish Wolfhound mixes.
Unfortunately, large breeds, such as Newfoundlands, have shorter lifespans (they live up to ten years in most cases), although Irish Wolflands can live up to 12 years in perfect health condition.
10. Irish Wolfsky (Siberian Husky)

Photo from: @dan_faithfull
Huskies are quite vocal canines, but fortunately for them, most dog owners find that amusing rather than annoying.
Their howling can sometimes sound like human speech, although this is still highly discussable in expert circles.
On the other hand, Huskies rarely bark, but the Husky mix pups might bark a lot as a part of the heritage of the other parent breed.
Both female and male Siberian Huskies can be combined with an Irish Wolfhound to create a hybrid canine with the looks of a Wolfie and the heart of a Siberian Husky.
Their crossbreeds might be a bit strong-willed in some cases, but they’re usually amiable and affectionate puppies that will do anything to make their owners happy.
They love to jump around, so don’t be surprised if you find your bed, sofa, and other furniture filled with the Irish Wolfsky’s hair.
This leads me to say that these mixed-breed doggies shed just as much as Siberian Huskies, which is quite a lot, so you better prepare a good brush for this Husky mix!
11. Staffy Bull Wolfhound (Staffordshire Bull Terrier)

Photo from: @mazzyandmrwolf
Although the Irish Wolfhound is generally known as a large dog, its mix with a Staffordshire Bull Terrier is usually of medium size.
These pups have somewhat short coat hair that is quite simple to care for.
The breed is characterized by having a round head, floppy ears, and a broad front side of the face that gradually narrows into a nose of average size.
The Staffy Bull Wolfhound possesses stunning dark eyes with a coat that can vary in shades, depending on the gene each puppy receives from its parents.
When it comes to their personality, these puppies are noted for their warm and amiable demeanor toward the family they live with.
As soon as they have established a healthy relationship with their owner, these crossbreeds will turn into extremely devoted and defensive pets.
RELATED: Top 10 Staffordshire Bull Terrier Breeders In the USA
12. Irish Wolfoodle (Poodle)

Photo from: @juniawolfoodle
This might not sound like a plausible mix, considering that Poodles are a small- to medium-sized breed, while Irish Wolfies grow into giant dogs.
In case you have ever wondered what a Poodle would look like if it was a large dog, now you have the chance to finally see it, as many Poodle mixes inherit their size from Wolfhounds.
Although they usually come in Poodle shades, it’s no surprise to see a brindle Irish Wolfoodle. The brindle gene usually comes from both Poodles and Wolfhounds.
Poodles are known as low shedders that might only leave a few strands of hair around the house every now and then.
Fortunately, the Wolfoodles have inherited this trait, which is why they’re quite popular among dog allergy sufferers.
Both parent breeds of this cross have long hair; therefore, your canine could easily sport almost any of the stylish Poodle haircuts!
When it comes to their temperament, these mixed-breed dogs are very bright and caring, and they possess a great number of skills. However, they’d rather spend time sitting on their owners than going outside to exercise.
13. Irish Wolf Greyhound (Greyhound)

Photo from: @bumbleboy2017
Even though it doesn’t seem that way, Greyhounds and Irish Wolfhounds have a lot of things in common, including the fact that they’re both hunting dogs.
That’s why their crossbreeds usually have a high level of energy and a solid temperament, although they might seem a bit stubborn at times.
These pups do have a high prey instinct, which is great, but it might be the reason as to why your pup would prefer going to the woods or anywhere outside rather than staying indoors.
When it comes to their coat, Greyhounds have almost the same colors as Wolfhounds, even though they have different types of coat hair.
The Wolfie Greyhound mix usually has a short coat, but it’s not impossible to see one with medium to long hair.
However, despite being short-coated, Greyhounds still lose a great amount of hair which usually ends up all over the owner’s house.
Therefore, instead of putting yourself or anyone else around you in danger, consider getting another pup that is hypoallergenic.
14. Tibetan Wolfhound (Tibetan Mastiff)

There are many reasons why this crossbreed is considered impressive, but I’ll mention just a few in the paragraphs below.
At first, this pup might seem quite intimidating, usually because of the Tibetan Mastiff’s lion-like appearance combined with the Irish Wolfhound’s height.
However, they are as soft as feathers, especially toward children and their owner.
If you include early socialization and obedience training, you will get the perfect family companion that loves interacting not only with members of its family, but humans in general.
In terms of appearance, these pups are almost as big as Newfoundland Irish Wolfhounds, although the Tibetan Mastiff mix might be a bit shorter, but heavier than the Newfoundland cross.
READ NEXT: 13 Best Tibetan Mastiff Breeders In The U.S.
15. Golden Retriever Irish Wolfhound (Golden Retriever)

Photo from: @mmuschett
To me, it seems impossible to have a list of dog mixes that don’t contain a Golden Retriever. As one of the most popular dogs in the world, it’s actually difficult to find a canine mix without a Golden in it.
A combination of a hunting canine with a family pet will result in a wonderful furry family member that’ll do its best to protect you at all costs.
Both male and female Golden Retrievers have a calm temperament and a peaceful nature, and their Wolfhound crossbreed is the same.
These mixed pups usually don’t show any of the common health problems related to both breeds, but they might cause certain health issues as they shed quite a lot.
This is kind of expected, considering that Golden Retrievers aren’t hypoallergenic, and neither are Irish Wolfies.
When these two breeds combine, you get a puppy that is adorable, but with high grooming requirements.
Golden Retrievers usually require a bath every four to six weeks, but I’d suggest even earlier in order to prevent mats.
16. Irish Wolfhound Rottie (Rottweiler)

Photo from: @kaitymargaret
This type of combination can appear scary because of the Irish Wolfhound’s size, and the Rottweiler’s serious look, but they’re quite the opposite, actually!
Rottweilers are adorable pooches that are great with children, older family members, and other animals.
Rotties rarely show any sign of aggression, especially if they’re properly trained. The same goes for their crossbreed with Irish wolfhounds, which might be even more gentle than Rotts if that’s even possible.
Even though these two breeds are similar in size and weight, there are certain differences, which might include the stature of the canine rather than its height.
These pups aren’t difficult to train, but I would suggest you include some kind of reward that will motivate them even more. For example, a lot of Irish Wolfhound Rotties love treats for Rottweilers, so you won’t make a mistake with that!
17. Irish Wolfhound Lab (Labrador Retriever)

Photo from: @lorinicolini
Those who have dreamed of having an Irish Wolfhound in Labrador hues can finally say that their dream has come true!
Although these two breeds share some coat colors, it can be said that the Wolfhound Lab inherits the color gene from Labradors more than from Wolfies.
The combination of a Labrador and an Irish Wolfhound looks like a strong-built working dog that would never go inside the house.
However, the situation isn’t always like this, as these pups also love to lay around, which is why they need a cozy dog bed.
These pups have amazing intellect, a loving personality, and a calm temperament – and they’re really easy to love.
Unfortunately, these canines aren’t as easy to groom because they’re not hypoallergenic. Don’t blame Irish Wolfhounds only; Labradors shed just as much as they do.
18. Irish Dane (Great Dane)

Photo from: @finnanddougal
An Irish Dane isn’t a Dane person coming from Ireland, but it is a cross pup that has origins in Germany and Ireland.
Jokes aside, this crossbreed is a combination of two amazing large breeds – the Irish Wolfie and the Great Dane. These two pups were crossbred in order to get the best version with top-quality traits of all breeds.
Some puppies might be found in Great Dane shades, but they’re mostly found in gray, blue, or tan colors.
Irish Wolfhounds and Great Danes can grow to an impressive size, so it’s no surprise that the Great Dane mix can be as high as 35 inches.
Overall, this type of canine will always find a way to entertain you and all other family members. They are sweet, affectionate, and loving companions that’ll never leave your side.
19. Wolfman (Doberman Pinscher)

This type of crossbreed is a great-looking canine that inherited the best physical and personality traits from its parent breeds.
As both of its parents are quite big, it’s natural that the Wolfman will be the same; therefore, these canines won’t be able to show their full potential if they’re closed in a small apartment.
This mixed breed is interesting because of the coat type that resembles the Doberman in colors, but has long coat hair like the Irish Wolfhound.
Even though Dobermans don’t shed as much as other breeds, they aren’t exactly a low-shedding breed; therefore, there are low chances that you’ll get a hypoallergenic Wolfman.
This crossbreed looks magnificent indeed, and they also have an amazing personality.
20. Irish Mastiff (Mastiff)

Photo from: @sukey.the.irishmastiff
Although the Irish Mastiff would sound good as a purebred canine, the American Kennel Club (AKC) probably wouldn’t agree with it since they have a strict policy on the recognition of mixed-breed dogs.
However, both Mastiffs and Irish Wolfhounds are acknowledged by this organization.
According to the Mastiff’s AKC breed standard, this canine can grow up to 30 inches in height, which is a few inches less than the Irish Wolfhound.
Irish Mastiffs take after both their parents regarding size, so you can expect quite a giant, even if you just get a small Irish Mastiff puppy.
However, their size doesn’t depict their temperament. These canines have a peaceful nature and a solid personality.
However, they do require training just like every other breed on this list. Of course, the positive reinforcement method will always give the best results.
RELATED: North American Mastiff – A Gentle Giant Overview
21. Caucasian Shepherd Dog Irish Wolfhound (Caucasian Shepherd Dog)

This is highly unusual, and I’d dare to say one of the rarest Irish Wolfhound mixes on this list.
They share several similar traits, including their size and the appearance of their coat.
Caucasian pups generally mean business – they don’t mess around. Sometimes, these pups might seem too serious, but that‘s what makes them such good watchdogs and protectors, which is why they’re popular among farmers and shepherds.
The cross between a sighthound, such as the Irish Wolfhound breed, and a guardian like the Caucasian Shepherd Dog can only result in an extremely cautious pup that is alert 24/7.
That’s why this crossbreed might not be the best choice for inexperienced owners who might not have enough confidence to display dominance to the canine.
22. Great Wolfhound (Great Pyrenees)

Photo from: @wg_barklee
As you can see, the majority of Irish Wolfhound mixes are big dogs, which is no surprise considering that Irish Wolfies are large canines themselves.
The great Pyrenees might not be as big as the Irish Wolfhound, but they’re not far from them either.
Great Wolfhounds are big as well, but their size isn’t the only thing they’re recognized for. This Great Pyrenees mix is also known for its small hazel eyes and floppy ears that hang down.
These cross pups are generally good as family dogs, but they do require constant training and guidance in order to stay great pets.
Unfortunately, these crossbreeds aren’t a good fit for people who suffer from allergic reactions to dog hair because they come from heavy shedding Great Pyrs and Irish Wolfhounds.
23. American Bulldog and Irish Wolfhound Mix (American Bully)

This is one of the rarest and most unusual crosses on this list, but it just shows that even such combinations can produce a high-quality canine that can become a good family pet.
The American Bully is a strong and powerful canine that doesn’t have to be as tall as large breeds in order to be a good hunter.
Their agility and strength, together with the Irish Wolfhound’s height and prey drive, create an interesting American Bully mix.
These mixed-breed pups are very energetic, and they’re also fiercely loyal to their owner. However, they do require early training to enhance their social skills.
Unfortunately, since they’re so rare, it’s practically impossible to find breeders who sell this type of crossbreed.
However, you can check some of the American Bully breeders online to see if they have any American Bulldog and Irish Wolfhound mixed puppies.
What Are The Most Common Health Issues Of Irish Wolfhounds?

Just like any other breed, Irish Wolfhounds are prone to certain health conditions because of their gender, size, genetic background, and other factors.
One of the reasons why certain breeders and dog enthusiasts cross this breed with other dog breeds is health because it’s believed that hybrid canines have significantly fewer health issues than purebreds.
However, this theory is still waiting for approval from major dog experts.
Some of the most common health conditions that affect this type of canine are widely known as diseases that appear in other canine breeds. These include:
• Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA)
• Elbow and hip dysplasia
• Gastric torsion (bloat)
• Cardiovascular diseases
Wrapping Up
All of the Irish Wolfhound mixes have at least one distinctive feature that makes them unique among other crossbreeds on this list.
Finding every crossbreed on this list might be challenging, as crossbreeding is still quite a discussable topic within kennel clubs and experts from other important organizations.
The majority of mixed-breed pups are still not acknowledged by them, but since their popularity is rising, there is a high chance that this situation could change in the near future.
Either way, if you have already decided to get one of these Irish Wolfhound mixes, make sure that you get it from a reputable breeder who will be able to provide you with all the necessary information on its parent breeds.
How Much Does An Irish Wolfhound Cost? Crunching Numbers