When homeowners spotted two German Shepherd puppies cowering under the porch of their home in Cokato, Minnesota, they were both shocked and heartbroken.
They knew that the hopeless pups were looking for shelter since a blast of cold air brought freezing temperatures to their region.
It wasn’t the first time the homeowners saw these pups. They noticed them in the neighborhood a few days earlier but were unable to capture them since the puppies were too skittish.
This time, the puppies came to their porch, so the good people were happy to feed them and give them water. They also tried to lure them into their garage where they would be warmer, but the pups were not ready to trust them.
Rescuers Step In To Help

Thinking that the pups got lost, the homeowners shared a photo of them on Facebook, hoping that someone would recognize them and help them reunite with their owners.
Fortunately, Kendra Plashcko, development officer at Ruff Start Rescue, stumbled upon the post. Knowing that there was no time to waste due to frigid temperatures, she sprang into action.
She rushed to the family address and tried to lure the German Shepherd sisters from their hiding place, but they refused to budge.
Despite her efforts, Plashcko was unable to reach the puppies who were sitting underneath the middle of the porch.
She had no other choice but to come back for them the next morning.
Before Plaschko went home, she and the homeowners provided the puppies with food, water, and blankets.
In the morning, Plaschko returned, and this time, she had backup.
Meg Larson, the rescue’s intake manager, came with her. They brought rotisserie chicken and hoped to lure the puppies to safety.

When the puppies smelled the chicken, they simply couldn’t resist. For a brief moment, they forgot about their fear and got out of their hiding spot.
The pups seemed to have realized that the rescuers were just trying to help them.
Larson spoke to them in a soft voice. When the pups approached her, she gently grabbed them.
The Puppies Are Safe And Warm

Everyone was relieved when the pups were finally loaded into the car.
Although she wanted to warm the freezing puppies immediately, Larson had to do it gradually because of the dog’s safety. She knew that the sudden, drastic temperature would be too dangerous for them.
Larson examined Delta and Cleo realized that they were much younger than everyone previously thought. They were just twelve weeks old.
Although the dogs suffered from frostbite on their toes, snouts, and tongues, they were otherwise in a healthy state.
Larson took them home to foster them. Upon moving in with her, Delta and Cleo were extremely frightened and they hid in corners, trying to avoid interacting with humans.

When it comes to the dogs’ backstory, Larson thinks that they were born outside, possibly in a horse stall, and then driven to Cokato and left to fend for themselves in the freezing weather.
Larson was very patient and loving toward her foster pups. She sat with them on the floor and offered them food, trying to gain their trust.
Thriving In Their Foster Home

A week after being rescued, Delta and Cleo already made progress. They are still overwhelmed with fear, but they are slowly starting to come out of their shells.
Their foster mom enjoyed learning more about their different personalities.
“Cleo is the littler one, [and] she’s actually the bossy one, which is cute. The big one is Delta. She’s just kind of a goof,” Larson told The Dodo.
The first time the puppies let Larson stroke them, her eyes became filled with tears.
Delta and Cleo felt glad to feel their foster mom’s gentle touch and get many cuddles.

The puppies will stay with Larson for a few weeks until they regain strength and heal from their trauma.
When the sweet furballs make a full recovery, they will start looking for a forever home.
Until then, Delta and Cleo will be receiving a ton of love in their foster home.